There was a teddy bear sitting on a wooden bench.

There was a teddy bear sitting on a wooden bench.
I realized it was not only because Grace and Tiffany created a coffee shop and grew a field of
lavender here. With their determination, enthusiasm and imagination, they also planted the seeds
of dreams in every visitor’s heart.
If you have been to Pingshi in Taipei County, chances are you’ve seen the tradition of sky lantern
lighting. (很有可能)
Written on them are wishes that many people have (much) in common, such as wealth, health
and good fortune. Once lit, the sky…….
How much personal space you need depends on a lot of factors. It may have to do with whether
you grew up in the city or the country.(與…有關聯) (是…呢還是…呢或不管,無論)
According to research findings, smoking has a lot to do with lung cancer.
Culture, above all, plays a big role in how much personal space people need. (扮演重要角色)
I can hardly (rarely, barely, scarcely, seldom) see anything in this dark chamber = Hardly can I
see anything in this dark chamber.
That’s the new sound that’s going to take the world by storm.(席捲、引起風潮)
Last year, two friends in America discovered that when you mix Diet coke with Mentos, an
explosive reaction occurs.
In the BBC’s superhuman series, we’ll take a look at how scientists are using the power of human
bodies to develop new healing techniques.
An experiment using stem cells has been done on rats with spinal cord damage.
First, the bone of the new hand was connected to Matthew’s arm with metal brackets. Then they
set to work connecting the blood vessels, nerves and tendons and finally the flaps of skin were
sewn together.(開始執行)
That is why anyone who gets a transplant has to take drugs that weaken the immune system for the
rest of their lives.
Bacteria that once killed us are being turned into cures.
During asthma attacks, the body starts treating harmless things as if (as though) they were
dangerous infections. (好像,和事實相反)
The rich green landscape gave way to the grey and brown of rocks and dry earth.(引領至…)
After I ate a quick……, I could feel…. = Eating a quick…., I could feel…
Because I was tired and soaked…., I sank…. = Tired and soaked…., I….
Since we had passed the…., we could….. = Having passed the…., we…..
It was a place that was free of noise, pollution, and people. (沒有…)
They are taught how to conquer their fears in Terabithia only by fighting the Dark Mater. = Only
by fighting the Dark Master are they taught……
We realize the importance of health only when we fall ill. = Only when we fall ill do we realize…
His art gives a sense of an alternate universe full of people whose bloated bodies and puffy cheeks
are sometimes symbolic of power, privilege and overstuffed egos. (他的藝術創作給予觀者一種
In his painting A Couple, a rotund man and woman wearing upscale clothing appear to be in
conflict with the peaceful scenery in the background. (似乎、和…衝突)
Their trip was interrupted because of (on account of, owing to, thanks to, as a result of, on grounds
of) an unexpected rainstorm.
Since then, he has created over 2500 paintings and sculptures – a magnificent feat for any artist.(從
Although many considered the sport to be a form of performance art, it was painting that truly
appealed to Botero. (雖然許多人認為鬥牛是種表演藝術,但深深吸引波特羅的仍是繪畫)
English electronic dictionaries are of great use to English learners. (= are greatly useful) (是…的)
His analysis seems to (appear to) be helpful in finding solutions to the program. = It seems
(appears) that his analysis is helpful in finding solutions to the problem. (他的分析似乎有助於找
What he does is in conflict (conjugate) with what he says. (他說和做互相衝突)
For those of us curious about family history, most genealogists will agree that the surname is the
best place to begin research. (對於那些對家族史感興趣的人來說,多數系譜學者堆會同意姓氏
When asked why he was late for school, Jason couldn’t come up with any excuses. (想出)
Hidden in every surname is a history stretching hundreds of years and possibly spanning several
continents. (倒裝= A history stretching hundreds of years and possibly spanning several continents
is hidden in every surname)(每個姓氏都隱藏了一段延伸好幾百年且可能跨越好幾洲的歷史)
含有介系詞 to 的動詞片語分為兩類:一類只能加原形 V 或 N。一類為加 N 或 V-ing。
Endurance, confidence and luck will often lead to success. (導致、造成)
This restaurant really knows how to cater to different tastes. (迎合、照料)
She has tried to tend to her kid’s every need. (留心、照料)
I am looking forward to visiting my grandparents next week.(期待)
After five years, she shill has not got used to the cold weather in the north.(習慣)
Gradually, she began to take to her new job.(開始從事、產生好感)
I usually object to eating meat but sometimes I make an exception.(反對)
He prefers staying at home chatting on the net to going out for a movie. = he prefers to stay at
home chatting on the net that go out for a movie.(較喜歡 A 而較不喜歡 B)
This new discovery gives credibility to the theory that Mars may have the right conditions needed
for life on the planet. (這項新發現使火星具備生命存活條件之說更有可信度)
Images taken from a NASA probe show gullies and trenches that suggest water could have flowed
on the surface within the last few years. However, some scientists think these gullies were formed
by liquid carbon dioxide, rather than water. (從太空探測儀傳回火星影像中可見峽谷及溝渠的
Determining what made these gullies is an important question, one that could help prove whether
there is life on Mars or not. (釐清這些溝渠的成因為何是項重要的問題,這將有助於證明火星是
The study also showed that this behavior took place (= happen or occur) in both men and women
form a variety of backgrounds, whether they were wealthy or not.
Most of the classes agree on reading this book first because it’s more interesting than the other one.
Synesthetes might hear sounds in response to a smell, or feel something itch in response to seeing
certain objects. (聯覺人可能會在聞到味道時聽到聲音,或看到特定物體時覺得搔癢)
Now, these sites can remain intact for anyone with a sense of adventure and desire to touch the past.
