Building and Maintaining a Healthy Skeleton Lisa D. Madison, MD Clinical Associate Professor

Building and Maintaining a
Healthy Skeleton
Lisa D. Madison, MD
Clinical Associate Professor
Pediatric Endocrinology
March 11, 2014
• Briefly review basic bone biology and metabolism
• Discuss the determinants of peak bone mass and timing of its
• Explore the effects of vitamin D deficiency on the pediatric
• Focus on vitamin D requirements in children and conditions
that affect the ability to meet these requirements
• Consider calcium intake, absorption and excretion throughout
• Touch on appropriate methods to assess bone density in
Bone Biology
• Bone Structure
– Extracellular matrix
– Osteoid (type 1 collagen)
– Mineral crystals
• Bone Architecture
– Cortical bone
– Trabecular (cancellous)
• Cells in Bone
– Osteoblasts
– Osteoclasts
Bone Metabolism: The Players
Vitamin D - from dietary sources or manufactured in skin
Calcium - 99% of total body stores reside in bone
Phosphorous - 85% of total body stores reside in bone
PTH - secreted by parathyroid gland
– Primary regulator is serum iCa++ concentration
– Effects include:
• Increased Ca++/decreased phos reabsorption in kidney
• Activation of osteoclasts to release Ca++ from bone
• Stimulation of 1-alpha hydroxylase to produce activated vitamin D
Half-life 2-3 wks
2 of 3
pathways of
Ca absorption
are vit-D
-Fortified dairy
-Egg yolks
-Fish oils
Half-life 6-8 hrs
Noble: Textbook of Primary Care Medicine, 3rd ed., Copyright © 2001 Mosby, Inc.
Attaining Peak Bone Mass
Attaining Peak Bone Mass
• Total skeletal calcium
– 25 g at birth
900-1200 g in adults
• 25% of peak bone mass acquired during the 2 years
surrounding peak height velocity (11.5 years in girls, 13.5
years in boys)
• 60% acquired during peripubertal years
• 90% of peak bone mass acquired by age 18
• Lifetime risk of fracture declines by an estimated 40% for each
5% gain in peak bone mass
Hereditary Factors
• Account for 60-80% of the variability in peak bone mass
• Much of the variability is due to differences in body size, bone
size and bone geometry
– Most studies show increased BMC, BMD, bone size and
volumetric density in black vs. white youth
– Differences between Hispanic and Asian vs. white youth mostly
due to body and bone size
Body Weight
• Direct, positive correlation between BMI and BMD
• Malnutrition associated with decreased BMD, but….
• Obese children also at increased risk for fracture
Lower bone mass and area relative to body weight
Lower calcium intake
Higher sodium intake (and therefore obligatory calcium losses)
Decreased physical activity
Body Weight and Bone Mass/Area
• Cross-sectional study of children age 3-19 years with no
history of fracture
• 200 girls, 136 boys in New Zealand, all Caucasian
• Total body bone mineral content (BMC) and bone area (BA),
as well as body composition measured by DEXA
• Results suggest a mismatch between rate of gain in adiposity
and rate of gain in bone mass
• May accentuate the known mismatch between linear growth
and bone mineral accrual in adolescents, further increasing
the risk for fracture
• Not known whether this relative deficit persists into
Goulding A et al. Int J Obesity. 24:627-632, 2000.
Exercise and BMD
• Intensive weight-bearing activity in childhood increases BMD over
that seen in inactive controls
• Nature of the activity determines degree of BMD increase
– Gymnasts > Distance runners
– Swimmers = non-athletic controls
• Effects are also site-specific
– Tennis players - dominant vs. non-dominant arm
• Timing matters
– Effects of activity are greater before and during puberty than in
• Gains are sustained for the long term
– Former gymnasts, runners, dancers have BMD values 8-12% greater
than age-matched controls years after retiring from sports
Activity Intervention Trials
Bachrach 2001
Vitamin D - Historical Perspective
• 1898 - Infants Hospital, Boston - 80% of infants <2 years of age
showed physical stigmata of rickets
• 1918 - Mellanby showed antirachitic effect of cod liver oil antirachitic factor assumed to be a vitamin, letter “D”
• 1919 - Huldschinsky observed prevention and cure of rickets
with exposure to sunlight
• 1925 - study by Eliot - only 4.3% of infants receiving cod liver
oil and sun exposure developed “moderate” rickets versus
33% of control infants with “moderate” or “marked” rickets
• 1930’s - Formula supplementation and provision of vitamin D
supplements to breast-fed infants nearly universal
Rickets Returns
• Late 1970’s - Reappearance of hundreds of vitamin Ddeficiency rickets cases, primarily in dark-skinned infants
receiving “long-term breast feeding”
• Current incidence difficult to pinpoint
• Roughly 1-2 severe cases at OHSU annually
• Far higher incidence of vitamin D deficiency without stigmata
of rickets
Why is Vitamin D Deficiency on the Rise?
• Increasing percentage of women breastfeeding and for longer
periods (human milk contains 0.25 - 6 IU/100 cc)
• Increasing percentage of minority women breastfeeding
• Lack of awareness of need for Vitamin D supplementation
• Decreased sun exposure – how much would we need?
– 30 minutes/week whole body exposure
– 2 hours/week head-only exposure
– Counter to our recommendations about sunscreen and
protective clothing
– Difficult to achieve in the Pacific Northwest at certain times of
Recommended Vitamin D Intake
• AAP Position Statement 2006
– “The diet of all infants (including those who are breastfeeding),
children and adolescents should include the recommended
adequate intakes of vitamin D (200 IU [5 mcg] or 500 mL of
vitamin D-fortified formula or milk per day) as well as fruits and
vegetables that are sources of potassium and bicarbonate,
which may improve calcium absorption.”
