Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP) 700 South J Street

Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
7/10/2014 CAC/CHIP Physical Activity Workgroup
Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
7/11/2014; 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Lake County Chamber of Commerce, meeting room
Partnership members, staff, and guests in attendance: Tule Chiono, Anne Kasbohm, Jen
Stephens, Deb Diment, Mary Wilkie, Emma Cornwell (by phone), and John Adams
Call to Order
1:00pm –
Welcome and Introductions
1:05pm –
1:10pm –
John Adams provided a review of the agenda. Group members debriefed the Healthy Outback
community meetings.
CHIP Strategies Update
1:20pm --Transformation Grant Funding: At the June 23rd EOCCO Board meeting, board members identified
proposals that they recommended for funding. The recommendations have been forwarded to the
Oregon Health Authority, and, now, we are waiting on their approval and an official grant award
notification for the proposals we submitted, including 2 from Warner Mountain Medical Clinic, 2 from
Lake County Mental Health, and 1 from Lake Health District.
-Dental: John reported that all the Superintendents in the county agreed to support the Dental Sealant
and Fluoride Varnish programs at the schools in the fall.
-Senior Services: John reported that he worked with Teresa Thomas to apply for a $20K community
grant with the Office of Rural Health for the Senior Services strategy, and we have received notice that
the Senior Center will be awarded the funding.
-Physical Activity: John reported that the one pager is complete. The webpage address will be included
on the physical activity promotional one pager. His plan is to disseminate the oral health and physical
activity one pagers, together, beginning at the end of the month. Tule Chiono requested that the
document include a “last updated” date, so that community members can know how current the
information is. The group discussed strategies to disseminate the flyer, including:
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 |
Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
 Large employers, Town of Lakeview, County, Lake District Hospital, Collins Pine, School
Districts, BLM, Forest Service, US Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Department of Forestry
 Media: Public Service Announcements with Examiner, Community Breeze, and Desert
Whispers, radio, tv (channel 4), special promotional videos by Kurt Lidtke with the Examiner
 Chamber newsletter (by July 25th)
 Friends of the Library
 Cornerstone?
John reported that the webpage will be complete by the end of July. It will be hosted on The webpage will include the content of the physical activity promotional flyer,
a listing of available physical activity programs and services, an events and activities calendar, healthy
eating content and links to community walking routes on Tule suggested using
magnets to help advertise the webpage.
Strategic Planning
1:45pm –
John reviewed the top 5 ideas to make “Lake County a healthier place” from both the North Lake and
Lakeview community meetings.
John also reviewed the May meeting minutes and highlighted the physical activity brainstorming ideas
 Focus on existing strategies
 More coordination on existing strategies
 Health education, promotion, and outreach
John reported he talked with Jamie Davis, and she is open to discussing additional strategies. The
group discussed other ideas, including:
 Community gardens
 Playground w/walking park (so parents can exercise while kids play),
 Walking path at golf course (Christmas Valley)
 Promoting biking routes (Herald and News example)
 Physical activity for seniors
 Tai Chi for seniors
Next meeting/Adjourn
2:30pm –
John stated the next meeting would use turning point technology to review health data and facilitate
further discussion about additional strategies.
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 |
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