Montgomery County 400 Bridge Street, Suite 2 Red Oak, IA 51566-1402 712-623-2592 FAX 712-623-2594 E-mail: Web Site: The Green Gazette DATE: FEBRUARY–PART II Bill Drey Bill Drey Montgomery County Extension Program Coordinator HORSE JAMBOREE Come and join the excitement March 26 & 27, 2011 in Ames. The Youth Horse Jamboree is an opportunity for youth to participate in a host of activities. From hippology to quiz bowl, public speaking, and horseless horse projects including photography, visual arts, woodworking, creative writing, and others. Change for 2011: All Creative Writing projects need to be submitted to the State 4-H Office by March 1. This includes poetry, essay, short story entries only. 2nd Annual Silent Auction is back! Winners from the senior teams of Hippology, Quiz Bowl, and Public Speaking and Demonstration move on to the National Contest in Denver, Colorado! Exhibits must be delivered to the Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion, ISU, Ames between 8-9:00 a.m. on Saturday. Exhibits may be picked up from the Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion Saturday 5:00-7:00 p.m. or on Sunday before Noon. Registrations & payments are to be sent to Horse Jamboree Extension & 4-H Bldg ISU Ames, IA 50011-3630 IOWA STATE YOUTH HORSE JAMBOREE SCHEDULE March 26th and 27th Iowa State University, Ames, IA SILENT AUCTION SATURDAY MARCH 26TH, MORNING 8:00 am – 5:00 pm CONTEST CHECK-IN CONTEST STARTS ROOM (S) SENIOR HIPPOLOGY 8-8:30 pm 8:30 Orientation 8:45 pm Contest Starts CLOTHES HORSE 8:00 – 8:30 am Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion 104, 105, 107 Kildee Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion DRAWING 8:00 – 8:30 am Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion CREATIVE WRITING Short Story, Poems, Essays PAINTING 8:00 – 8:30 am Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion 8:00 – 8:30 am Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion PHOTOGRAPHY 8:00 – 8:30 am Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion POSTER 8:00 – 8:30 am Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion WOODWORKING 8:00 – 8:30 am Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL & TEAM DEMONSTRATIONS 9:30 am 10:00 am Contest Starts 1204 Kildee JUNIOR PUBLIC SPEAKING 9:30 am 10:00 am Contest Starts 1204 Kildee SATURDAY MARCH 26TH, AFTERNOON CONTEST CHECK-IN CONTEST STARTS ROOM (S) SENIOR INDIVIDUAL & TEAM DEMONSTRATIONS 1:00 pm 1:30 pm – Contest Starts 1204 Kildee SENIOR PUBLIC SPEAKING 1:00 pm 1:30 pm Orientation 1204 Kildee JUNIOR HIPPOLOGY 12:45 pm 1:00 pm Orientation Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion 104, 105, 107 Kildee 1:15 pm Contest Starts Immediately following Horseless Horse Judging & Hippology Scoring ~6:00 PM (or earlier) AWARDS CEREMONY Lush Auditorium SUNDAY MARCH 27TH CONTEST CHECK-IN CONTEST STARTS ROOM (S) HORSE QUIZ BOWL 8:00 – 8:30 am 8:30 am orientation 9:00 am Contest Starts Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion Room 105 Juniors Room 104 Junior Holding Room 107 Seniors Room 108 Senior Holding Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion QUIZ BOWL AWARDS Immediately following both contests MODEL HORSE SHOW Show starts 9:30 am 9:00 am Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion A Day Of Educational Workshops & More For 4-H Horse Leaders, 4-H Members, and Youth Interested In Horses, Parents, Relatives Etc.! A Day Of Educational Workshops & More For 4-H Horse Leaders, 4-H Members, and Youth Interested In Horses, Parents, Relatives Etc.! Time Presentation 9:00 Pasture Management for Horses – Dr. Stephen Barnhart 10:00 Colic in the Horse – Dr. Cody Alcott 11:00 Hoof Care – Jamey Carsel 1:00 What to look for when purchasing a horse? – Nikki Ferwerda 2:00 Secretariat Movie Food Saturday Breakfast – Coffee, rolls/doughnuts/bagels, and some drinks will be available for a small charge. Saturday Lunch Sunday Breakfast – Coffee, rolls/doughnuts/bagels, and some drinks will be available for a small charge. Sunday Lunch SILENT AUCTION Why? To Benefit the Iowa 4-H and Youth Equine Program Funds will be split between: o 4-H and Youth Equine Endowment o Winning Senior Hippology Team o Winning Senior Quiz Bowl Team o Winning Senior Horse Judging Team Where? At the Iowa 4-H and Youth Horse Jamboree Details Silent auction bids accepted until 5:00 pm on Saturday Winners can pay for and pick up their items at 6:00 pm on Saturday. Winners must be present to pick up item How to donate an item(s)? Each participant is invited to bring or send a donated item(s) for the Silent Auction (Please deliver your donated items to check-in) Businesses and individuals can bring to the jamboree or Send to Dr. Peggy Auwerda, 119 Kildee, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 COUNTY-WIDE 4-H ACTIVITIES The 4-H & Youth Committee and the County Council are looking for ideas for countywide activities. If you have ideas that tie in 4-H projects, please let Bill Drey know. POP TABS We are still collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Please bring your pop tabs to the Montgomery County Extension Office. We thank the clubs for participating last year. Seven 4-H clubs brought in pop tabs many times. 