INTERNSHIP APPEAL FORM This form is for any student wishing to appeal an internship admission decision. The student must make such an appeal in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the USCB Department of Education’s Professional Program Committee. TO BE COMPLETED BY STUDENT: Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Student ID Number: ___________________________________________________________________ Current Phone Number/e-mail:___________________________________________________________ Expected Graduate Date: _______________________________________________________________ In order to complete an appeal to be considered to enter the internship, the student must address the following criteria: (1) He/she made at least two attempts to take and pass the Praxis II exam (include test dates and scores); (2) Write a compelling statement of how you have made efforts to improve your score; and (3) Write a compelling statement for your next step to try to improve your score (attach additional sheets if needed). Signature of Student: _________________________________________ Date: ____________ TO BE COMPLETED BY DEPARTMENT CHAIR: Approved: ___________ Not Approved:____________ Signature:______________________________________Date:__________________ Comments: