ITEC2110 Spring 2008 Test 4: WrapUp and Copyrights, Dr. Jim Rowan In keeping with the GGC academic integrity policy I will not discuss the contents of this test with anyone until after the tests have been returned. This is the QUESTION SHEET. Put your name and your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. 1) Who is credited with the invention of TCP and DNS which qualified them as the founder of the Internet? 2) The URL has 3 distinct parts. Name one of those parts that is not the Domain Name. 3) What part of the Internet is responsible for translating the Domain Name into the IP? 4) When using the Internet you are directing a conversation that occurs between two computers, the CLIENT and the SERVER. Your browser is which one of these? 5) Image5 is a graph that shows the frequency and amplitude of a pipe organ playing a single note. Image 6 shows it after it has been passed through what kind of filter? 6) Image5 is a graph that shows the frequency and amplitude of a pipe organ playing a single note. Image 7 shows it after it has been passed through what kind of filter? 7) Image5 is a graph that shows the frequency and amplitude of a pipe organ playing a single note. Image 8 shows it after it has been passed through what kind of filter? 8) Whose pioneering work at XEROX PARC resulted in the creation of the desktop metaphor in 1978, work seen by Steven Jobs how turned it into the Macintosh computer? 9) Looking at the directory structure of shown in image13 what is the file number of the file that would be retrieved from the server if you entered the following URL in your browser? 10) Looking at the directory structure of shown in image13 what is the file number of the file that would be retrieved from the server if you entered the following URL in your browser? 11) Some music is not controlled or owned by anyone. Classical music is one example. In copyright terms, what do we call this type of music? 12) In a traditional, html-based website what is the filename of the home page? 13) Name one reason that the “poor man’s copyright” does not provide any copyright protection in the USA. 14) Give the 4 factors that determine whether the work was used with Fair Use. 15) Fair use allows you to use someone’s copyrighted material as long as you request and receive permission from the copyright holder. 16) Who is credited with saying “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” 17) In order for a work to be protected by copyright, the copyright symbol must appear on the work. 18) Who is credited with the invention of the wiki? 19) Image2 shows a recording of human speech. If the gain is set too low when the recording is made, instead of looking like image2 it might look more like Image 1. What do we say has happened in image1? 20) It is legal to link to content that is illegal? 21) What protects online service providers and internet service providers from copyright infringement perpetrated by those using their services? 22) __________________ protects online service providers against copyright liability if they follow certain rules. 23) The fair use doctrine stems from which constitutional amendment? 24) Aside from environmental sound, what are two functionally and uniquely different types of sound discussed in this class? 25) You bring your iPod stereo with you to listen to some tunes when you reach the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. Why might the music sound a bit different than it sounded earlier this year when you were hanging out at Daytona Beach?