2011 Region 12, 17 & 18 Area 5th & 6th Grade 4-H Camp June 12-15 Take a ride on the "WILD" side and mark on your calendars to attend Area 4-H 5th & 6th Grade Junior Camp for Regions 12, 17 & 18, June 12-15, at the Iowa 4-H Camping Center near Madrid, Iowa. Experience the adventure and excitement of four days filled with 4-H camp traditions and favorite activities, including nature hikes, creek stomping, wall climbing, canoeing, camp songs, swimming, outdoor camping basics, and campfires! Learn to create cool crafts that work great as 4-H working exhibits. Bring a friend with you or make new ones! Camp will run from Sunday, June 12 at 3 p.m. until our closing ceremony at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 15. 4-H camps are open to ALL YOUTH – membership in a 4-H club is not a requirement – so bring a friend to share the experience! Area 4-H Junior camp is open to all Region 12, 17 & 18 youth who have completed grades 5 and 6 and will be held in Birch Village. The camp will be filled at 100 youth, so you will want to register early before it fills up. Registration, Parental Permission and Request for providing Medication at a 4-H Event form (if your camper will be bringing any medications with them) are available from the county extension office or downloaded from in Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF format. We will be using your Medical form filled out at the beginning of the 4-H Year provided to us by your county extension office. Please make sure you have it updated if needed. If you are not a current 4-H’er, you will need to fill out a Medical Info form found also at the Jr Camp Website above or from your ISU County Extension Office. Registration Deadline is May 27. Cost for the four day camp will be $145.00. Check with your County Extension office as most counties may have camp scholarships for 4-H’ers or financial help if needed. Please contact David Seilstad, phone: 712/644-2105 or email: if you have any questions on this camp or others offered at the Iowa 4-H Camping center: 2011 Camp Counselor Recruitment 4-H Newsletter Article GREAT friends… GREAT talks….. GREAT memories….. GREAT leadership opportunity…. GREAT for the resume and college application…. GREAT role model that your campers will look up to…. GREAT chance to help younger 4-H’ers grow in their skills…. What could be this GREAT? Being a counselor at 2011 Area 4-H 5th & 6th Grade Junior Camp for Regions 12, 17 & 18, June 1215 held at the State 4-H Camping Center in Madrid, Iowa. You just need to be a 4-H’er and age 16 by June 12 in time for camp. You will need to attend the two required training sessions in late May and early June. Counselors will head up to camp the day before campers arrive, Saturday, June 11 for a workday to finish preparations for camp as well as get familiar with the important programming sites on the camp grounds. Being a camp counselor is also a great leadership opportunity as you are building your resume for college scholarships and leadership roles at school. Fill out a counselor application from the county extension office and mail, fax or email it to the Harrison County Extension Office by Friday, April 1st to be considered for this year’s GREAT Camp Leadership Team. Camp is such a great experience and you can play a very important role in making this summer’s 2011 Area 4-H 5th & 6th Grade Junior Camp for Regions 12, 17 & 18, June 12-15 held at the State 4H Camping Center a wonderful memory for the 8-10 young people in your cabin. You will make lasting friendships with your fellow counselors and really enjoy the late night talks with your campers as they look to you as their leader and mentor. This opportunity is available to all Senior 4-H members who are 16 years old or older in time for camp. At Area 5th & 6th grade Junior 4-H Camp you will get a chance to experience climbing and rappelling down the 50 ft. tower; canoeing down the river; taking your cabin through the Challenge TeamBuilding Course where everyone must work together to succeed; do the awesome ooey-gooey-squishycreek walk; find out what wildlife are out at night during night hikes; lead your team in