Cape Fear Community College Foundation, Inc. 2001-2002 Foundation Goals Pat Hickmon May 29, 2001 Goal #10 Resource Development Effectively manage the college’s fiscal resources and seek external funding through grants and donations to support the mission of Cape Fear Community College. May 29, 2001 FOUNDATION Design a flyer for newly hired faculty and staff that explains the mission and purpose of the Foundation May 29, 2001 FOUNDATION Re-design the method of approaching faculty and staff for the Annual Campus Fund Drive May 29, 2001 FOUNDATION The Holiday Craft Show becomes an annual event with volunteer helpers May 29, 2001 FOUNDATION New Hanover County Estate Planning Council Reception becomes an annual event May 29, 2001 FOUNDATION Scholarships for every department May 29, 2001 FOUNDATION Planned Giving Workshops May 29, 2001 GRANTS A grant proposal sign-off sheet will be available on the CFCC website for those applying for grants May 29, 2001 GRANTS Availability of grants will be sent on e-mail to specific faculty and staff as these grants pertain to their area of interest May 29, 2001 GRANTS A “How to Write Grants” manual will be given to faculty and staff who are interested in obtaining outside funding May 29, 2001