Arkansas History Brochure Elmdale Elementary Amber Shaddock, Christina Williams, Heather Marshall, Krystina Southern

Arkansas History Brochure
Elmdale Elementary
Fall 2008
Amber Shaddock, Christina Williams,
Heather Marshall, Krystina Southern
NWACC, Intro to Education EAST/EMPACTS
Dr. Regina Ryel Thomason, Instructor
Fourth grade students at Elmdale
Elementary school produced brochures as part
of an activity that helped them to learn about
the history of the state of Arkansas.
NWACC, Intro to Education students
facilitated in the activity and assisted
students in the production of their brochures.
Our Mission
Our goal for this project was to
assist Mrs. Casey of Elmdale
Elementary with an Arkansas
history project. We decided to
teach the students about
Arkansas through making a
brochure of different regions in
the state.
•Text Book
•Arkansas Department of
Travel Information
•Digital Camera
•Microsoft Word
•Microsoft Power Point
Course Outcomes
•Examine our beliefs about teaching and student
•Extend our understanding of self as a learner and
future teacher.
•Review practical issues related to the teaching
•Integrate our knowledge of self and students to
the context of the school.
•Broaden our understanding of the role of schools
in our society.
•To gain classroom management knowledge.
NWACC Outcomes
•Students will learn how to locate,
evaluate, and use the information
they have found.
•Students will learn the importance of
communication, and develop those
•Students will develop “soft skills”
important to their success in life,
they will also learn how to interact
with others in a professional
Day 1
• We had a meeting with Mrs. Lisa Casey at
Elmdale Elementary to determine the
curriculum needs for the project.
Day 2
•Our group met with the students and
explained what a brochure was and why it
was useful. We then divided them into
family groups. They were assigned
different regions of Arkansas: the
Ozarks, River Valley, Central, Ouachita,
Delta, and the Timberlands.
Day 3
On day three our groups
started working.
They researched their
Each student had to find
information on
attractions, industry,
natural resources, and a
fun fact.
Day 4
The students looked in magazines
for pictures to go on their
Day 5
•The students
This was their
favorite part!
Day 6
The students put the
final touches on their
projects. They were
glad to finally be done,
but they had a great
time learning about
the different regions
of Arkansas!
Our Final Project
Thank You
• Mrs. Casey & her students
• Elmdale Elementary
• Dr. Ryel Thomason
• Diane Phillips