water balloon volleyball; plan campfire songs and skits, and lots, lots, more. Just fill out an Area 5th & 6th grade Junior Camp Counselor application and mail it or email it to the Harrison County Extension Office by Friday, April 1st to be considered for this year’s camp. You will need to attend the two required training sessions in late May and early June. Counselors will head up to camp the day before campers arrive, Saturday, June 11 for a workday to finish preparations for camp as well as get familiar with the important programming sites on the camp grounds. Make sure you have your 4-H Member Medical Information form on file in your county extension office as we will be requesting it if you are selected to be a counselor for 2011. Being a camp counselor is also a great leadership opportunity as you are building your resume for college scholarships and leadership roles at school. In 4-H Spirit, STATE FAIR SWINE EXHIBITORS If you are planning on exhibiting swine at the state fair, you need to let the Extension Office in March by filling out the intent to participate form you will be receiving in the mail. Statewide Veterinary Medicine Workshop for 7-12th Graders February 26th, 2011 Are you in middle or high school? Are you interested in finding out about careers in veterinary medicine? Join current veterinary students for a day of hands-on activities and interactive sessions. The day will be packed full of workshops including suturing, anatomy, pathology, and food safety. Information on how to get in to veterinary school and about the day in the life of a veterinarian will be presented. This will be an excellent chance to meet a mentor in the field of veterinary medicine. Whether you are interested in pursuing a career in a veterinary related field or just seeing what veterinary medicine has to offer, this is an event you do not want to miss. The cost of the attendance will be $10 per participant this year to cover the costs of supplies and lunch. Registration will be limited to the first 120 participants. Get your registration in soon, as last year the event filled up well before the deadline! This event is put on with the help of the Veterinary Student Mixed Animal Recruitment Team (VSMART). Registration will begin at 9:00am at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine. The day will wrap up by 3:00pm. Directions and a complete schedule of activities will be mailed to participants prior to the event. Please e-mail: with questions. ___________________________________________________________________________________ __ Please return this form by February 5th, 2010. Registration forms and $10 cash or check (made out to Courtney Blake) should be sent to: Courtney Blake 218 Apple Pl. Ames, Iowa 50010 First Name: ______________________ Last Name: _______________________ Grade in School: _____ Address: _____________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: ___________ Zip: ____________ Email: ________________________________ Phone number: (____)_____________ County: ____________________ Special dietary needs: ___________________________________________________________ Is there a certain skill or topic that you are interested in exploring at this event? 2011 IOWA BEEF EXPO LIVESTOCK JUDGING CONTEST Dear Coaches, We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the 2011 Iowa Beef Expo Livestock Judging Contest. We hope that your judging season is off to a great start as the spring season begins to unfold. As in the past, the contest will consist of 10 classes of cattle and six sets of oral reasons for the College Division; the 4-H/FFA Division will give three sets of reasons. Cattle classes will be selected from Iowa Beef Expo entries and presented on halter if at all possible. Performance data will be available and used where applicable. There will be separate Junior and Senior College divisions along with a 4-H/FFA Division. Ties will be broken by the traditional method. Teams will consist of four members where all individual scores contribute to the team score. Each school is welcome to bring more than one team as well as extra individuals. All contestants are eligible for individual awards. Registration will be held in the Gammon Barn, located east of the Livestock Pavilion the morning of Sunday February 13th between 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. with the contest starting promptly at 9:00 a.m. Again this Year: We invite all teams to wear casual attire for the contest. Collegiate reasons will be given at Southeast Polk High School, which is located approximately 7 miles east of the Iowa State Fairgrounds on Highway 163. 