Calculus Contract

Math 25/Grood
Spring 2016
Name: _____________________
Calculus Contract
Due Thursday, January 21
 Grade I’d like to earn in Math 25: __________________
 Grade I’d be happy earning in Math 25: ______________
 Grade I expect to earn in Math 25: __________________
OPTION I: I, the undersigned, give Professor Cheryl Grood the permission
to encourage, inspire, nag, cajole, urge, harangue, coax, entice, badger, and
torment me as needed so that I do my part in what is required to earn the
grade I’d like, specified above. I understand that at any time I may be
released from this contract and the pestering it entails by sending an email to
Professor Grood with the subject “Please VOID my contract.”
OPTION II: I, the undersigned, request that Professor Grood let me be*. I’ll
ask for help when and if I want it.
Professor Grood will do her best to honor this request, but she reserves the right to nag at her discretion...