DEPARTMENT OF INSTRUCTION YEARLY PLAN 2002/2003 by: Dan Hickman Prepared by: Dan Hickman CFCC Mission Statement Cape Fear Community College is an open door, comprehensive community college that strengthens the academic, economic, social, and cultural life of the citizens of New Hanover and Pender counties by promoting enrichment through life-long learning. As a member of the North Carolina Community College System, Cape Fear Community College fully supports the system mission and fulfills its purposes by: •Focusing on vocational, technical, pre-baccalaureate, basic skills and literacy education, and continuing education programs and services; •Recruiting, enrolling, advising and retaining a diverse student body; •Recruiting, retaining and developing a qualified and diverse faculty and staff who are dedicated to quality education and service to the College and the community; •Evaluating existing programs and implementing new curricula to serve the changing needs of the service area; •Providing financial, academic, and technological programs and support services that are accessible and help students succeed; and •Interacting and cooperating with others to encourage, promote and facilitate economic and community development. Approved by the CFCC Board of Trustees, March 23, 1995; revised January 18, 1996. Restated Mission Restated Mission The Department of Instruction provides local training to local people for local jobs, in order to promote economic development and quality of life within our service area. Mission Essential Tasks Mission Essential Tasks for Instruction # TASK LINK 1 Increase Access. 5,6,9 2 Insure accountability, relevance, and safety. 3 Begin operations on North Campus. 4 Continue planning Phase II of North Campus. 5 Efficiently manage current operations and plan 5,13 for future growth. 1,3 5 5,6,9 Planning Tenets • Quality • Relevance • Accountability • Safe Training Assumptions Assumptions North Campus ready by start of Fall Semester. Sufficient funding to operate North Campus. Other Planning Considerations Curriculum programs •Unconstrained by space, but constrained by funding level. •Smart growth; IE, larger section “floor”. Faculty/Staff Moves •Business, Public Services, and College Transfer “slice” to North Campus in time to begin Fall Semester. •Ad Hoc Supervision Presence. Other Planning Considerations Cont. Continuing Education Focus on expanding off-campus sites to increase access for students. Develop new markets / serve unmet needs. Transfer slice elements of CE staff to operate programs at N. Campus. Other Planning Considerations Cont. North Campus Challenges • • • • • Class & registration coverage. Parking ? Itinerant Faculty. Logistics – supplies, mail, doc flow. Thin administrative presence. Communications? Meetings and committees. North Campus Committee Member Department of Instruction 68 Instructional Planning Units Division Planning Units Arts and Sciences 6 Vocational Technical 45 Continuing Education 15 > 8 Learning Resources Center 2 Yearly Planning Calendar 2002-2003 FISCAL YEAR July/Aug-02 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/30 - Registration Fall In-Service Classes Begin Drop /Add Tuition Refund Se p-02 9/2 - Labor Day 9/3-9/24 - Grade "W" 9/25-11/17 - Grade of "WP/WF" Oct-02 10/3 - Fall Break 10/4 - Fall Break 10/5 - Fall Break 10/21-11/1 - Advising 10/28-11/17 - TRAC Nov-02 De c-02 11/18-12/17 - Grade of "WP/WF" 11/26 - Last day to file Intent to Graduate 11/28 - College Closed 11/29 - College Closed 12/2 - Classes Resume 12/4 - New student Orientation & Reg. 12/18 - Classed 12/23-27 CollegeEnd Closed 11/30 - College Closed 2002-2003 SPECIAL ACTIVITIES (Pinnings, Ceremonies, and Seminars) July/Aug-02 TBD -- Truck BladenDriving Trk Driving TBD - BLET TBD - LPN Dental Assisting Se p-02 : N/A Oct-02 TBD - Truck Driving TBD - Eastern Seminar/Fire College TBD - Continuing Educ. Fall Sy mp osium Nov-02 : N/A De c-02 TBD - BLET 2002-2003 PLANNING YEAR July/Aug-02 : CFCC receives state budget and equip ment budget : Annual Equip ment Hearing is held : VPs & Staff p resent requests for additional equip ment for current fiscal y ear Se p-02 Oct-02 : Faculty finish closing : N/A loop on objectives that were p ending receip t of student outcome data Nov-02 : College missions and goals