4-H/FFA reasons will be given in the Livestock Pavilion. The official critique and results will follow shortly after the conclusion of the reasons session. Contestants are responsible for making their own lodging accommodations, if needed. The Iowa Beef Expo Headquarter Hotel is Sleep Inn & Suites and their number is 515-299-9922 please ask for the Iowa Beef Expo rate. Please find the enclosed team registration form that should be mailed to Mindy Campfield. Entry fees are $75 College team and $20 per individual or $45 4-H/FFA Team and $15 per individual, and can be paid either with the return of the registration form or during registration the morning of the contest. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Our goal is to put together a high quality and competitive event. I hope you will be able to join us at the Iowa Beef Expo on February 13, 2011. Sincerely, Mindy Campfield Executive Director Iowa Beef Breeds Council 515-966-0075 R Jon DeClerck Department of Animal Science 515-294-5910 Iowa Beef Expo Livestock Judging Contest Registration Form School/Team Name: _____________________________________________________________ Coach’s Information Name: ______________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: _____________ Zip: ________________________ Email Address: __________________________________________________________________ Number of teams planning to enter: __________ Entry Fees: $_________________ Number of additional individuals: ___________ Entry Fees: $_________________ Total Fees: $_________________ Collegiate Entry Fees: $75 per team; $20 per individual 4-H/FFA Entry Fees: $45 per team; $15 per individual TEAM MEMBERS: 1. ___________________________________________________ (If not known at this time, Please send them ASAP) 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________ *Please return registration form to: Iowa Beef Expo Mindy Campfield 11281 SE 56th Avenue Runnells, IA 50237 515-966-0075 phone or 515-966-0074 fax PROJECT MATERIALS Each club should have a club library containing 1 copy of each publication available to 4H’ers. These materials are available for you to check out through your club. If you would like to order any of these materials, please contact the Extension Office. These publications are available to members at cost. 4-H SLOGAN 4-H has had several slogans depending on the part of the county that you live in. Usually slogans are developed by members when planning club programs or activities. Some of the more common slogans are: “Learn by doing.” “To beat my own best record.” “To win without bragging, to lose without squealing.” “Be your best exhibitor.” “Plan our work and work our plan.” MONTGOMERY COUNTY FAIR JULY 19-24, 2011 What are the H’s? It wasn't until 1907 when Jessie Field Shambaugh, from Page County, and superintendent of Wright County Schools, O.H. Benson, started using a three-leaf clover for the identity of boys and girls clubs. The 3 H's were for; Head (was trained to think plan and reason); Heart (to be kind true and sympathetic); and Hand (to be useful, helpful, and skillful). It wasn't until 1911 when O.H. Benson worked in Washington D.C. that the idea of the four-leaf clover came into play. He suggested the fourth "H" to stand for Health (to resist disease, enjoy life, and make for efficiency). Those are the four H's on the four-leaf clover. 4-H Member Use of the 4-H Name and Emblem As a member of the organization, 4-H members are encouraged to use the 4-H emblem. The 4-H emblem means a four-leaf clover, with an H on each leaf. The 4-H name and emblem are protected under the United States Code. 4-H members may use the 4-H emblem by following these guidelines: No printing or design can cover or be super-imposed over any part of the emblem Traditional color for the 4-H clover is green with the Hs in white or gold. The stem of the 4-H clover curves to the right (when viewed). The proportions of the 4-H clover may not be altered. Items including or containing the 4-H emblem cannot be sold for personal profit. Contact your county extension office if your 4-H club is planning a fund raising activity. There are very specific guidelines that must be followed when using the 4-H name and emblem in fund raising activities. When using the 4-H emblem include 18 U.S.C. 707 to the right of the stem. (Contact your county extension office for graphics showing proper use) There are limited exceptions to this guideline. Contact your county extension office for additional information. Before using the 4-H clover on commercially printed apparel or other marketing items, contact your county extension office for appropriate graphic files and color codes. To ensure proper use of the emblem, obtain approval of your