Vice Provost & Director of University Libraries REMINDER: Candidate Presentations/Open Forums: 9/30/2015

1 Training
8 University News
9 Exhibits
REMINDER: Candidate Presentations/Open Forums:
Vice Provost & Director of University Libraries
The Search Committee for the Vice Provost & Director of University Libraries invites you
to attend the candidate presentations and open forums (for the campus community) with
three final candidates.
(For Libraries Faculty & Staff)
Damon Jaggars
Thursday, October 1, 2015
1:30-2:30 p.m.,
165 Thompson Library
Each candidate will have 20 minutes
to speak on the assigned topic,
followed by a question and
answer session.
Lisa Carter
Monday, October 5, 2015
2:45 – 3:45 p.m.,
165 Thompson Library
Faye Chadwell
Thursday, October 8, 2015
2:45 – 3:45 p.m.,
150 A/B Thompson Library
Open Forums (Open to the Campus Community):
Each candidate will begin with a brief introduction followed by a question and answer
Thursday, October 1, 2015 - Damon Jaggars
2:45 - 3:45 p.m., 165 Thompson Library
Monday, October 5, 2015 - Lisa Carter
4 – 5 p.m., 165 Thompson Library
Thursday, October 8, 2015 - Faye Chadwell
4 – 5 p.m., 150 A/B Thompson Library
Associate Director Beth Warner
Retiring Next Year
From Vice Provost and Director of Libraries Carol Pitts Diedrichs:
It is with mixed emotions that I announce the pending retirement of Beth Warner, our
Associate Director for Information Technology. Beth has informed me of her intention to
retire from University Libraries on March 31, 2016.
Beth’s career spans more than 35 years in information technology, automated library
information services, management and project planning. Since her arrival here in
January 2011, Beth has overseen the reorganization and growth of our IT operations;
led work which has stabilized our IT infrastructure; overseen the design and launch of
our Digital Initiatives Program and the resulting projects; and developed strong working
relationships with our colleagues at the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO).
Beth has also been diligent in cultivating strong partnerships
with peers across the university, working at a strategic level
and ensuring that the Libraries is positioned to take advantage
of the vast array of campus resources that are available.
I am very pleased that Beth will remain with us for the next six
months. With my upcoming retirement at the end of January
and the arrival of a new vice provost and director, Beth’s
continued presence will help my successor get up to speed on
our IT operations before her departure. This will be an
enormous benefit to the new vice provost and director as that
individual develops his or her own vision for University
Beth tells me that in retirement she looks forward to traveling—including spending time
at her waterfront cabin on Puget Sound in Washington, and checking off the final
continent she has left to visit—working more with colleagues in ConsultFour, an
information and technology consulting partnership, and devoting more time to a
neglected hobby—woodworking.
I look forward to working with Beth over the next few months as she continues to bring
her impressive credentials and expertise to University Libraries. And there will be plenty
of time to plan a fitting retirement reception for her!
IT Project Prioritization Update
Please take a look at the work that IT has been working on for the third quarter of 2015
and the work that has been selected for next quarter's efforts. If you'd like to know how
to get your ideas or projects considered, please contact Russell Schelby or Beth Snapp.
Informed Enrollment Resources Available for
Faculty and Staff
An email to all faculty and staff will be sent on October 5 outlining resources that can
used to assist with making decisions about medical plan elections.
First, OSU Health Plan is mailing Informed Enrollment (IE) Statements in October to the
homes of faculty and staff enrolled in a medical plan before August 1, 2015.
Second, Informed Enrollment Online is a new web-based tool that takes an individual's
information from the IE Statement and allows them to further model anticipated 2016
Both IE resources can help project anticipated 2016 costs to help make plan decisions
during Open Enrollment. The Informed Enrollment Online tool will be available starting
October 5 by logging into Employee Self Service and selecting 'Informed Enrollment
Online' on the right side.
For those enrolled in a medical plan before August 1, 2015, the IE tools will include a
summary of medical and pharmacy costs incurred from January 2014-July 2015. Those
who were not enrolled in a medical plan before August 1 will have access to Informed
Enrollment Online, but it will not be populated with historical claims data.
Stories of Inclusion Webinars
Today, people with disabilities represent the largest minority group in our country,
comprising upwards of 56 million Americans. Disability can affect anyone’s life at any
given moment in a myriad of ways. The Libraries will be hosting a series three webinars
exploring the issue in greater detail
In this series, presented by the American Alliance of Museums, advocates and experts
explore issues of accessibility and inclusion from the perspective of visitors, staff and
facility or program users in museums, libraries, archives and other cultural institutions.
