UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA BEAUFORT DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS INTRAMURAL SPORTS USCB FLAG FOOTBALL RULES I. A. B. C. D. II. General Information Player Eligibility 1. Participation is limited to currently-enrolled, fee-paying USCB students, faculty members, and full-time staff. Members of the community are not eligible. 2. In order to participate in an intramural contest, each player must present his/her current, valid USCB ID Card. Team Composition 1. The game shall be played between two teams of seven (7) players each. Five (5) players are required to begin a game. All players must present their current, valid USCB ID card at the game site to participate. 2. If fewer than five players are present at game time, a forfeit will be declared. 3. Players who arrive late may be added to the roster and may enter the game at a dead- ball situation. 4. Team rosters will be formed based on the players who compete in the team’s first regular season game. After playing 1 game with any team, a player may not transfer to another team in that sport. New team members cannot be added once playoffs start. 5. Roster limit will be 14 players. Team Captains 1. Each team shall designate to the referee a player as the field captain. This is the only player who can communicate with the officials. The captain is responsible for any information contained in the Intramural Flag Football Rules, Captain’s Manual, and the Sportsmanship Policy. Insurance Information a. USCB does not provide accident insurance coverage for injuries received by intramural sports participants. Each participant should make sure that he/she has coverage. Equipment and Playing Field A. Equipment 1. The Ball – The official ball shall be leather or rubber covered and shall meet the recommendations of size and shape for a regulation football. There are no requirements regarding ball pressure and markings. Men shall use the regular size ball only. 2. Team Jerseys – wear your team colors; Scrimmage vests will be provided. 3. Flag Belt – Each player must wear a one piece belt that is free of any knots clipped at the waist line with three flags permanently attached, one flag on each side and one at the center of the 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B. 1. back. Flags will be provided to each time on site. Shirts must be tucked in and flag belts must be worn on the outside of all clothing. a. If a runner loses his/her flag during the action, the play continues. The play ends when a defensive player touches the runner with one hand between the shoulders and the knees. b. If failure to wear the flag belt is noticed by the official after the play starts, the play continues with the ball becoming dead when the runner is touched. The defense can accept the result of the play or penalize for failure to wear equipment (5 yards) c. Tampering with the flag belt in any way to gain advantage, including tying, using foreign material, or other such acts is considered unsportsmanlike conduct (10 yards, loss of down, and player disqualification). Shirts/Pants – All shirts must be tucked in and remain tucked in during play. If the shirt has a hood, the hood must be tucked inside the shirt. Shirts must not have arm openings that are larger than 4 inches. Players may not wear pants or shorts that have belt loops or an exposed drawstring. Players may not wear towels that hang from the waist. Shoes – Players must wear shoes, either soft- soled soccer/football cleats, tennis shoes, or Astroturf shoes. No sandals, boots, or metal/sharp plastic cleats will be allowed. No screw in or detachable cleats will be allowed. Any player caught wearing spikes will be ejected. Headwear – Players may wear a one-piece elastic headband made of soft material. No baseball caps, bandannas, or helmets are allowed. Rubber or clot elastic bands may be used to control hair. Supports, Braces, Gloves, and Pads – No casts/splits will be allowed under any circumstances. No pads or braces will be allowed above the waist. Leg and knee braces made of hard, unyielding material must be covered on both sides and all edges with appropriate slowrecovery padding. Players may also wear gloves, which consist of a soft, pliable non-abrasive material. Any player wearing illegal or dangerous equipment shall not be permitted to play. All equipment shall be subject to the approval of USCB Recreation Staff and their decisions shall be final. Jewelry – Jewelry is not allowed to be worn by any participant during a flag football game. This jewelry consists of visible rings, including wedding bands, watches, necklaces, earrings, studs, bracelets, or any other similar jewelry. Medic alert bracelets must be taped to the body or secured under clothing such as a wristband or sock to be worn during play. Individuals will not be allowed to tape over any jewelry item. A player is subject to ejection for failure to remove any jewelry after first warning. The Field The dimensions of the field have been standardized into regulation 80 x 40 yard playing areas with two 10-yard endzones and four 20-yard zones. Two inbounds lines (hash marks) shall run parallel with and 15 yards inbounds from each sideline. There will be markings (lines or cones) 3 yards and 10 yards from either goal line from which extra point plays will be run, and 14 yards from either goal from which to put the ball in play to begin a half, after a score, a safety, or touchback. 