design from the county extension office prior to ordering any items. Complete information regarding use of the 4-H clover can be found in the 4-H Name and Emblem: Guidelines for Authorized Use as published by the USDA. Contact your county extension office for information on viewing this document. Your county office can also help you obtain 4-H clover decals and locate approved electronic files containing the 4-H emblem for your use. 4-H’ERS FOR 4-H CAMPAIGN We are encouraging each club to participate. The goal is $2.75 per member from every club. We need your club contributions by May 1st. 2010 4-H’ers for 4-H Campaign to Ask for 25¢ More! The finance committee of the State 4-H Council will ask 4-H clubs to help celebrate 25 years of the Iowa 4-H’ers for 4-H Campaign by donating 25 cents more this year. The 2010 campaign goal is to raise $2.75 per member to support statewide 4-H programs and activities that directly benefit Iowa 4-H members. 4-H clubs that meet the new goal will receive a special 25th anniversary recognition certificate. Top contributing counties will be recognized at the State 4-H Youth Conference in June. Complete campaign information will be available to county offices in early February. IOWA STATE FAIR August 11-21, 2011 SHEEP and GOAT SCRAPIE Scrapie is a disease of the central nervous system in sheep and goats. It is always fatal and there is no cure for it. Sheep and goats are usually exposed to it when they are newborns, but don’t show symptoms until they are older. A national program to eradicate SCRAPIE has been put into effect and will affect 4-H and FFA members enrolled in the sheep and goat projects. Health requirements for exhibiting at county fairs just issued by the Iowa Department of Agriculture states that “All sexually intact sheep and goats must have an individual Scrapie Flock of Origin identification tag.” This means that breeding ewes, breeding goats as well as market ewes that show at fairs will need to have this special tag. If you purchase lambs and/or goats, be sure that any ewe lamb and/or does purchased has a Scrapie flock tag in their ear when you purchase them. This includes breeding ewes, breeding goats and market ewes. DO NOT BUY ANY EWE LAMBS OR DOES THAT DO NOT HAVE THE TAGS !!!! If you or your family have your own ewe flock (home raised) or goat herd, you must tag your ewes or goats yourself before they can show at the county fair. Tags can be ordered by calling 1-866-8732824 and are free of charge. All ram lambs, rams and male goats also need to be tagged. No one will be allowed to show without the proper tags!!!! 4-H’ers enrolled in sheep and goat projects will be receiving additional information before sheep weigh-in. If you have any questions please call Bill Drey at the Extension Office. STATE VOLUNTEER RETREAT This retreat brings together 4-H volunteers, staff, parents, and intermediate and senior 4-H members to network and learn about innovative programs that will help bring fresh perspectives and activities to Iowa 4-H programs. Friday evening, February 11, is a networking/fellowship type gathering with hands-on activities. Workshops and networking fill the day on Saturday, February 12. A wide variety of workshop sessions will meet the needs of both new and experienced volunteers, staff, and 4-H members. Thanks to a grant from Monsanto, the registration fee this year is only $10 and includes lunch and snacks. This year’s Retreat is hosted by DMACC Continuing Education, and sponsored by ISU Extension. All activities, Friday evening and Saturday, will take place at the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) Campus in Ankeny. It is located a few miles off I-80 and I-35 north of Des Moines. The registration fee covers sessions during the time you are registered, a snack on Friday evening and snacks and lunch on Saturday. DMACC will provide general CEU credit for attending the sessions. If you are traveling from a distance and attending both Friday and Saturday, check the registration information on the website for hotel arrangements on Friday night. It is especially important to register early to get your first choice of sessions! Send registrations to the address on the registration form by the following dates: Early Bird registrations with a postmark on or before January 21: $10.00 Late Registrations with a postmark from January 22-January 28: $15.00 Payment should be included – unless your county is paying your fee. If that is the case, don’t wait for the county check, just indicate payment by county and mail in your registration from. No refunds will be given on cancellations after February 4. Further information will be sent about February 1st. If