Presenters and special guests in each webcast highlight case studies and examples of
inclusive practice, addressing and responding to the first-hand stories of visitors with
Session 1: Wednesday, October 7, 1:30-4 p.m., Thompson Library, 150 A & B
Session 2: Wednesday, October 14, 1:30-4 p.m., Thompson Library, Room 150
Session 3: Wednesday, October 28, 1:30-4 p.m., Billy Ireland Cartoon Library
and Museum, Room 205
Registration is required; contact Randall McKenzie in Libraries HR.
Open Enrollment Benefits Forums
Registration for Open Enrollment Benefits Forums are now available through
BuckeyeLearn. The one hour in person workshop will update you on Ohio State's health
and welfare benefits including medical, dental, vision, flexible spending and life
insurance. Benefit consultants will review the benefit plans and Open Enrollment
changes, including compensation tiers.
To register please visit,, and click on Subject - Human
Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence
Policy Training
Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment, and Relationship Violence Policy training is
now available through BuckeyeLearn. The 2-hour in person workshop will provide
participants with information and resources to stop sexual misconduct, prevent it’s
recurrence, eliminate hostile environments and remedy it’s discriminatory effects. By the
end of this session you will understand:
Key definitions and procedures
How to support victims of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, relationship
violence, and stalking
Reporting requirements and responsibilities of employees
How to identify a prohibited relationship
How the university is engaging in education on various forms of sex and gender
discrimination and harassment
To register please visit,, and click on Subject - Human
Ohio State releases 'Surviving an Active Shooter'
It's scary to think about, but an active shooter can strike any place, at any time. For this
reason, Ohio State's Department of Public Safety, in partnership with the Office of
Student Life, has released a video called "Surviving an Active Shooter" to educate our
campus community. The six-minute video follows the national "Run. Hide. Fight." best
practice. Your safety is our number one priority, so please take a moment to watch.
> View:
Online Training Available/Open Enrollment
Benefits Forums
Registration for Open Enrollment Benefits Forums are now available through
BuckeyeLearn. The one hour in person workshop will update you on Ohio State's health
and welfare benefits including medical, dental, vision, flexible spending and life
insurance. Benefit consultants will review the benefit plans and Open Enrollment
changes, including compensation tiers.
To register please visit,, and click on Subject - Human
Lunch & Learn: Creative Commons
Please join the Copyright Resources Center for a lunch and learn about Creative
Commons (CC). The session will introduce CC and explore how CC licenses benefit
creators and users of licensed material. These licenses contribute to affordability and the
development and use of Open Educational Resources, a particularly relevant topic for us
in light of the university-wide focus on affordable learning. Bring your lunch and your
The lunch and learn will be offered twice:
 October 22
Thompson Library, Room 150A
12-1 p.m.
 October 29
Libraries’ Tech Center, Room 122
12-1 p.m.
Please RSVP at the following link:
Managing Students Best Practices
Information Series
Libraries Human Resources and the OAA HR Service Center are hosting a “Managing
Students Best Practices Information Series.” The series will take place on Wednesday,
October 21, from 2:30pm-4:00pm, and Thursday, October 22, from 10:30am-12:00pm,
both in 165 Thompson Library. The sessions will cover different topics on each day.
You can attend one, or both, of the sessions based on individual needs.
Wednesday, October 21—2:30 - 4 p.m.
Representatives from the OAA HR Service Center will cover the student hiring process
from start to finish, including:
 Information/Documents required for the HRAction request
 Email communication sent by the service center to new hires
 Steps for new employees (DocuSign, Acuity Scheduling for appointments,
paperwork required, etc.) and how you can monitor progress throughout the
 Estimated timelines for student hires
 Information distributed to hires at service center appointment
 Ways for supervisors to prepare students to expedite the hiring process
 Differences in general funds and work-study hiring process and the FWS Referral
 Managing eTimesheet approvals/errors
 And frequently asked questions
Thursday, October 22—10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Representatives from the Libraries Human Resources Office will engage in conversation
with participants to share their expertise and ask questions on supervisory best
practices, performance management, and recruiting talent. Other topics to include:
Interviewing and selecting students
Determining pay rates
Departmental orientation/training
When to give breaks
Managing performance
Code of Conduct (duty to act)—Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment, and
Relationship Violence, 1.15 What’s changed?
