Introduction to Education Dr. Regina M. Ryel Susan Templeton Sarah Wendell

Introduction to Education
Dr. Regina M. Ryel
Susan Templeton
Sarah Wendell
Todd Musgraves
Samantha Neal
Elisha Taldo
We chose to do a can food drive partnered with
Northwest Arkansas Food Bank. Benton and
Washington Counties are two of the top three counties
with the most people living below poverty level.
Everyday in Northwest Arkansas there are nearly one
hundred thousand hungry people. We made it our
goal to assist those in need of food during the holiday
The NWA Food Bank is located at
1378 June Self Drive
Bethel Heights, AR 72764
Project Overview
Our group will educate young people at Jones
Elementary School about the causes and effects of
hunger in Northwest Arkansas. As a group, we will
motivate children to be more involved within their
community. We will give the children intrinsic rewards
to bring food items to be donated to the Northwest
Arkansas Food Bank.
Wal-Mart helps the Food Bank
Wal-Mart donated
material from the
Springdale Sam’s Club
along with additional
material for the benefit
of the NWA food bank.
Helping those who are in need of food.
Food that is
donated to
the food
bank is in
turn donated
to the
 Examine our beliefs and opinions about teaching and
We will extend our understanding of self as a learner and
future leader.
Integrate our knowledge of self and students to the context of
the school.
We will broaden our understanding of the role of schools in
our society.
Review practical issues related to the teaching profession.
Students will develop effective oral communication skills.
Students will employ a variety of sources.
Food Bank
now accepts
and donates
baked items
such as cakes
and bread.
 Our initial use of technology was using the internet to
search for ideas and methods of running a successful
can food drive.
 Phone and email communication has been used to
contact group members.
 We used publisher, power point, and word to create
our documents.
For every dollar
donated to the
NWA Food
Bank, they are
able to deliver
five meals to
needy people.
Effective Communication
Staying on Task
Follow Through
Time Management
Jones Elementary School
Jones Elementary Food Drive Kick Off
Date: October 29th to November 14th
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards
 The intrinsic reward is that by donating a can of food,
the students know they are helping another person
have food to eat. They are making a difference in
 The extrinsic reward is that our group spent a full day
at Jones Elementary School playing with the students
during their recess time. All students were included!
The canned foods donated by the
students of Jones Elementary
School were collected and taken
to the NWA Food Bank. The food
drive was completed November
14th making is possible to donate
all the collected cans to help with
Thanksgiving Dinners.
Project Results
The students at Jones
Elementary School
donated a total of 200
pounds of canned
Future Project Ideas
 A future group could expand on our food drive idea by
incorporating the entire district instead of just one
 Thank you to the following:
 Gerald Demory at the Northwest Arkansas Food Bank.
 All faculty at Jones Elementary School.
 The generous students at Jones Elementary School in
Springdale, AR.