you have questions, please contact Ruth at, or 515-964-1965. Come join us for a great weekend of fun and learning! CLUB NEWS LINCOLN HUSTLERS The January meeting of the Lincoln Hustlers 4-H Club was held on January 9th 2011 at the Wales Church. The meeting was called to order by President Evan Mellott at 5:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dakota McMann. Roll call was given by Jessie Hemphill. The meeting minutes from the December meeting were then read by Jessie Hemphill, with Hannah Sunquist making a motion to approve the minutes and then were seconded by Hayden VanMeter. The treasurer’s report was then given by Hayden VanMeter. There was then a motion by Clayton Sunquist to approve the treasurer’s report and a 2nd was given by Katie VanMeter. The new business was then discussed. The Club decided to have 2 teams in the Montgomery County Volleyball tournament. The Club also decided to have a booth at Family Fun night in March. Presentations were then given by Jessie Hemphill on dog training, Dakota McMann on mad libs book, Tyler McMann on how to make a marshmallow shooter, and Brooke Janssen on how to make coco mix. Refreshments were then provided by the Parker and Mellott families. Katie VanMeter-reporter Lincoln Hustlers 4-H Club EAST SUNRISERS The East Sunrisers 4-H Club held a meeting on Wednesday, January 5, 2011 at the Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in Villisca. The adopt-a-family committee told the club what gifts were purchased for the family that was chosen. The new camera was shown to the members of the club. Club members were reminded of the beef weigh-in on January 8th. Officers were asked if they would like to take part in a team building activity on January 23rd. The meeting for first year members will be held at the county extension office on January 23rd. The club members discussed the possibility of selling Watkins as a fundraising activity. Members also discussed places that they would like to go for a tour and what places members would like to go for a fun day. A committee was formed to come up with ideas for a fun day activity. Presentations were given by Katelyn Kernen and Brooke Gay. They were also hosts for the January meeting. The club members did an educational activity about what a project is and what an exhibit is. After the business meeting the club made soup jars for the senior citizens and played a game called, “Cotton Ball Shot Put”. East Sunrisers Club Reporter Dylan Pafford SHERMAN OVERALLS The following officers will be attending David Seilstad's workshop: Katie Jordan, Tanner Allensworth, Tatum Allensworth, Justin Bernard, Colin Bruce, Haley Woods and Courtney Marsden (didn't get an answer from Justin Marsden) I was wondering if leaders may attend as well? Our club will be participating in the annual 4-H volleyball tournament on Feb.6th. I will bring a check and the volleyball form to the extension office with my check for the 4-H Night at the Omaha Lancer's Hockey game. Some of our members will be attending the 4-H Night at the Omaha Lancer's. I told members to take their money to the extension office by January 26th. STANTON STRIVERS During the month of December we caroled at the Stanton Care Center. We also had our Christmas party and exchanged gifts. Our club also donated money to families in need for Christmas. The Stanton Strivers 4-h club had their regular meeting January 8th. We had a basketball concession stand January 8th at the High School Gym. During this meeting we talked about recycling things (crayons, markers, notebooks, etc.) for the Child Resource Center in Stanton. Thanks, Alix Kammerer FREMONT COUNTY 4-H RABBIT SHOW Sponsored by Fremont County 4-H Saturday, March 26, 2011 Sidney, Iowa – Fremont County Fairgrounds Rules for Fremont County 4-H Rabbit Show 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bring all rabbits in solid floor carrier. Youth must show the rabbit, carry it to table. Youth must be under 19 years old. Breeds with smaller number of entries or color varieties may be combined. All rabbits must be shown in the name of the owner. All animals will be checked. Show officials reserve the right to reject any entry due to health problems. 7. Entries due by March 16 for the 2.00 fee per rabbit. 8. Entry fees are 2.00 per rabbit. Make checks payable to the Fremont County Extension Office. Day of show late entry fees will be $3.00 per rabbit. 9. Each rabbit must have permanent ear tattoo. 10. Show officials will not be held responsible for theft or injury to animals or exhibitors. 11. Animals will be judged by A.R.B.A. breed standards. 