Hamilton County 311 Bank Street Webster City, IA 50595 Phone:515-832-9597 FAX: 515-832-9599 www.extension.iastate.edu/hamilton Date: 5-5-08 4-H Gets Results You may assume that adolescents are inherently “at risk” and try to “fix” their problems. Or you may take another perspective –- positive youth development – believing that youth have assets and can become constructive contributors to society. That’s the perspective of ISU Extension 4-H Youth Development. A new national study confirms that 4-H and positive youth development get better results. A Tufts University 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development has found that youth involved in highquality, structured programs during out-of-school-time, such as those offered by 4-H in every county in Iowa, are more likely to experience positive youth development. “This study confirms that youth involved in 4-H are leaders, contribute to their communities and are civically engaged, which strengthens communities,” said David Brown, County Extension Education Director in Hamilton County. . The Tufts’ study is a first-of-its-kind, longitudinal study measuring the impact personal and social factors have on youth as they develop. Findings reveal that all youth have the capacity to thrive, regardless of where they live, their family situations, their socioeconomic status, races and genders. “We’re excited about this research and will be applying what we learn to Iowa 4-H,” said Chuck Morris, director of ISU Extension 4-H Youth Development. “We want to ensure that our 4-H program continues to provide opportunities that will help our youth become successful, contributing members of their communities.” The 4-H study, conducted by Tufts University and sponsored by the National 4-H Council, involved more than 4,000 youth and 2,000 parents from 25 states to measure the impact personal and social factors have on a young person’s development. -30Extension programs are available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability.