GGC 1000 Rubric for Final Reflective/Reaction Paper Course Outcomes: Understand and articulate academic experiences of success in college. Understand and articulate the social, emotional, physical, and financial issues that contribute to or detract from success in college. Access College academic and student life support resources. 5 The student will demonstrate understanding by defining and giving examples of academic success in college. Definition includes a specific description and at least three examples are given. The student provides examples of a contributing and detracting issue in each of the areas; social, emotional, physical and financial. The student will give an example and description of a resource contributing to success in each of the three areas of their lives: Personal Life Academic Life Community Life 4 Definition of academic success is more general in nature and only two examples are provided. 3 The definition is based on vague comments and only one example is provided. 2 The definition or examples are missing. 1 The definition and examples are both either missing or do not describe success in college. The student provides one example (either contributing or detracting) for each of the areas: social, emotional, physical and financial. The student will give an example and description of a resource contribution to success in two of the three areas. The student provides either a contributing or detracting example for three of the areas; social, emotional, physical or emotional. The student provides one example either a contributing or detracting example for two of the areas: social, emotional, physical or emotional. The student provides only one example of a resource and does not provide a connection description. The student provides either a contributing or detracting example for one of the areas; social, emotional, physical or financial. The student will give an example and description of a resource contributing to success in one of the three areas. The student does not identify resources that contribute to academic and student life success in college.