合作語言學習法 Cooperative Language Learning 吳吟萍 897C0005

Cooperative Language Learning
What is Cooperative Language
A successful teaching strategy in which
small teams, with students of different
levels of ability, use a variety of learning
activities to improve their understanding
of a subject.
The characteristic of CL
Raise of achievement of all students
Positive relationship among students
Experience on healthy social, psychological, and
cognitive development
Replace competition for cooperation
 Replace teacher-fronted lessons for student-centered
The characteristic of CL
 Interactive pair and group activities
 Development of learning and communication strategies
 Reduce learner stress and create a positive affective
classroom climate
Types of learning and teaching
Five key elements of successful
group-based learning in CL
Positive interdependence
Group formation
Individual accountability
Social skills
Structuring and structures
(Olsen Kagan 1993)
Three Step Interview
1.Students are in pairs, one is interviewer and the other is
2.Students reverse roles
3. Each shares with team member what was learned
during the two interview
Think –Pair -Share
Teacher poses a question
Students think of a response
Students discuss their responses
with partner
Students share their partner’s
response with the class
Learner Roles
Work collaboratively on tasks with other group
Must learn teamwork skills
Be directors of their learning
Learning requires student’s direct and active
involvement and participation
Pairs tasks in which alternate roles involve
partners in the role of tutor, checkers, recorder, and
information sharers.
Teacher’s role
1. To create a highly structured and well-organized learning
environment in the classroom:
Setting goals, planning and structuring tasks, establishing the
physical arrangement of the classroom, assigning students to
groups and roles, and selecting materials and time.
(Johnson et al.1994)
2. Be a facilitator of learning
3. Move around the class and helping students and
groups as needs arise
Teacher’s role
4.Teacher speaks less than in teacher fronted class.
5.Provide broad questions to challenge thinking.
6.Prepare students for the task they will carry out.
7.Assist students with the learning tasks.
8.Give few commands, imposing less disciplinary control
( Harel 1992)
9.Restructuring lessons so that students can work
cooperatively. (Johnson et al. 1994)
1.Teacher assigns work to Ss
2. Ss cooperative work
3.Looking for materials
4.Team work, get a starting point
5.Individual work
6.Looking for mistakes
7. Ss revise composition
8.Reread error-free
Assessment in CL
Evaluation based on the Whole Group’s
performance :
Group scores on a single product
Random selection of one member’s work
Evaluation combining individual and group
Dual grading of academic performance
Concurrent grading of academic and collaborative skills