reviewed by the Institutional Effect. Committee and status recommended to the President Debudget c-02 : County request for Fiscal Year 03/04 due to VP of Business Services 2002-2003 SCHEDULING CALENDAR July/Aug-02 Se p-02 7/22 - M ail Fall '02 Schedule 8/21 - Classes Begin 8/26 - Sp ring '03 Cards to Divisions : Reviews and up date all "POS's" : M aterials & sup p lies ready for NCamp us 9/9 - All cards given to Arts & Sciences 9/20 - Sp ring '03 Schedule to Registrar 9/20 - Sp ring '03 Room Cards to Op er. Office 9/27 - Sp ring '03 Schedule to Op erations Office from Registrar Oct-02 10/3 - Sp ring '03 Schedule to Printing Office 10/18 - Printed Sp ring 03 Schedules to Registrar's Office 10/21 - Sp ring '03 Advising Starts Nov-02 De c-02 : M ove Cisco, M ain: Review all "POS's" for tenance, & Rep air Labs Scheduling comp liance to North Camp us for the Sp ring Schedule 2002-2003 FISCAL YEAR Jan-03 1/1 - College Closed 1/2 - Registration 1/3 - Sp ring In-Service 1/4 - Classes Begin 1/6 - Late Registration 1/7 - Drop /Add 1/15 - Tuition Refund 1/20 - College Closed Fe b-03 2/10-4/7 - Grade of "WP/WF" Mar-03 Apr-03 3/1 - Last day to file 4/6 - College Closed Intent to Graduate 4/8-5/7 - Grade of 3/10-15 - Sp ring Break "WP/WF" 3/17 - Class Resumes 4/14-5/4 - Fall TRAC 3/24-4/4 - Adv p eriod 4/18 - College Closed for Summer & Fall 4/19 - College Closed 3/24-4/1 - TRAC Registration for Summer & Fall May/June -03 5/7 - Classes End 5/9 - Commencement 5/19 - Register Sum1 5/20 - Classes Begin 5/20 - Late Reg. & D/A 5/26 - College Closed 6/25 - Register Sum2 6/25 - Pre-Reg for Fall 2002-2003 SPECIAL ACTIVITIES (Pinnings, Ceremonies, and Seminars) Jan-03 TBD - Pender Co. Seminar/Fire College Fe b-03 : N/A Mar-03 TBD - Cont. Educ. Sp ring Sy mp osium Apr-03 TBD - New Hanover Seminar/Fire College May/June -03 TBD TBD TBD TBD - Radiograp hy Dental Hy giene ADN BLET 2002-2003 PLANNING YEAR Jan-03 Fe b-03 Mar-03 Apr-03 May/June -03 : County Budgets ap p roved : VPs w/Planning Units conduct mid-y r budget reviews & advise VP of Business Services of Divisions : State Budget Hearing : Planning Units will p resent objectives for next fiscal y ear that will require an increase in funding : "Annual Rep ort of Accomp s" due to VP of Instruction from each Dean or Director : VP's forward their "Accomp s" to VP of Institutional Dev. by Ap ril 1st : VP of Institutional Develop ment comp iles final rep ort & forwards to President : College-wide Planning Retreat : "Close the Loop " on objectives in SPOL for current y r by June 30 : Enter new obj. in SPOL for up coming y r : VP "ap p roves" obj. entered in SPOL 2002-2003 SCHEDULING CALENDAR Jan-03 Fe b-03 1/4 - Start Information Sy stems Prog. at NC 1/9 - Summer/Fall '03 Room Cds to Divisions 1/23 - Summer/Fall '03 Room Cards to Arts & Sciences 2/7 - Summer/Fall '03 Schedules to Registrar 2/21 - Summer/Fall '03 Room Cards & Sched. to Op erations Office from Registrar 2/28 - Summer/Fall '03 Schedules to Printing Office Mar-03 Apr-03 3/28 - Printed Summer/ 4/2 - Summer/Fall '03 Fall '03 Schedules to Advising Starts Registrar's Office May/June -03 6/20 - Changes to Fall '03 Schedules due to Registrar 6/25 - Fall '03 Sched to Op erations Office 6/30 - Fall '03 Schedule to Printing Office Long Range Calendar Long Range Calendar Year Programs Major Event 2002-2003 Growth Comments None North Campus Phase I Operational, Fall 2002 9% Move Business & Public Service to North Campus 2003-2004 Start Film & Video and Medical Sonography and expand Marine Propulsion State Budget - Will growth be funded? 10% 2004-2005 Emergency Medicine, Aviation Systems Technology, and International Business and E Commerce Concentrations Begin Renovation of W Building ; N Campus Phase II Operational Fall 04' ; N Campus Phase III Planning Begins ; Begin SACS Self Study 12% Move Engineering Technology to North Campus ; Culinary Technology and HRM displaced during renovation Long Range Calendar Continued Year Programs Major Event Growth Comments Medical Assistant and Broadcasting & 2005-2006 Production Technology SACS Self Study to High Gear 12% Consolidate Downtown Campus Graphic Arts & Imaging Technology, Emergency 2006-2007 Preparedness Technology, and Surgical Technology North Campus Phase II complete ; SACS visit March 2007 10% QUESTIONS