CFCC Faculty Association |MINUTES

CFCC Faculty Association |MINUTES
January 29, 2016 12:00 PM| Meeting location NA338
Meeting called by
Erica Reynolds, FA VP
Type of meeting
Monthly meeting
Note taker
Susan Booth, FA Secretary
Introduction | Erica Reynolds
Erica called the meeting to order at 12:00. She stated that she would be facilitating the meeting in Val Melvin’s
unexpected absence.
Action items
ACTION ITEM: Report back to Val Melvin with meeting details.
Person responsible
Erica Reynolds
Marilyn Goodman Anderson Endowed Award for Excellence in Teaching | Presenter Bob
Jones, Associate Director, CFCC Foundation
Discussion: Bob Jones shared information about the nominations for the award, including the current procedures
and requirements for nominees. It is the intent of the Foundation to make this a less complicated process through
the use of technology. Meeting attendees discussed the current portfolio requirements and suggested that the
process be streamlined as this occurs at an exceptionally busy time of the semester for faculty.
Notes from Bob:
The Marilyn Goodman Anderson Endowed Award for Excellence in Teaching is awarded annually to an
outstanding faculty member at CFCC. This prestigious award recognizes all aspects of excellence in
teaching that foster students’ lifelong learning and success.
Nominees must be current faculty members who have taught at least three years at CFCC.
Nominees may be part-time or full-time, and instructors in all departments of the College are eligible for the
In 2015, there were 88 nominees and only 22 submitted the necessary documentation (one was notified of
missing info and had a chance to resubmit)
Nominations are due March 4
The recipient of the award is announced each year at CFCC’s August In-Service.
The recipient will receive a medallion to wear at official ceremonies and a one-time stipend of $2,000 (prior
to taxes).
Jan 29 Bob will present the timeline to the Faculty Association at their meeting
Week of Feb 1 Communication via Cape Fear All, Currents, website, etc. will go out requesting
March 4 ****Nominations are due**** from students, faculty and staff. Please encourage colleagues,
students to nominate someone!
Week of March 7 (spring break):
o Foundation staff verifies nominees with HR department to make sure those who are
nominated are current full- or part-time instructors teaching curriculum classes.
o Nominees must have been an instructor for at least three years prior to the month award is
made (i.e. August 2016)
March 14- 30th Nominated faculty are notified and asked to prepare supporting materials for
committee. Due March 30th
March 30-April 1 Foundation Dept. verifies that all packets are complete
April 4-22: Committee reviews instructor portfolios in the Foundation office
o Committee:
 Designee by Dr. Lee: Melissa Singler
 2015 Recipient – Bethaney Ferguson
 2014 Recipient – Bridget Floyd
 SGA President – Blaine Pugh
 Faculty Association President – Val Melvin
Week of April 25th: Committee will meet to select award winner.
In May: Foundation sends letter to recipient and other nominees after graduation. The name of the
recipient is to remain secret until August in-service award ceremony.
Suggestions included:
Portfolios be required only from “finalists,”
Extend the deadline for submission (not possible according to Bob due to the nature of the award
and timelines),
Nominations should be student driven, but students should not be solicited for letters of
Nominees who submit incomplete portfolios be notified of incompleteness. (OTE – this is already in
Bob indicated that he would be in contact with the donor to discuss faculty questions and concerns to
determine if any changes could be possible.
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General Scholarships | Presenter Bob Jones, Associate Director, CFCC Foundation
Bob shared that the Foundation would like to receive more student applications for SCHOLARSHIPS (which
require writing a letter) so that more funds could be distributed each semester. He asked that all faculty share the
scholarship opportunity with students.
Action items
Person responsible
ACTION ITEM: Faculty share Foundation Scholarship
information with students
ACTION ITEM: Report back from Bob Jones after discussion with Bob Jones
QEP | Jennifer McBride Koch
QEP Update
CFCC’s current QEP topic is First-Year Experience with a focus on improving student success through increased
student engagement. The QEP Development Team and QEP Committee have been working on finalizing QEP
goals and objectives as well as the Target and Control groups which are listed below. Possible intervention plans to
help meet the QEP goals and objectives are under discussion and will be shared once those decisions have been
Target Group:
FTIC (First Time in College) degree-seeking student who graduated from HS within 5 years of starting at
2.6-2.9 GPA
Take 9 or more credit hours each semester
Note: These students were chosen due to Multiple Measures implementation in Fall 2016.
Control Group:
FTIC (First Time in College) degree-seeking student who graduated from HS within 5 years of starting at
> 3.0 GPA
Take 9 or more credit hours each semester
1. Goal: Increase FTIC (First Time in College) students’ engagement during their first year of enrollment.
a. Objective: FTIC students will increase their engagement through utilizing campus resources during
their first year of enrollment.
b. Objective: FTIC students will increase their engagement through participating in a learning
community during their first year of enrollment.
2. Goal: Shorten FTIC students’ degree completion time.
a. Objective: FTIC students will establish clear academic and career goals.
b. Objective: FTIC students will develop an accurate degree completion plan during their first year of
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3. Goal: Increase FTIC students’ success rate in high enrollment courses.
a. Objective: FTIC students will develop the study and personal management skills necessary to
succeed in high enrollment courses.
b. Objective: Faculty will enhance instructional practices to support FTIC student success.
The QEP is a broad-based initiative including many areas at the college. To that end, input and participation on the
QEP Development Team is encouraged. Anyone who is interested in joining the QEP Team should contact Jennifer
McBride (
Jennifer discussed the Advising Center, sharing that it will key in achieving QEP goals.