2. There will be a restraining line 2 yards outside and parallel to the sideline. Teams and spectators must stay behind this line and between the 20 yard lines. Repeated warnings about this rule will result in an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. III. Time Factors & Substitutions A. Length of Game 1. Games will consist of two 20-minute halves with a running clock. There will be a 5-minute halftime. 2. Timing will be continuous for the entire first half and for the first 18 minutes of the second half. The clock will stop during the final two minutes of the second half for: a. Incomplete pass - clock restarts on the snap. b. Out of bounds - clock restarts on the snap. c. Penalty – clock restarts depending on the result of the previous play. d. Score – clock restarts on the opponent’s next snap from scrimmage. e. Time-outs - clock restarts on the snap. f. Fair catch - clock restarts on the snap. g. Touchback - clock restarts on the snap. h. Inadvertent whistle – clock starts on the ready for play whistle. i. First down – clock restarts depending on result of the previous play. 3. Approximately 2 minutes before the end of each half, the Referee shall inform both team captains of the play time remaining in each half. The clock will stop in the 2nd half for the 2minute warning and will restart on the next snap. 4. Only a time-out and official’s time-out can stop the clock. Play will also stop a player injury. B. Time Outs 1. Each team has a total of 2 one-minute timeouts. C. Overtime – a. In case of a game ending with a tie score during the regular season, the game will end and be recorded as a tie. b. During playoffs, overtime will be played as follows: i. The officials will bring both captains to the center of the field to explain the overtime procedure. There will only be one coin toss. The winner of the toss shall be given options of offense, defense, or direction. The loser of the toss shall make a choice of the remaining options. If the game goes to a second overtime, the team which lost the toss at the beginning of the first overtime has the choice to start on offense or defense. The choice will then alternate for each succeeding overtime period. ii. Both teams will go in the same direction iii. Each team will receive one timeout for the entire overtime. Timeouts not used during regulation will not be carried over iv. Each team will be given a series of down (4 downs) from the 14-yard line. Teams may receive another set of downs by penalty only (automatic first down). v. When a team scores, they will attempt an extra point (1, 2, or 3). vi. The team on defense first will have its chance to score and attempt an extra point. Overtime will continue until a winner is declared. vii. When the defense secures possession of the ball during overtime, the offense’s series shall be over and the ball declared dead. The defense may NOT return the ball for a touchdown. D. Substitutions 1. Players may substitute at any dead ball. There shall be no limit to the number of substitutes. Substitutes shall be ready for play and cause no delay in the game. IV. Ball in Play, Dead Ball, Out of Bounds A. Ball in Play 1. The offense must snap the ball within 30 seconds after the Referee has blown the whistle to put the ball in play. Penalty: Delay of Game, 5 yards B. Dead Ball 1. A live ball becomes dead as provided in the rules, or when an official sounds the whistle, or otherwise declares the ball dead. The ball is declared dead when: a. It goes out of bounds. b. Any part of the runner’s body other than hand or foot touches the ground. c. A touchdown, touchback, safety, or successful extra point is made. d. A punt comes to rest on the ground and no player attempts to secure it. e. A forward pass strikes the ground or is caught simultaneously by opposing players. A ball snapped from scrimmage, or other backward pass, that hits the ground before or after getting to the intended receiver, is dead at the sport where it hits the ground. f. A forward pass is legally completed, or a loose