Staff Advisory Council (SAC) MONTHLY GENERAL COUNCIL MEETING – MINUTES Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 3:00 PM Upper Level Chambers, University Center Attendees: I. II. Kim Bennett Charles Biel Rebekah Black Cynthia Bradfield Kimberly Byington Sonya Darr Stephanie Edgett Edward Gonzalez (EAC rep) Hillary Green Kelian Hamedi (excused) Stacey Hunstable Bethany Jones Shahab Lawrence Mark Layshun Carla Monk Sam Montee Tammy Montgomery Anna Mroch Latoya Oduniyi Laura Penuel Kathleen Priester Patricia Quinones Matthew Torres Anthony Valdez Erica Waites Darlene Williams (excused) SAC Chair Stephanie Edgett called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM Guest Speaker Presentation—Gartner Campus Access a. Guest Speaker was Christianne Cipollaro, Gartner Representative b. Gartner campus access works with UTA OIT and provides services for the entire campus to use. i. Complimentary events and webinars on how to make good technology decisions. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. 1. Provides assistance with digital marketing to help UTA to be more effective ii. Helps with institutional effectiveness iii. Allows faculty to incorporate data/information into the curriculum iv. Website: Employee Advisory Council Update—EAC Representative Edward Gonzalez a. Council Initiatives i. One of the initiatives for the year dealt with workplace dynamics 1. Focus on bullying on campus (by peers and supervisors) ii. Presentations on the council initiatives go to the University of Texas System Board of Regents 1. This will be streamed online in the fall iii. Eunice Currie, Assistant Vice President of Human Resources and Development appoints the UTA representatives for EAC. iv. To submit ideas for EAC to work on for the 2015-2016 school year, email v. Website: SAC Voting Update a. A Letter from President Karbahari has gone out to Vice Presidents to encourage staff to participate in SAC. b. Letters will go out to people who have been nominated once voting has closed to see if they would like to accept the nomination. i. This year the voting is only for non-academic districts, next year voting will be only for academic districts. Compensation Study Update a. Study still pending review by administration. b. SAC asked the president’s office for better communication on this and similar issues. Campus Carry a. Each campus will have its own policies in regards to this, no word yet on what that will involve at UTA. SAC Chair and Co-Chair Meeting with President Karbhari a. President Karbhari would like to see examples of where we have either seen or experienced retaliation on campus. i. SAC has an anonymous suggestion box that you can use so that we can give examples to the administration: Dallas Morning News Workplace Survey a. Results from this are still pending. Re-hiring Vacancies a. Currently there are 104 job openings listed at UTA. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. b. Qualifications/pay discrepancy—many jobs take so long to fill because the requirements and qualifications are at a higher level than the salary being offered in many cases. What areas on campus don’t let staff participate in university events? a. If you know of one/work in one, please mention in the Suggestion Box Staff Recognition a. Higher salaries/promotions/merit raises b. Nominating staff members for campus/outside awards c. Giving a thank you to staff members! Genuine appreciation for hard work makes a difference. d. Inclusion in MavWire i. This has been asked for twice, and SAC has been told that staff need to do something of great significance (national award, etc.) for this to happen Open Executive Positions a. The descriptions for executive board positions on SAC were discussed, and current SAC board members shared their experiences with being on the board. Voting Next Meeting a. During the August meeting, SAC will vote in the executive board members for the 2015-2016 year. Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM by Stephanie Edgett. Minutes were recorded by Rebekah Black.