When I was in eighth grade, my father was heavily in debt and finally went bankrupt. (go + adj
表示變成某種狀態 如 go blind, go wrong, go naked, go crazy)
The potential of this new science is certain to astonish you.
DNA nanotechnology involves (contemplate, admit, imagine, postpone, suggest 等都需要加
Ving) engineering molecules and making them perform specific tasks right inside our
bodies.(DNA 奈米科技是將分子加以改造,使其在人體內執行特定任務)
If we were to be infected with a disease, it would detect it and take action against it.
If someone told you that he had combined DNA with a computer, you would probably think he was
going nuts. 以上兩句為與事實相反的假設語氣句型,最後一句為可能發生的條件句。
If you can decide how biological molecules interact, or in other words, if you can change their code,
you can control what they do.
It doesn’t matter how many boxes of chocolate you received on Valentine’s Day. What (the
thing(s) which) really matter is whether (or not) you know how to cherish friendship and show
respect for (= respect) people around you every day.
Ando was catapulted into(快速成名) international fame upon the completion of (= as soon as he
completed) his Rokko Housing on the slope of the Rokko Mountains in 1983.
Lying in wait for him, gun at the ready, Watson is shocked to find that it is none other than Sherlock
Holmes himself. (華生埋伏在其中,手槍隨侍在側,等待男人現身,出乎意外是,那男子不是
Amy asked me to keep an eye on her belongings when she went to the restroom. (注意)
He created ships, airplanes and other objects out of wood. (出自於)
With the combination of these observations and his wondrous imagination, Ando was able to
create his own architectural style.
To Ando, this is the work that entirely captures his many ideas, even though it may appear
simplistic on the surface.
Tadao Ando has designed many internationally acclaimed works, including the Meditation space in
Paris, and Fabrica, the Benetton research center in Italy.
A pay (give) attention to B. (A 注意 B) = The police were paying close attention to what was going
on in the house.
A attract (draw) one’s attention. (A 引起某人的注意) = Bright colors often draw little children’s
A attract (draw) attention to B. (A 使大家注意到 B) = The documentary attracts attention to the
problem of street children.
The committee was comprised of ten students from different classes. (由…組成)
Later on, Ando put together a series of religious works. (過後、以後)
When questioned, she evades answering, which further adds to Watson’s suspicion.
Today, Ando has embarked on (著手進行) his most ambitious project to date (有史以來),
revealing his design for what will become by far (顯然,用來修飾最高級 tallest) the world’s tallest
structure. (今日,安藤已展開其有史以來最雄心萬丈的設計,揭示了即將成為世界最高建築的
The scientists believed they were on the brink of (就快要) discovering a cure for the disease.
With everything in place(就定位、準備好了), I started the slide show.
The earthquake survivor was found in the building with his head and body severely injured.
The audience watched the magician conjuring a rose out of his hat with their eyes wide open.
The higher the airplanes fly, the smaller they appear to people on the ground.
The more we are aware of their influences, the more we are likely to make delicious based on what
we really need or want. (我們越瞭解行銷方法的影響,便越能依據我們真正的需求作決定)
So next time you see a sign saying Two Dental Surgeries For The Price Of One, think twice before
you part with (和…分開,捨棄) your hard-earned cash.
So, he decided to follow in the footsteps of (追隨…的腳步) his brilliant and amusing father who
had tired to read all the volumes of the encyclopedia, but stopped at Borneo.
They set out (有目標的展開工作) to discover a cure for the strange disease.
However, he would remain unknown for most of his life, devoting himself to(致力於) painting in
Step by step(逐步地), he would approach the truth.
He did everything possible to please the girl, only to(不料、反而) scare her away.
Online encyclopedias like Wikipedia are not unreliable(並非不可靠,雙重否定句), but you’d
better double-check the information they provide.
Over time (經一段時間,長久以來), body language set the stage for (為…打基礎、做準備) more
complex hand gestures, which in time (即時) developed into our spoken languages. 長此以往,肢
More than (= Besides = In addition to = Apart from = Aside from,除了…之外,還) providing
me with a comfortable room, my host family were very nice to me.
My host family provided me with a comfortable room. Besides (= In addition,此外), they were
very nice to me.
Apart from (= Aside from = Except for,扣除…之外) hanging around in the street, there’s
nothing for kids to here.
Jacobs also realizes that he can’t take modern spices for granted (視..為理所當然), such as
cinnamon. In the past he would have to use an entire month’s salary to get a pinch of it.
Upon finding my idol standing there, I tried hard to bring myself closer to her. (讓自己接近或做)
It might also help if people could match up what they truly wish to say with their body language.
(使..相配、調和) match up A with B = A match up with B.
Do not treat this serious matter as a joke.
Although many people have little time for breakfast and some even skip it altogether, it is
considered an important meal as we all need nourishment and energy to get going (開始、出發) in
the morning. 儘管許多人不大有時間吃早餐,有些人甚至完全略過,但大家都認為這餐很重
Parents provide their children with food and clothing = Parents provide food and clothing for their
It is a time to catch up on (得知) each other’s lives and daily events.
When it comes to(提及) global warming, Naisbitt is a skeptic.
He stated that once the academic community accepts (see, view, define, regard, think of, take,
refer to) his proof as (接納、認可) a theorem, he desires no further recognition. 他說一旦學術界
In his new book, the author vividly describes falling off his scooter and being rushed to the
Life is described as(描述成) having two sides – the sunny side and the shady side.
The boy never described his school life to(向某人描述) his parents.
The boy never described how he felt. He kept his feelings to himself.