 Student employee recognition
 Terminations/resignations
Please RSVP to Randall McKenzie, if you are interested in
attending. If you have any questions please contact Kelly Rose,
Libraries IT Division Autumn Showcase
October 13
One of IT’s goals is to provide you with information on technology that helps you in your
day-to-day work. To that end, we will be trying out a different format for the IT
Awareness meeting this quarter. On October 13 in THO 150, you will have the
opportunity to choose from among 8 short, interactive sessions on topics ranging from
Sierra to security. We’ll leave plenty of time for questions and feedback. No registration
Kickoff: OSUL WordPress users group
10:00 am – 10:30 am
Thompson Library, Room: 150A
Tips and tricks in using Outlook
10:00 am – 10:30 am
Thompson Library, Room: 150B
How we migrated Media Manager digital image collections to OSUL
10:30 am – 11:00 am
Thompson Library, Room: 150A
What you need to know about information security
10:30 am – 11:00 am
Thompson Library, Room: 150B
Tips and tricks in using Sierra
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Thompson Library, Room: 150A
How IT projects get proposed and approved
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Thompson Library, Room: 150B
Introducing the new OSUL Image Collections platform
11:30 am – 12:00 pm
Thompson Library, Room: 150A
In Use: How many computers are available in Thompson?
11:30 am – 12:00 pm
Thompson Library, Room: 150B
The Book
This fall, our colleagues at HarvardX, a University-wide initiative supporting faculty
innovation in teaching, are helping with those connections by bringing to life some of
the library’s holdings in the open online course The Book: Histories Across Time
and Space. It is my pleasure to extend an invitation to you and your colleagues to
take part.
The Book, developed by HarvardX and available via edX, is an interactive learning
experience made up of nine modules that examine the world of books, scrolls, and
manuscripts. The course highlights aspects of these materials – from their physical
structure and history to the print and handwriting found within their pages – across
time and across cultures.
The Book brings learners inside the collections of Harvard's libraries,
providing access to some of the world's most extraordinary works through the use of
digital tools (including a rich image viewer) and perspectives from leading thinkers.
A group of distinguished faculty members leads the course, including Jeffrey F.
Hamburger (History of Art & Architecture, Faculty of Arts and Sciences), Robert
Darnton (History, Faculty of Arts & Sciences and University Librarian emeritus), and
Thomas Forrest Kelly (Music, Faculty of Arts and Sciences).
Anyone with an internet connection, anywhere in the world, can take this self-paced
course. Sign up for free today, and please share this opportunity with others.
Bucks for Charity
Donut Day at the Libraries - October 1, 9 a.m.-11 p.m.
Giving is sweet on Donut Day! $1/donut or $10/dozen
• Thompson Library – room 150a
• 18th Avenue Library – first floor
• Library Tech Center – Room 122
Benefitting Bucks for Charity organization: Simply Living, Creating a compassionate and
sustainable world through personal, community and cultural transformation.
News you’ve seen before…
New Approach to Staff Appreciation Events Announced September 30, 2015
For the past several years, University Libraries has hosted multiple staff
appreciation events including our Annual Staff Appreciation …Read more
It’s time to start thinking about selecting your benefits for the 2016 plan year
September 30, 2015 The Ohio State University is proud of the high-quality benefits
that make up a valuable part of the total rewards offered to faculty …Read more
New Employee Self Service Link: Employee Health Services (EHS)
Immunization History September 30, 2015 Starting Monday, September 28,
employees will see a new link in Employee Self Service labeled …Read more
Old VPN record to be removed October 1 September 30, 2015 Library IT would
like to remind everyone of a change in the VPN record for accessing library
resources off-campus. OCIO will be removing the old VPN record of …Read more
Training: Image Galleries and Slideshows in WordPress September 30, 2015
AD&S will provide hands-on training on how to create image galleries and
slideshows on WordPress sites. If you currently maintain a …Read more
Paper and Bytes and Where Do I Put Them? Policies, Best Practices, and
Resources for Managing OSU Records @ OSUL September 30, 2015 OSUL
Training Committee invites you to join us for “Paper and Bytes and …Read more
Library Use and Student Outcomes: Using Library Data to Improve the
Student Experience September 23, 2015 Please join us for a presentation by
Shane Nackerud and Jan Fransen of the University of Minnesota …Read more
Introducing BuckeyeLearn September 23, 2015 We are pleased to introduce a
new opportunity for faculty and staff to engage in professional development at Ohio
State. BuckeyeLearn is a new university-wide online …Read more
Affordable Learning Exchange Launched September 23, 2015 I am proud to
announce the Affordable Learning Exchange, a partnership between the Office of
Distance Education and eLearning, University Libraries, University …Read more
HRA User Guide: Check HRA Status Tool September 16, 2015 Libraries HR has
tools available to help you check the status of your HRA requests. We understand
in many cases student hiring has been delayed, sometimes due to HR …Read
American Association of School Librarians (AASL) September 16, 2015 17th
National Conference, November 5-8, 2015, Greater Columbus Convention Center.
Save on registration until October 8 …Read more
Brown and Black Comix Expo October 1-4
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion’s Latino and Latin American Space for Enrichment
and Research (LASER) is hosting a three-day event Thursday (10/1)-Sunday (10/4) on
campus. Activities include a grand expo where authors/artists will feature their work,
comic book creating workshops for high school and middle school students, academic
panels and featured conversations with the artists.
