83A 498c0919 Jessica 黃柏真 498c0917 陳意喨 498c0926 周黃宛琳

498c0919 Jessica 黃柏真
498c0917 陳意喨
498c0926 周黃宛琳
the fish dance restaurant copy in Japan it was like a dragonish fish as you has
dragged ,and you know what I mean when I say its style it's very distinct, he is one of
architecture pioneer who wasn't afraid to try new ideal, his designs are exciting and
expressional because they push us to explore possibilities. Specifically, how could we
describe his style? I can think of three words: resourceful, playful and innovative. It's
resourceful because of the building materials; it's playful because of brave colors and
fun designs. Like his story advance in California with dry but not humanness the
entries. And it's innovative because he said “goodbye” to traditional architecture and
experiment to with new ideals. And let’s look at these three descriptions while the