ball is caught by a player on, above, or behind the opponent’s goal line. g. A runner has a flag belt removed legally by a defensive player. A flag belt is removed when the clip is detached from the belt. h. A runner is legally touched with one hand between the shoulders and knees, including the deflagging. i. A passer is deflagged or legally touched before releasing the ball. j. A muff of a protected scrimmage kick strikes the ground. k. The official sounds the whistle inadvertently during a down. Result: Team in possession at time of whistle may choose to take the play from the spot of the ball at the whistle or replay the down. Any penalties that occur during this down will be accepted or declined. l. There are NO fumbles; the ball is spotted where the ball hits the ground. m. The ball may be snapped between the legs or to the side, but it will be snapped from the ground and in a continuous motion. n. No jumping and no stiff arms; jumping leads to a dead ball. C. Out of Bounds 1. A ball is out of bounds when the runner or the ball touches the ground or anything else which is on or outside a boundary line, except a player or game official. If an inbounds player is touched by a player or official on the sidelines that is out of bounds, the ball is still in play. 2. A loose ball is out of bounds when it touches the ground, a player, or anything else which is on or outside a boundary line. 3. A player who is catching a forward pass is considered out of bounds when any part of his/her person contacts that area declared out of bound. 4. One foot inbounds is required for a legal reception. V. Series of Downs A. Number of Downs 1. The offensive team shall have 4 consecutive downs to advance to the next zone line-to-gain. Once the first down has been established, that team may not make another first down by crossing the same line during that series of downs. B. Line to Gain 1. The zone line-to-gain in any series shall be the zone in advance of the ball. Every 20 yards a first down can be achieve. The most forward part of the ball shall be the determining factor if a line to gain has been achieved. The ball will be placed at the 14 yard line; team must get the ball past the 40 yard line the gain the first down. After, the team will have 20 yards to gain the next first down and in the red zone teams will only have 4 downs to score. VI. Scoring A. Touchdowns 1. A touchdown shall count as six (6) points. 2. To be ruled a touchdown; the ball must be on or over the goal line. B. Point After Touchdown 1. After a touchdown, the scoring team attempts a PAT. The captain will indicate from which distance the offense will attempt the PAT. The captain may also designate where the ball shall be spotted for the PAT a. 3-yard line – 1 point b. 10-yard line – 2 points c. 20-yard line – 3 points 2. After any score, the ball shall be placed in play at the opposing team’s 14-yard line, unless moved by penalty. C. Interception during PAT 1. The defense may not return the ball for a touchdown – cannot score during a PAT D. Safety 1. A safety shall count for 2 points. Afterwards, the ball will be put in by the scoring team at their 14-yard line. E. Mercy Rule 1. If a team is leading by 19 points, or attains a lead of 19 points or more, in the final 2 minutes of the game, the game will end. VII. Playing Rules A. Coin Toss – A coin toss will determine the first possession. The Captain has these choices: 1. To receive the ball first or play defense first. 2. To defend a specific goal. (If a team chooses this option, the other team automatically gets the ball). 3. To defer option until the second half. 4. At the start of the second half, the loser of the first half coin toss shall have his/her option to be on offense or defense, or which goal to defend. B. Line of Scrimmage, Required Number of Players, Snap 1. Four (4) offensive players must be on the line of scrimmage at the snap. Penalty – 5 yards. There is no requirement for defensive players to line-up along the line of scrimmage. 2. The snapper has 30 seconds to snap the ball; the snapper does not have to pass the ball between the legs. 3. Following the ready for play whistle, no defensive player may break the scrimmage line at any time until the ball is snapped; Penalty: Dead ball foul, Encroachment – 5 yards 4. No offensive player shall make a false start; Penalty – 5 yards 5. There are no restrictions with the quarterback – the quarterback can run at any time. 6. There are no restrictions with the defense – the defense does not have to be 7 yards back to rush. C. Fumbles 1. There are no fumbles. The ball is spotted where the ball hits the ground. Bad snaps are dead at the spot they hit the ground. D. Forward Passes 1. A forward pass is legal when: the passer’s foot is behind the line of scrimmage when the ball leaves the hand, the pass occurs before a change of possession (following a fumble recovery or interception). E. Pass Receptions 1. All players are eligible to receive passes, including the quarterback. One foot must land in bounds before any part of the body lands in the out-of-bounds area for a legal pass reception. F. Interceptions in the End Zone 1. If a player intercepts the ball in the end zone, the player may return it out of the end zone. If the player is deflagged while running in the end zone, it is a touchback. G. Screen Blocking – Intramural football is not a contact sport! 