> Read more:
Register for Exploring Learning Technologies
Join Ohio State’s Exploring Learning Technologies Community for its 8th annual
Unconference Wednesday (10/7) 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in 260 Ramseyer Hall. This event is
free and open to faculty, staff and students interested in networking and sharing in
discussion on innovative technology and emerging teaching methods impacting higher
> Contact:
> Register:
Science Café: 'Past and Contemporary
Climate Change'
Join us Wednesday (10/7) 6:30 p.m. in 165 Thompson Library as Ellen MosleyThompson, Distinguished University Professor and director of the Byrd Polar and
Climate Research Center, provides insights on climate history and the long term context
critical for assessing contemporary climate variability. All are welcome.
> Contact:
> Read more:
Congratulations to Stephanie Schulte of the Health Sciences Library who has been
selected as one of 5 members of the 2015-2016 NLM/AAHSL Leadership Fellows
Program class! Selection is competitive and recognition of a substantial record of
leadership accomplishment and potential for a director position. For more information
Danny Dotson and Tina Franks have published in Issues in Science and Technology
Librarianship (ISTL), an open access, peer-reviewed journal published by ACRL’s
Science and Technology Section (STS). “Winning the Popularity Contest: Researcher
Preference When Selecting Resources for Civil Engineering, Computer Science,
Mathematics and Physics Dissertations” examined more than 53,000 citations from 609
dissertations published at The Ohio State University from 1998-2012 to determine what,
if any, preferences or trends exist.
Best Wishes
Matthew Strauss, Cataloging Program Coordinator.CTSSC, has resigned, effective
October 1.
The University Libraries, Office of Academic Affairs, and the Faculty Club will host the
13th annual Faculty Recognition Program reception Thursday, November 12, 2015
3:30PM – 5:30PM at the Faculty Club Grand Lounge. Remarks from the Provost
Steinnmetz and Vice Provost & Director of University Libraries Carol Pitts Diedrichs will
begin around 4 p.m.
Plan on attending this special program and honoring University Libraries faculty
Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure
 Dracine Hodges
 Belinda Hurley
 Meris Mandernach
Job Postings
Partner Relations Coordinator –
Marketing and Promotions Coordinator
University Libraries Digital Content Services (DCS) engages with partners across the
University to increase the amount, value, and impact of OSU-produced digital content.
DCS offers support by organizing, providing access, distributing, and preserving digital
scholarship through the Knowledge Bank repository and the Libraries Publishing
Program. The DCS Partner Relations Coordinator works under the direction of the
department heads, and is the initial DCS contact for potential new content, responding to
requests for information and accompanying subject specialists in first and follow up
conversations with potential partners. These conversations often include a preliminary
assessment of the potential partner’s goals in light of Library goals and policies, and a
follow-up assessment of what is needed to present and distribute the content online.
The incumbent also supports and develops outreach and educational programming for
partners and potential partners. The position requires an in-depth understanding of the
scholarly communications landscape and the suite of digital content services provided by
the department, sound judgment and decision making. There is a potential for
supervisory responsibilities.
Target hiring range: $38,625.60 - $45,000/year. Applications will be accepted through
October 5, 2015. For additional position information and to apply please
visit:, requisition # 411932.
Social Sciences Librarian
Mysteries in Ice
October 5-January 3, 2016
Thompson Library Gallery
Gallery Hours:
Monday-Friday: 10 a.m. –
6 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 12-6 p.m.
Mysteries in Ice is a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Byrd Polar and Climate
Research Center Archival Program. The historical collections of the Polar Archives are
featured along with contemporary items that represent current exploration in ice-covered
regions. This exhibit addresses daily life in harsh environments, including lodging and
food, as well as the communication of scientific concepts in media and pop culture.
Inside the galleries, visitors can try on gear worn in Antarctica, view an ice core from
China, or hold rock samples from remote regions. Documents, artifacts, and imagery
highlight The Ohio State University’s contribution to our understanding of Earth’s
changing climate.
Curated by Jason Cervenec, Laura Kissel and Lynn Lay
Seeing the Great War
Through January 24, 2016
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library &
Gallery Hours:
Tuesday-Sunday: 1-5 p.m.
Monday: Closed
Image: Paul Stahr. “The Winning Hand.” Life (cover), May 16, 1918.
What Fools These Mortals Be!
The Story of Puck
Through January 24, 2016
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library &
Gallery Hours:
Tuesday-Sunday: 1-5 p.m.
Monday: Closed
Image: Frederick Burr Opper. “They Can’t Fight.” Puck (cover), January 15, 1896.