E-Dairy News and Views In This Edition March 2015 Herd in the Barn Spring Manure Issues for Dairies Spring Events Additional Information Visit Online | ISU Extension and Outreach | ISU Herd in the Barn Contact Ryan Breuer Named Dairy Specialist for Northwest Iowa Veterinarian to join ISU Extension and Outreach Dairy Team ISU Extension and Outreach Dairy Field Specialists Jenn Bentley (NE) WELCOME RYAN BREUER! Ryan Breuer is the new dairy specialist for ISUEO, serving 23 counties in NW Iowa while officed in the Sioux County Extension office in Orange City. He fills the position formerly held by Kevin Lager. Leo Timms, Iowa State Morrill professor in the Dept. of Animal Science and Extension dairy specialist said the dairy industry in NE Iowa is progressive. "Breuer has the dairy farm background and veterinary expertise giving the support they need to flourish. I see him as highly enthusiastic and yearning to learn, taking his education a step further by collaborating with dairy owners," said Timms. Read more of Breuer's background and position on the ISU Extension website: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/node/29016 563-382-2949, jbentley@iastate.edu Ryan Breuer, DVM (NW) 712-737-4230 rmbreuer@iastate.ed u Larry Tranel (NE/SE) 563-583-6496, tranel@iastate.edu ISU State Dairy Extension and Outreach Specialists Dr. Leo Timms, 515294-4522, ltimms@iastate.edu Dr. Jan. Shearer, 515-294-3731, jks@iastate.edu Spring Manure Issues for Dairies Dr. Dan Andersen, Assistant Professor, Ag and Biosystems Engineer Another spring is arriving, and with it a time of preparation - field work, spring planting, moving calves around, and the like. There is lots to do to get ready, but now is also the time to inspect your farmstead to make sure you are prepared for the challenging conditions that snow melt and spring rains can provide. Read more on Spring Manure Issues for Dairies Upcoming Events/Information 2015 Central Plains Dairy Expo Sioux Falls, SD March 24-26 This year, both the Convention Center and the Arena will be filled with 300+ exhibitors, all displaying new products, services and equipment for milk producers, calf and heifer growers and dairy beef feedlot operators. As well as the trade-show, breakout sessions will be offered through out the day on March 25 & 26. www.centralplainsdairy.com/index.htm Dairy Calf and Heifer Association Conference Madison, WI March 31-April 1 The association's annual conference provides the latest in industry happenings, calf and heifer management demonstrations and unmatched networking opportunities. DCHA Conference Agenda New for 2015! Heartbeat of the FARM: Human Resource Management A 4-session course designed to give women strategies for effectively managing family and employees. At the end of the four weeks, participants will know more about: Employee Supply, Recruitment, and Laws Interpersonal, Family, and Business Communications Employee Supervision and Retention Health, Stress, and Well-being This course will be held in 4 different locations throughout Iowa. It is currently underway in NE Iowa. The next offering is located in Orange city at the Sioux County Extension Office starting April 7 and continuing April 14, 28, and May 5 from 11-2:30 pm. Heartbeat of the FARM: Human Resource Management BROCHURE Other dates/sites can be found at: http://www.aep.iastate.edu/annie/ 2015 Youth Dairy Coalition This event is designed to bring youth, ages 10-18, with an interest in the dairy industry together. This is the 21st year for the Coalition and it has had hundreds of past participants. Youth taking part in this activity not only find themselves learning about the dairy industry, but also meeting new friends and developing their leadership and communication skills. This year's event will be held April 10-11th at the Comfort Inn and Suites in Dyersville, IA. More information and registration materials can be found at: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/dairyteam/youth First Farm Solar Workshop to Share Incentives, Best Practices While some Northeast Iowa farmers have already taken advantage of renewable energies, others are looking for the inside track on technologies, trends, and economics. Thus, the Winneshiek Energy District, Iowa’s Dairy Center and Northeast Iowa Community College will host a Farm Solar ‘How-To’ Workshop at Iowa’s Dairy Center on April 10th at 1:00 p.m. Presenters will share the steps to installing a solar system, explain tax incentives and payback times, and discuss why farms should incorporate efficiency measures in tandem with renewable installations. A group of experts including tax professionals, solar installers, and farmers with solar arrays will be on hand to share key information and answer questions. A solar expo featuring local solar installers will immediately follow the workshop. There is no cost to attend, but pre-registration is required. An expo and light refreshments will follow. To learn more and to register, visit www.energydistrict.org and click on ‘Farm Solar Workshop,’ or contact Kayla Koether at kayla@energydistrict.org or (563)880-6873. Upcoming-April 8 & May 5 -Great River Graziers Pasture Walk & Facilitated Discussion Groups The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Many materials can be made available in alternative formats for ADA clients. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 202509410 or call 202-720-5964.