Georgia Gwinnett College ITEC1001-2 Introduction to Computing Summer 2008 Course Information: Class Time: Monday-Thursday 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm Class Location: C1125 Contact Information: Instructor Name: Sonal Dekhane Office number: C2240 Cubicle: G Office phone: 678-407-5762 Cell phone: 678-516-6107 Email: Course description: Introduction to computers and applications software. Areas of study include: hardware, problem solving, programming and application packages such as word processing, spreadsheets, database systems and presentation software. Course prerequisites: None. Course goals: Understand the evolution of information technology and future trends. Describe the ethical issues surrounding the uses of digital information. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of various personal productivity software. Understand the functionality and interaction among the main hardware components of a computer and appropriate terminology. Describe different system and application software. Acquire basic knowledge of computer security, protection mechanisms and privacy threats on Internet. Understand the role of computing tools in supporting collaborative projects. Understand the principles of computer networking. Required text and supplies: Discovering Computers: Fundamentals Shelly, Cashman & Vermaat Fourth edition Thomson Course Technology ISBN: 1 4239 1209 8 Optional Text: Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Introductory Concepts and Techniques Shelly, Cashman and Quasney Thomson Course Technology ISBN: 1-4188-4342-3 Additional handouts will be provided if necessary. Grading policy: A=90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F=59% and below More information on other grades as specified in GGC catalog, page 14: W = indicates that a student was permitted to withdraw without penalty. Withdrawals without penalty will not be permitted after mid-semester except in cases of hardship as determined by the Registrar. WF = indicates withdrawal with penalty (0 quality points are factored into the grade-point average). WF may be assigned by an instructor prior to mid-semester if the student is not passing the course at the time of withdrawal. WF is also assigned for withdrawal after mid-semester (except for cases of hardship as determined by the Registrar). NOTE: THIS WILL AFFECT YOUR GRADE AND IN TURN MAY AFFECT YOUR HOPE SCHOLARSHIP Examinations: Three online tests Final Exam PPS Exams Group projects Class Participation Assignments Quizzes and labs 30% 20% 10% 15% 10% 5% 10% __________________ 100% NOTE: All work has to be done individually unless otherwise stated. All exams, quizzes, tests will be online, in-class, closed book, closed notes and to be done individually unless stated otherwise. Three tests will be conducted online and will have objective type questions. Quizzes (approximately 10) and lab exercises (1 every class) require individual effort. Lab exercises are designed to help students acquire proficiency in various personal productivity software. Quizzes will be used to reinforce the material discussed in class and will also include feedback questions regarding the students’ satisfaction with class structure and teaching techniques. Students’ response to feedback questions will not affect their score, but they have to answer these questions. Lab exercises should be completed during class hours. Quizzes will also be in-class, online and mostly unannounced/pop quiz. Class participation will require students to read material from the book or research material on the Internet and/or other sources as specified prior to coming to the class and can also include in-class discussions. The purpose of this is to enhance the students’ researching and oral communication skills. Group projects and assignments (approximately 10) will be used to allow the students to: Learn collaboration techniques Test proficiency in personal productivity software covered in class and lab exercises Inculcate effective presentation and written skills The students will form a team of 3-4 students in the first few weeks of the semester. The instructor may assign assignments, class discussion topics and group projects to these teams. NOTE: Unless an assessment is announced as group work, all work has to be done individually. For the final presentation project these self-selected teams will decide on a topic of their choice. The team will present their project in front of the class. The teams will have to discuss their topics with the instructor first to get it approved. The instructor will also help the teams decide on a topic if warranted. More details and specifications will be provided in class. Once again: Every class will have a lab exercise. Quizzes will be unannounced. All assessments will also be on WebCT calendar when they are announced. There will be NO extra-credit or make-up opportunities. If you miss a class, you will miss all assessments in that class (You can obtain them from the instructor for practice, but not for points). College