12. Have Fun!!! Sponsored by Fremont County 4-H Saturday, March 26, 2011 Sidney, Iowa – Fremont County Fairgrounds Name Phone Address 4-H Club Breed (ex- Satin, Mini Rex) County Variety (ex -Broken, Red, White) Sex (Buck, Doe) Tattoo # (ex -1234, 4321) Class 6- Sr, Int, Jr 4- Jr, Sr. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 # of Classes X $2.00 = Total Entry Registration Deadline: March 16 will be $2.00 per rabbit and Late Registrations will be $3.00 per rabbit. Register for the Fremont County Rabbit Show at: Fremont County Extension Office PO Box 420 610 Clay Street Sidney, IA 51652 712-374-2351 For more information on the show please contact Lori Severn, Rabbit Superintendent, at 712-308-2489. What Is 4-H? 4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills as they work in partnership with caring adults. What does that mean? In 4-H we are committed to helping young people develop skills that will help them succeed. We want to empower all youth to reach their full potential. 4-H Is Hands-on Learning In 4-H youth learn by doing projects that are designed to fit their needs at different ages. Learn about the variety of projects from food to forestry, rockets and rabbits. 4-H gives kids and teens all kinds of opportunities to experience life skills, to practice them, and be able to use them throughout their lifetime. 4-H teaches young people how to meet their needs for belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity in positive ways. In 4-H we work with young people in a variety of settings including schools, day camps, overnight camps, afterschool, clubs, and other learning environments. 4-H Is Based on Research 4-H Youth Development is part of Iowa State University Extension. ISU Extension research shows that Iowa youth credit their 4-H clubs with making them better citizens, leaders, and communicators. Research from Tufts University shows that 4-H youth are competent, confident, caring, and connected, and that they exhibit strong character. The Tufts study shows that 4-H’ers contribute more to their families and communities, achieve higher grades in school and are more likely to go to college than youth who are not in 4-H, or even youth who participate in other out-of-school programs. In addition, youth involved in 4-H lead healthier, more productive lives, are less likely to suffer from depression and are less likely to participate in risky behaviors like drinking and smoking. The Four H's It wasn't until 1907 when Jessie Field Shambaugh, from Page County, and superintendent of Wright County Schools, O.H. Benson, started using a three leaf clover for the identity of boys and girls clubs. The three H's were for: Head (was trained to think plan and reason); Heart (to be kind true and sympathetic); and Hands (to be useful, helpful, and skillful). In 1911, when O.H. Benson worked in Washington D.C., the idea of the four-leaf clover came into play. He suggested the fourth "H" to stand for Health (to resist disease, enjoy life, and make for efficiency). Those are the four H's on the four-leaf clover. Upcoming Items and 4-H Events: Feb. 1 Feb. 3 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 13-20 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 17 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 LEGO—4:00 p.m.—Extension Office LEGO—4:00 p.m.—Truka’s place Montgomery County Interagency Meeting—8:30 a.m.—Extension Office Healthy Meals in A Hurry—9:00 a.m.—Villisca VITA—9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.—Extension Office Montgomery County 4-H Volleyball—1:00 p.m.—Red Oak Middle School Master Gardener Club Meeting—7:00 p.m.—Red Oak Park Building LEGO—4:00 p.m.—Extension Office Horse Meeting—6:00 p.m.—White Fair Building Commercial Ag CIC—9:00 a.m.—Extension Office LEGO—4:00 p.m.—Extension Office VITA—9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.—Extension Office Iowa Beef Expo—Des Moines—State Fairgrounds Montgomery County Extension Council Meeting—5:30 p.m.—Ext. Office LEGO—4:00 p.m.—Extension Office 4-H & Youth Committee Meeting—7:00 p.m.—Extension Office LEGO—4:00 p.m.—Extension Office VITA—9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.—Extension Office Air Rifle Practice—2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.—Goldsmith Gallery Spend Smart Eat Smart—6:30 p.m.—Extension Office Seed Treatment CIC—9:00 a.m.—Extension Office Mont. County 4-H Clover Kids—5:00 p.m.—Extension Office FSQA training—8:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m.—Extension Office Air Rifle Practice—2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.—Goldsmith Gallery Spend Smart Eat Smart—6:30 p.m.—Extension Office Montgomery County Extension Office 400 Bridge Street, Suite 2 Red Oak, IA 51566 Return Service Requested