Jennifer discussed the need for input from all areas of the college and encouraged anyone / everyone to share ideas
and join the QEP Team
Action items
ACTION ITEM: Make reports available as requested.
Person responsible
Jennifer McBride Koch
Calendar | Erica Reynolds, Faculty Association Vice-president
Discussion: Erica opened discussion on the academic calendar and indicated that the Faculty Association is
working closely with our Administrators on this. Attendees discussed the calendar at length, including Drop /
Add and Final Exams Week. Robert Sutton indicated that the academic calendars are available for viewing online.
He encouraged all view the calendars and provide him with feedback. His team is currently working on feasibility
and system requirements to determine the possibility of Drop / Add and Final Exams Week. Robert explained
some difficulties with regard to Drop / Add which include scheduling for full and mini sessions, census dates, and
technological issues that Wellington is currently addressing and attempting to resolve. Robert Sutton reported that
he had reviewed exceptions during other committee work and found no exceptions for Final Exams Week at other
colleges. The question as to how other colleges are doing Drop / Add and Final Exams Week was discussed.
Robert reported that an auditor will be visiting CFCC and will be able to assist with these questions. Issues may
include partial and full refunds for students as well as student complaints.
Discussion included: Purpose of exam week may be to reduce student and faculty stress, must be in compliance.
Action items
ACTION ITEM: Report back to Faculty as discussion with
Administrators continues.
Person responsible
Val Melvin
ACTION ITEM: Report back to Faculty as additional information Robert Sutton
on calendar is available.
30 Hours | Erica Reynolds, Faculty Association Vice -president
Discussion: Erica clarified that the “posting of 30 hour” discussion includes inconsistency across the various areas
of the college, with some faculty required to post all 30 hours on their door schedule, while others are not required
to post all 30 hours. She clarified that this discussion is not about working 30 hours, rather documenting the hours.
Erica indicated that Melissa Singler is supportive of the faculty and seeks to support faculty as professionals.
Attendees questioned discrepancies about extra contract pay. Erica reported that Human Resources is currently
working on developing guidelines. Discussion included: the purpose of posting 30 hours is to keep students
informed of faculty office hours, flexibility and perception of faculty by supervisors, it is a courtesy to let other
know when and where faculty will be at given times of each day.
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Action items
ACTION ITEM: Report back to Faculty as discussion with
Administration continues.
Person responsible
Val Melvin
New Business | Erica Reynolds
Vendor on the North Campus Erica stated that we have not yet been successful in obtaining a vendor for the
North Campus, but are looking into locating a vendor for an evening meal. Erica indicated that Wellington
continues to work on this. Discussion included: Encourage students to complain about lack of food service,
vendors that currently serve run out of food early in the lunch hour.
Keys Attendees discussed keys for various buildings, faculty, and adjunct faculty. It is reported that cleaning staff
in the Humanities / Fine Arts Center do not have keys to faculty offices so they are therefore not being cleaned. It
is reported that faculty are not permitted to have keys to classrooms or faculty lavatories in the H/FA Center, and
that adjuncts are no longer being issued keys. Discussion on the inability to secure classrooms with keys
continued, with attendees acknowledging the safety concern if faculty are unable to secure classrooms, as many
classroom doors require a key to lock and/or unlock the door.
Q Building A question regarding the purpose of the Q building and the lease was raised. It was reported that the
Q building is not unlocked in a timely manner and students and faculty are forced to wait outside in the weather
for security to arrive to unlock the building.
Faculty Awareness of Safety Concerns News reports include a rape incident on the downtown campus
some time ago but faculty were not informed of the severity of the incident until seeing it in the news. Attendees
questioned why faculty was not informed of the severity of the incident. Additional safety concerns were
expressed regarding the criminal status of students in classrooms and the question was raised if faculty could be
notified if a felon or sex offender is in a specific course with specific faculty member. It is believed that the college
receives a report of felons and sex offenders from the Wilmington Police Department. The North Carolina
Department of Corrections website was discussed as a tool in gaining information on felons / sex offenders.
Faculty Titles Erica reported that the discussion on faculty titles is currently on hold.
Hour Wage Hourly wage for contracts in the transfer courses was discussed with some discussion on disparity.
Parking Parking on the North Campus was discussed with the following questions/suggestions: Is the new policy
taking effect in Lynn Silvia’s absence a good idea? Would it not be best to wait until she returns to make changes?
Would it be possible for North Campus employees to handle the parking assignments on the North Campus? Why
were these changes made with no input at all from any employees? Attendees noted that they had given no input
and that communications should have occurred prior to making these changes.
Action items
Person responsible
ACTION ITEM: Report back to Faculty as discussions with
Administration regarding food and food shortages on the North
Campus continues.
Val Melvin
ACTION ITEM: Report back to Faculty as discussions with
Administration regarding the key/safety issue continues.
Val Melvin
ACTION ITEM: Report back to Faculty as discussions with
Administration regarding the wage and compression study
Val Melvin
ACTION ITEM: Report back to Faculty regarding Q building
Val Melvin
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ACTION ITEM: Report back to Faculty regarding future
notification of serious incidents
Val Melvin
Val Melvin
ACTION ITEM: Report back to Faculty regarding notification
of student felon / sex offender status
Val Melvin
ACTION ITEM: Report back to Faculty after discussions with
Administration regarding the parking.
Val Melvin
Adjournment | Erica Reynolds
Larry Tingen made a motion for the meeting to be adjourned, seconded by Caroline Greenough and the meeting
was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by Susan Booth, Faculty Association Secretary
February 2, 2016
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