Policies Regent’s policy statement The University System of Georgia requires that all students enrolled in undergraduate degree programs in University System institutions (including Georgia Gwinnett College) successfully complete all parts of a competency examination in reading and English composition. This competency examination is commonly called "the Regents' Test", and it is free of charge. A student has two attempts to pass this test before accumulating 45 hours of collegiate credit. Please sign up for the Regents' Test when you enroll in English 1102. Do this in time to have two attempts before accumulating 45 credit hours! Americans with disabilities act statement If you are a student who is disabled as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act and require assistance or support services, Please seek assistance through the Center for Disability Services. A CDS Counselor will coordinate those services. Equal opportunity statement No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, creed, national origin, age or disability, be excluded from employment or participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity conducted by Georgia Gwinnett College. Affirmative action statement Georgia Gwinnett College adheres to affirmative action policies designed to promote diversity and equal opportunity for all faculty and students. Academic respect The college exists to foster educational excellence. To this end, a classroom atmosphere that supports learning must be maintained. You are expected to be an active, attentive participant in the class. You are also expected to abide by class policies and procedures and to treat faculty and other students in a professional, respectful manner. Specifically you should silence your cell phone, turn off your music and refrain from text messaging or emailing during class. You are expected to be familiar with the student conduct code published in the Student Handbook. Honor Statement We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate the actions of those who do. School of Science and Technology Policies Attendance You are expected to attend every class. Failure to attend class will affect your grade. Special arrangements to take a regular exam early must be made in advance in writing. Early exams are available only at the instructor’s discretion and only under extreme circumstances. IF an emergency arises and you miss an exam you MUST notify your instructor on the same DAY as the exam. Notification by email, text or phone message is acceptable. At the instructor’s discretion, make-up work may have a different format or different content from the regular assignment and different grading scheme. Make-up work should be completed within two days of the original due date. Work missed due to unexcused absences will be given a grade of zero. Students who never attend a class by the end of the first two weeks of the term will be reported for non-attendance. Students who do not drop a class during the schedule adjustment period and are reported for nonattendance will be automatically dropped from that course. If you feel that you are unable to complete your courses due to illness or family emergency, contact the Registrar’s Office or the Office of Enrollment Management to attempt to withdraw from your courses without penalty. As stated in the GGC Catalog: “Students whose absences exceed twothirds of the total class meetings in a semester may be administratively withdrawn from the course by the instructor. This includes excused and unexcused absences. A student administratively withdrawn from a course due to excessive absences may re-enroll for that course in a subsequent semester during which the course is offered.” Course Changes: This course syllabus provides a general plan for this course. The professor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus, including changes to assignments, projects, examinations, etc., in order to accommodate the needs of the class as a whole and fulfill the goals of the course. Students should check WebCT and GGC email regularly, as course changes will always be announced and recorded on the course WebCT site. Instructor/Course Policies Academic Integrity: Unless explicitly identified as group assignment / group project, students are expected to work individually. When help from other sources such as books, magazines, journals or the Internet has been taken proper citation needs to be provided. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this class at all. A charge of academic dishonesty will result in zero grade for the work under consideration and the final grade will also be affected (For example, if the student’s final grade was A and the student is charged with academic dishonesty, the final grade awarded will be B). For more details on academic integrity please refer to GGC catalog, page 17. The catalog is available online at Office Hours: No office hours, but you are encouraged to make an appointment if you need help / advice or just want to chat. Email Policy: Use only your ggc email account. Emails from other personal accounts will not be answered. Email cannot be used as a tutorial. If you need help make an appointment, I will be more than happy to clear your doubts. Proper subject should be clearly stated in the email’s subject line. Expect a response within 24 hours. Cell phone use: If you decide to send text messages or give me a call do so from M-F between 8:00am – 6:00pm. Emails and text messages sent during weekends and before/after given time range may not receive immediate response Use of Facebook: In the first class you will add a Courses application to your Facebook account (only for these 5-6 weeks). Everything that is on this application will also be available on WebCT. Additionally, the following things will be available ONLY on WebCT: 1. Grades 2. Instructor’s comments on graded work 3. Quizzes, exams, labs, projects You are free to use either application for the common stuff. Irrespective of that decision you will be asked to maintain a daily log of your courserelated activities (format will be provided by the instructor). Tips for success in this course (and in others as well !!!) Attend all classes and be on time Take good notes Review material regularly Start working on assignments / projects from day ONE If you have a problem (any kind) TALK TO ME Interact with your class-mates and other students You are responsible for checking your ggc email and WebCT everyday ITEC 1001 Schedule Week 1. 2. Start Ch. Jun 23 Outside Internet sources Jun 24 1 Jun 25 2 Jun 26 3 Jun 30 4 Jul 1 4 Lecture Topic Collaboration (wiki, MS Outlook, Google Documents, Facebook) Introduction to computers Components Ethics Software Categories Applications in Society Internet and WWW Components Application software Business Graphics Personal Intro project software Components of system unit Hardware Components of system unit Hardware Jul 7 5 Jul 8 6 Jul 9 6 Jul 10 7 Build-A-Computer Lab Components of system unit Input and output Components of system unit Storage Components of system unit Storage Components of system unit Operating systems Jul 14 7 Components of system unit Operating systems Jul 3 4. Word Word Word Exam PowerPoint 8 Networking Devices Networks Test 1 (Chapters 1,2,3,4) PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint Exam Excel Excel Jul 15 Jul 16 Tests WebCT Vista Basics Word PowerPoint Jul 2 3. PPS Excel Test 2 (Chapters 5,6,7) Wireless 5. Jul 17 8 Jul 21 Jul 22 10 10 Networking Devices Networks Wireless Security & Ethics Security & Ethics Jul 23 Excel Excel Excel Exam Final Presentations Test 3 (Chapters 8, 10, collaboration) Jul 24 6. Review Jul 28 Jul 29-Aug 2 Final Exam NOTE: CHANGES MAY BE MADE TO THIS SCHEDULE AND THE REST OF THE SYLLABUS. THE STUDENTS WILL BE NOTIFIED IN ADVANCE OF ANY CHANGES ITEC1001 Goals and Outcomes Course Outcome Goals Understand the evolution of information technology and future trends Describe the ethical issues surrounding the uses of digital information Demonstrate proficiency in the use of various personal productivity software Understand the functionality and interaction among the main hardware components of a computer and appropriate terminology Acquire basic knowledge of computer security, protection mechanisms and privacy threats on Internet Understand the role of computing tools in supporting collaborative projects Understand the principles of computer networking General Education Outcomes Clearly communicate in written and oral form Demonstrate critical and creative thinking Demonstrate science literacy Understand and effectively use information technology Clearly communicate in written and oral form Demonstrate critical and creative thinking Clearly communicate in written and oral form Understand and effectively use information technology Clearly communicate in written and oral form Demonstrate critical and creative thinking Demonstrate science literacy Clearly communicate in written and oral form Demonstrate science literacy Understand and effectively use information technology Clearly communicate in written and oral form Demonstrate critical and creative thinking Understand and effectively use information technology Clearly communicate in written and oral form Demonstrate science literacy Understand and effectively use information technology ITEC 1001 Assessments Goals Understand the evolution of information technology and future trends Describe the ethical issues surrounding the uses of digital information Demonstrate proficiency in the use of various personal productivity software Understand the functionality and interaction among the main hardware components of a computer and appropriate terminology Acquire basic knowledge of computer security, protection mechanisms and privacy threats on Internet Understand the role of computing tools in supporting collaborative projects Assessments Coverage across three tests, class discussions, assignments, final project Test 3 Coverage across lab exercises and group project Coverage across three tests Coverage across three tests Test 3