1. The only type of blocking that is allowed in screen blocking. No contact is allowed between the offense and defense. Penalty – personal foul, 10 yards. Offensive screen blocking beyond the line of scrimmage DURING a pass attempt is considered Offensive Pass Interference. 2. The screen blocker must have his/her hand at his/her side or behind the back. 3. Any use of the hands, arms, legs, or body to initiate contact is illegal. H. I. J. K. 4. The player must be on his/her feet before, during and after the screen block. 5. The screener must give the opponent 1 to 2 steps depending on the speed of the player – the blocker cannot take a position so close to a moving opponent that his/her opponent cannot avoid contact by stopping or changing direction. 6. Defensive players must avoid the offensive player’s screen block. Retrieval of Ball after Play 1. The offensive team must retrieve the ball after every play from scrimmage. The snapper will maintain control of the ball and bring the ball from the huddle to the line of scrimmage. Punting the Ball 1. On 4th down, the referee will ask the offensive team captain to select if they wish to punt or go for it. Once the decision is made, it will be announced to the defensive team. 2. There are no quick kicks; penalty – illegal kicking, 10 yards from the previous spot. 3. The kicking team must have 4 players on the line of scrimmage during a punt; penalty – illegal procedure, 5 yards from the previous spot. 4. Neither the kicking team nor the receiving team may advance beyond their respective scrimmage lines until the ball is kicked. After receiving the ball, the kicker must catch and kick the ball immediately in one continuous motion. 5. Kickers may not punt barefoot. 6. When a punt touches a player from either team and then hits the ground, it is dead at that spot and belongs to the receiving team. 7. If a punt is muffed by the receiving team and caught in the air by the kicking team, it is dead at that spot and the kicking team retains possession. 8. If the ball goes into the endzone it may be taken as a touchback and put in play at the receiving team’s 14-yard line or the receiving team may advance the ball out of the endzone. 9. There are no fair catches. Fair catch signals shall be disregarded; however, no member of the kicking team may interfere with the ability of the receiving team to catch a punt. Penalty – Interference – receiving team may take the ball at the spot of the foul, or accept a 10-yard penalty from the previous spot and replay the down. 10. If a punted ball goes out of bounds anytime before being touched, it shall belong to the receiving team at that spot. Free Kick 1. There will be no free kick to start the game or the second half. The ball will be put in play at the 14-yard line to begin each half and after each touchdown. Inadvertent Whistles 1. When an official sounds his/her whistle inadvertently: a. During a legal pass, while a snap is in flight or while a kick is in flight, the down will be replayed. b. When a player is in possession of a backward pass, the team in possession at the time may choose to either accept the play where it is blown dead or to replay the down. VIII. Inclement Weather A. USCB reserves the right to postpone or reschedule a contest if circumstances warrant such action. Regular season games cancelled by rain are generally not rescheduled. B. Facebook and email are used primarily to inform participants of canceled games due to inclement weather and field conditions. In the event of inclement weather or subsequent poor field conditions that force the cancellation of games, Facebook will be updated, and an email will be sent to all captains, with a new message indicating the cancellation and any other important information pertaining to games. C. When games are cancelled due to weather, the fields will not be available for practice to avoid damage. IX. Location A. All games will be played at Fin Land soccer field. Please note that varsity soccer has first priority over the field. For weather cancellations and postponements, email Lindsey Logue or check Facebook.