Master of Arts in Education Final Portfolio Assessment Rubric

Master of Arts in Education Final Portfolio Assessment Rubric
Introduction Page –
statement of teaching
Far Exceeds Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Minimally Meets
Expectations (1)
Does Not Meet
Expectations (0)
Student expertly weaves many of
his or her values regarding the
roles of teacher and student, and
their relationship to the
curriculum, and instruction that
are extremely strong and
coherent, and permeate the piece.
The author utilizes multiple,
specific, concrete examples to
explain the teaching philosophy.
Student provides robust evidence
of deep personal thought and
genuine expression.
Student includes several of his or
her values about the roles of the
teacher and students, and their
relationship to the curriculum and
instruction. The student includes
three or more specific examples
that explain the teaching
philosophy. Writing provides
strong evidence of personal
thoughts and expression
Student includes two or more of
his or her values about the roles
of the student and teacher, and
their relationship with the
curriculum and instruction.
Philosophy is supported by two
or more specific examples to
further explain the teaching
philosophy. The student writes
in a way that includes his or her
personal thoughts and
Student vaguely describes his
or her values that relate to the
roles of the student and
teacher and their
relationships with the
curriculum and instruction.
The student provides fewer
than two examples that
explain the teaching
philosophy. Some personal
thoughts or expressions are
Student fails to present
his or her values that
relate to the role of the
student and/or the
teacher or the
relationship with the
curriculum and
The artifacts and reflections
clearly and eloquently chronicle
the research, including four or
more and explicit details that
reveal his/her findings or learning
that led to professional growth;
student expertly shares multiple
specific examples of changes in
his/her practice as a result of the
research and clearly makes
multiple connections between
professional growth and impact
on student learning.
Artifacts and reflections expertly
convey a range of newly
developed instructional practices
that are based on the
developmental needs of students,
and which can be differentiated to
the individual needs of students.
The artifacts and reflections
present a clear picture of the
research, including three or more
details that reveal his/her findings
or learning that led to professional
growth; reflection includes two or
more examples of changes in
practice as a result of the research
and presents connections between
professional growth and the
impact on student learning.
The artifacts and reflections
present a picture of the research
with two or fewer examples of
his/her learning and
professional growth; students
shares examples of the specific
changes in practice as a result
of the research and a
connection between the
research and student learning.
The artifacts and reflections
describe the research, but
lacks details that would
clarify the relationship
between the research and
professional growth or
impact on student learning.
The artifacts and
reflections fail to
present a clear
illustration of the
research, lacks details
that would provide
clarity, and fails to
draw ties between the
research and changes
in professional
practice or impact on
Artifacts and reflections capably
convey three or more newly
developed instructional practices
that are based on the
developmental needs of students
that are able to be differentiated
to meet students’ needs.
Artifacts and reflections convey
two or more newly developed
instructional practices that are
based on the developmental
needs of students and
differentiated to meet students’
Artifacts and reflections
minimally convey fewer than
two new instructional
practices that are based on
the developmental needs of
students and differentiated to
meet students’ needs.
Artifacts and
reflections fail to
convey growth in
instructional practices
that are based in
developmental needs
and which can be
differentiated to the
individual needs of
February 2016
Artifacts and reflections expertly
convey evidence of significant
growth in ethical practices in
schools, including the historical,
philosophical, and social
foundations for ethical issues in
education; the writer provides
multiple and specific examples of
the ways that ethical issues
become an important cornerstone
for how we behave in educational
Artifacts and reflections expertly
convey significant growth in the
principles of teacher leadership,
including communication,
collaboration, and motivation to
change or improve educational
practices for the purpose of better
student learning. Author provides
multiple and specific examples of
personal examples of the
teacher’s plans for enhanced
teacher leadership.
Artifacts and reflections expertly
convey significant growth in
assessment knowledge and skills,
and provide multiple and specific
examples of the use of data that is
based on both formative and
summative assessment measures
that inform plans for instruction.
Artifacts and reflections present
many highly skilled examples of
the student’s ability to synthesize
information that represent the
student’s professional growth as a
critical thinker and a scholarly
writer and that speak to the
teacher’s potential for future
professional growth as a member
of the educational community.
February 2016
Artifacts and reflections convey
moderate evidence of growth in
ethical practices in schools,
including the historical,
philosophical, and social
foundations for developing an
understanding of ethical issues in
education; the writer provides
three or more specific examples
of the ways that ethical issues
become an important cornerstone
for how we behave in educational
Artifacts and reflections convey
moderate evidence of growth in
the principles of teacher
leadership, including
communication, collaboration,
and motivation to change or
improve educational practices for
the purpose of better student
learning. Author provides three
specific examples of plans for
enhanced teacher leadership.
Artifacts and reflections convey
evidence of growth in ethical
practices in schools, including
the historical, philosophical,
and social foundations for
developing an understanding of
ethical issues in education; the
writer provides two examples
of the ways that ethical issues
become an important
cornerstone for how we behave
in educational settings.
Artifacts and reflections
minimally convey evidence
of growth in ethical practices
in schools, including the
historical, philosophical, and
social foundations for
developing an understanding
of ethical issues in education;
the writer provides one
example of the importance of
ethical issues.
Artifacts and
reflections fail to
convey evidence of
growth in ethical
practices and the
importance of
developing an
understanding of
ethical issues in
Artifacts and reflections convey
evidence of growth in the
principles of teacher leadership,
including communication,
collaboration, and motivation to
change or improve educational
practices for the purpose of
better student learning. Author
provides two specific examples
of plans for enhances teacher
Artifacts and
reflections fail to
convey evidence of
growth in the
principles of teacher
Artifacts and reflections convey
moderate growth in assessment
knowledge and skills, and provide
three or more specific examples
of the use of data that is based on
both formative and summative
assessment measures that inform
plans for instruction.
Artifacts and reflections convey
growth in knowledge and skills
relating to assessment practices
with two or more examples of
the use of data that is based on
both formative and summative
assessment measures that
inform plans for instruction.
Artifacts and reflections
minimally convey evidence
of growth in the principles of
teacher leadership, including
collaboration, and motivation
to change or improve
educational practices for the
purpose of better student
learning. One example of
enhanced teacher leadership
is included.
Artifacts and reflections
minimally convey an
understanding of the use of
formative and summative
assessment measures that
provide data to inform
Artifacts and reflections present
skillful use of three or more
examples of the student’s ability
to synthesize information that
represent professional growth as a
critical thinker and a scholarly
writer and that speak to the
teacher’s potential for future
growth as a member of the
educational community
Artifacts and reflections
moderately convey two or more
examples of synthesizing
information that represent the
student’s growth as a critical
thinker and a scholarly writer,
and that suggest potential for
future growth as a member of
the educational community.
Artifacts and reflections
fewer than two examples of
synthesizing information that
represent the student’s
professional growth as a
critical thinker and a
scholarly writer.
Artifacts and
reflections fail to
convey growth or
understanding of
concepts of formative
and summative
assessment measures
that provide data to
inform instruction.
Artifacts and
reflections fail to
present examples of
information that
represent the student’s
professional growth as
a critical thinker and a
scholarly writer.
Final Reflection:
Organization of
Overall Quality of
The final reflection skillfully
utilizes the writer’s past, present,
and future as points of reference
to summarize and highlight
several particularly poignant areas
of growth by utilizing a
compare/contrast view, as well as
looking to the future to speculate
on future growth that may result
from the student’s professional
development as a result of the
completion of the Master of Arts
in Education Program.
Organization of the portfolio is
unmistakably and explicitly
evident in the use of
organizational aids that are
utilized throughout. The manner
in which the portfolio is
organized enhances the overall
impact of the artifacts and
reflections to convey the writer’s
growth as a result of the
completion of the Master of Arts
in Education Program.
The writer carefully and skillfully
utilizes visual detail such as
theme, backgrounds, font, and
images to enhance the overall
presentation of the growth
portfolio. The writing is free of
mechanical errors and presents a
professional representation of the
student’s growth.
The final reflection effectively
utilizes the writer’s part, present,
and future as points of reference
to summarize and highlight two
or more particularly poignant
areas of growth by utilizing a
compare/contrast view, as well as
looking ahead to speculate on
future growth that may result
from the student’s professional
development as a result of the
completion of the Master of Arts
in Education program.
Organization is clearly and
plainly evident. Organizational
aids are utilized throughout the
portfolio enhance the overall
impact of the artifacts and
reflections to convey the writer’s
growth as a result of the
completion of the Master of Arts
in Education Program.
The final reflection adequately
summarizes and highlights one
or more areas of growth and
looks to the future to speculate
on one future growth area as a
result of the professional
development gained as a result
of the completion of the Master
of Arts in Education Program.
The final reflection
summarizes areas of growth
based on the completion of
the Master of Arts in
Education Program, with
minimal or no speculation of
future growth as a result of
professional development
gained as a result of
completion of the Master of
Arts in Education Program.
The final reflection
fails to utilize past,
present, and future to
highlight areas of
growth or to speculate
on future growth that
may result from the
student’s professional
throughout the Master
of Arts in Education
Organization is generally
evident. Organizational aids are
utilized to enhance the impact
of the artifacts and reflections
to convey the writer’s growth.
Organization and logical order
in the portfolio helps to locate
evidence of learning and
Organization is somewhat
evident. Some use of
organizational aids are
evident, though not
consistently. Lack of
organization minimally
impacts the writers ability to
convey growth.
Organization is either
absent or ineffective.
No organizational are
aids used and a rather
haphazard order
results in a sense of
confusion that
interferes with the
writers growth.
Attention to visual detail highly is
evident (theme, backgrounds,
font, or images) and consistent
and adds to the effectiveness of
the growth portfolio. The writing
includes few, if any, mechanical
errors and presents a professional
representation of the student’s
Attention to visual detail
(theme, backgrounds, font, or
images) is evident and
generally adds to the
effectiveness of the growth
portfolio. The writing includes
correct mechanics, though
several errors are evident.
Overall, the student presents a
moderately professional
representation of growth.
Some attention to visual
detail is evident, though it is
sporadic and sometimes
careless; Mechanical errors
are evident and interfere with
the effectiveness of the
growth portfolio.
Little to no attention to
visual detail is evident;
Inconsistent; Messy;
Numerous mechanical
errors. The portfolio
presents an
representation of
February 2016
Student’s Name___________________________________________________
Total Score (pass score=20) ____________________________________________________________________________________
Reviewer Name_____________________________________________ Date_____________________________________________
February 2016