Name _____________________________ Topic ________________________ Written ______________ Digital _______________ (5 points each) Grading of the paper in Tropical Horticulture (Total of 200 points) The paper must include a minimum of six literature citations. Three must come from a peer reviewed scientific journal. Others may be internet sources (cite internet address and attach a copy of the pertinent pages), articles from the popular press, books, pamphlets and other sources of information. All papers must meet ASHS guidelines for a feature article (ASHS Publications Manual and example). Length will depend on the topic but should be between 7 and 20 pages long. Please double space and use 12 point font and 1 inch margins. General Format (20) Title Abstract Additional Index words Introduction Body of the paper Conclusions Literature cited References (10) Text references Reference format of literature cited Reference types (20) Scientific references (minimum of 3) Internet references Other references Quality of references Content of the paper (140) Excellent (140) Very good (120) Good (100) General treatment of topic (80) Fair (70) Poor (60)