Division of Student Affairs Strategic Learning Outcomes Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations Learning Outcome: Students involved in Student Congress will demonstrate the ability to compare and contrast information to make decisions (in the form of resolutions) for students and the University community through the resolutions process. Student Affairs Goal: (V) Provide a student-centered environment and one that advocates for student needs. University Planning Priority: (I) Provide a high quality educational environment that contributes to student academic achievement, timely graduation, and preparation to meet career goals. CAS Learning Domain: Knowledge acquisition, construction, integration, and application. Criteria for Success: The outcome will be successful when a decision-making rubric shows that for resolutions and debates, Student Congress has an overall score of “3” or higher (satisfactory). Assessment Plan: As resolutions are debated, Student Congress members will demonstrate they are using critical thinking skills as they make decisions. Scores on a rubric will indicate the majority of the members are analyzing and evaluating information during the resolutions process. Results will be totaled at the end of the Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 semester. Student Governance and Organizations Division of Student Affairs Strategic Learning Outcomes Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations Learning Outcome: Student organization officers utilizing student organization services will be able to identify University processes and procedures. Student Affairs Goal: (V) Provide a student-centered environment and one that advocates for student needs. University Planning Priority: (II) Provide an enriching university experience for all members of the UTA community. (VIII) Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of University operations. CAS Learning Domain: Practical Competence Criteria for Success: The outcome will be considered a success when the majority of participating student organization officers indicates through a Student Voice survey that their knowledge of organization-related University processes and procedures has increased. Assessment Plan: A survey will be administered during the Spring 2011 semester to gauge the overall level of increased knowledge of participants. Division of Student Affairs 5/19/2010 Page 2 of 7 Student Governance and Organizations Strategic Learning Outcomes Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations Learning Outcome: Freshmen Leaders on Campus (FLOC) program participants will be able to describe their leadership development based on their experiences in FLOC. Student Affairs Goal: (VII) Provide students with opportunities for personal development and academic and professional success. University Planning Priority: (I) Provide a high quality educational environment that contributes to student academic achievement, timely graduation and preparation to meet career goals. CAS Learning Domain: Intrapersonal development, Interpersonal competence Criteria for Success: The outcome will be considered a success when 75% of the members can describe their improvements in intrapersonal development and interpersonal competence. Assessment Plan: Following the completion of inventories (Kouzes and Posner, Kiersey Temperament, and Strengthsquest) and experiences in FLOC, a survey will be used to reflect FLOC members’ advancement of self-understanding and competence in leadership skills (such as collaboration, networking, and teamwork). The survey will be conducted in Spring 2011. 5/19/2010 Page 3 of 7 Student Governance and Organizations Division of Student Affairs Strategic Learning Outcomes Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations Learning Outcome: The members of the UT Arlington Ambassadors program will be able to identify effective communication techniques while addressing students, faculty, staff, and community members on UT Arlington’s history/traditions and performing Ambassador Program services. Student Affairs Goal: (VII) Provide students with opportunities for personal development and academic and professional success. University Planning Priority: (I) Provide a high quality educational environment that contributes to student academic achievement, timely graduation, and preparation to meet career goals. (II)Provide an enriching university experience for all members of the UTA community. CAS Learning Domain: Practical competence, Knowledge acquisition, construction, integration, and application Criteria for Success: The outcome will be a success when 75% of UTA Ambassadors are able to identify three effective communication techniques. The outcome will be a success when 75% of UTA Ambassadors self report an increase in communication abilities and confidence in addressing large groups. Assessment Plan: UTA Ambassadors will be asked on a survey/questionnaire to identify at least three effective communication techniques at the end of the Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 semesters. 5/19/2010 Page 4 of 7 Student Governance and Organizations Division of Student Affairs Strategic Learning Outcomes Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations Learning Outcome: Participants in the UTA-HOSTS! program will demonstrate knowledge of campus resources. Student Affairs Goal: (V) Provide a student-centered environment and one that advocates for students needs. University Planning Priority: (I) Provide a high quality educational environment that contributes to student academic achievement, timely graduation and preparation to meet career goals. CAS Learning Domain: Knowledge acquisition, construction, integration, and application Criteria for Success: The outcome will be a success when 60% or more of the mentees indicate their knowledge of educational resources and career assistance has increased. Assessment Plan: Mentees will be surveyed during the Spring 2011 semester. 5/19/2010 Page 5 of 7 Student Governance and Organizations Division of Student Affairs Strategic Learning Outcomes Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations Learning Outcome: Participants in the Graduate Student Senate will demonstrate the ability to compare and contrast information by investigating, writing and presenting resolutions. Student Affairs Goal: (V) Provide a student-centered environment and one that advocates for student needs. University Planning Priority: (I) Provide a high quality educational environment that contributes to student academic achievement, timely graduation and preparation to meet career goals. CAS Learning Domain: Knowledge acquisition, construction, integration, and application. Criteria for Success: The outcome will be considered a success when the Graduate Student Senate scores satisfactorily on a rubric. All essential points will be satisfactory (3 or higher) and on at least two of the five points, the Graduate Student Senate will score excellent (scored 5). These scores indicate the majority of the members of the Graduate Student Senate are comparing and contrasting information to make decisions through the resolutions process. Assessment Plan: Staff will utilize a rubric to assess the resolution/decision making process during the debates (2010-2011). As resolutions are passed or denied, members of the Graduate Student Senate will indicate they are using critical thinking skills as they make decisions. 5/19/2010 Page 6 of 7 Student Governance and Organizations Division of Student Affairs Strategic Learning Outcomes Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations Learning Outcome: Students participating in Ambassadors, Student Congress, the Graduate Student Senate, Constituency Councils, and Freshmen Leaders on Campus will apply leadership skills (i.e. delegation, motivation, conflict resolution) through experiential learning opportunities. Student Affairs Goal: (VII) Provide students with opportunities for personal development and academic and professional success. University Planning Priority: (I) Provide a high quality educational environment that contributes to student academic achievement, timely graduation, and preparation to meet career goals. CAS Learning Domain: Knowledge acquisition, construction, integration, and application. Criteria for Success: The outcome will be a success when the majority of students participating in Ambassadors, Student Congress, the Graduate Student Senate, Constituency Councils and Freshmen Leaders on Campus score “3” or higher on a leadership experiences rubric. Assessment Plan: Rubrics will be collected at the end of the Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 semesters. 5/19/2010 Page 7 of 7