Recommended Vitamin D Intake
• Updated AAP Guidelines 2008
– “Breast-fed and partially breast-fed infants should be
supplemented with 400 IU/day of vitamin D beginning in
the first few days of life. Supplementation should be
continued unless the infant is weaned to at least 1L/day or
1 quart/day of vitamin D-fortified formula or whole milk.
All non breast-fed infants, as well as older children who are
ingesting less than 1000 mL/day of vitamin D-fortified
formula or milk should receive a vitamin D supplement of
400 IU/day.”
Recommended Vitamin D Intake
Institute of Medicine –400-600 IU/day (2011 recs)
Canadian Pediatric Society – 400 IU/day
Australia and New Zealand – 400 IU/day
ESPE Bone Club – 200-800 IU/day with higher end
recommended for those with dark skin complexion and where
sun exposure is limited
Vitamin D: Why 200 vs. 400 vs. 600 IU?
• 200 IU based on 1997 recommendations by the National
Academy of Sciences
• Supported by data from US, China and Norway
• 200 IU vitamin D daily prevents physical signs of vitamin D
deficiency and maintains serum 25(OH)D level at or above 11
• 400 IU maintains 25(OH)D level >28 ng/mL according to older
• 600 IU maintains 25(OH)D level >20 ng/mL in 97.5% of
children over age 1 with minimal sun exposure (400 IU for
children <age 1)
Vitamin D: Why 200 vs. 400 vs. 600 IU?
• What are “normal” levels in children?
• Are levels above 11 ng/mL truly sufficient to prevent rickets?
• Are there any bone mineral content (BMC) data available to
support a dosing recommendation?
Vitamin D Levels in Rickets
• Recent review summarized 11 studies
• 5 studies showed mean serum 25(OH)D level <27.5 nmol/L
(11 ng/mL) in patients with rickets
• 6 studies showed mean serum 25(OH)D levels 30-50 nmol/L
(12-20 ng/mL)
• One US study showed mean serum 25(OH)D level in mild
rickets 46.7 +/- 17.5 nmol/L (18.7 +/- 7 ng/mL) – only 3 infants
Vitamin D and PTH Levels
78 nmol/L equals 31 ng/mL (CF 2.5)
Recommended Vitamin D Intake
JCEM January 2011, p. 53-58
How Common is Vitamin D Deficiency?
Vitamin D and BMC in Children
• Prospective, double-blind RCT of vitamin D supplementation
in the context of adequate dietary calcium intake
• 212 adolescent girls (mean age 11.4) recruited in Helsinki,
– No chronic medical problems
– No meds known to affect calcium metabolism
– Homogenous population - all white
• Followed for one year with biochemical markers and DEXA
Viljakainen HT et al. JBMR 21(6):836-844. 2006
Vitamin D and BMC in Children
• BMC accrual - femur
–  14.3% w/200 IU Vit D
–  17.2% w/400 IU Vit D
• BMC accrual - spine
– No  w/200 IU Vit D
–  12.5% w/400 IU Vit D
Lifetime risk of fracture declines
by an estimated 40% for each 5%
gain in peak bone mass
Viljakainen et al. 2006
What Does It All Mean?
• The available data appear to support a recommendation to
supplement all infants and children with 400-600 IU vitamin D
per day if they are not receiving at least this much in their
• Prior to the current IOM recommendations, only 1 study from
1932 directly addressed the question of how much is too
much – daily intakes of 1800-6300 IU inhibited linear growth
in normal infants.
• New IOM recommendations set tolerable upper limit intake
levels based on the U-shaped relationship between vitamin D
levels and all-cause mortality (adult data extrapolated to
2011 IOM Guidelines
• Tolerable upper intake levels are based on evidence regarding
toxicities and all-cause mortality
• Toxicities evaluated include:
Vascular and soft tissue calcification
• Emerging data also suggest that excess intake may result in an
increase in all-cause mortality – 25(OH)D levels greater than
50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L) may be cause for concern
2011 IOM Guidelines
• Bone health was the only outcome for which causality
between vitamin D and improved outcomes could be
• For extra-skeletal conditions including cancer, cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, autoimmune disorders and mental health
conditions evidence was:
– Inconsistent
– Inconclusive as to causality
– Insufficient to form the basis for dietary intake
– Randomized clinical trials were very sparse
Laboratory Abnormalities
• Vitamin D-Deficiency
Initial - Ca++, normal phos
Established - PTH, low normal Ca++, phos
Advanced - Ca++, phos
Hallmark - 25(OH)D, normal 1,25(OH)2D
• Vitamin D-Dependent Rickets Type 1
– Normal 25(OH)D, 1,25(OH)2D
• Vitamin D-Dependent Rickets Type 2
– Normal 25(OH)D, 1,25(OH)2D
• Vitamin D Deficiency
– High dose Vitamin D repletion x 8 weeks (range 6-12 weeks)
Infants 1,000-1,500 IU/day
Toddlers 2,000 IU/day
School age 2,000-3,000 IU/day
Adolescents 4,000 IU/day or 50,000 IU/7-10 days
– With severe deficiency, monitor serum Ca++ during repletion
– After repletion, decrease to 400-600 IU/day
• Prevention
– 400 IU Vitamin D/day in infants - Poly-Vi-Sol, Vi-Daylin, Tri-ViSol, ADEK
– 400-600 IU Vitamin D day in children over age 1
Who Else is At Risk for Decreased Bone
• Hepatic disease and anti-epileptic drug use: impaired
synthesis of 25(OH)D
• Renal disease: impaired conversion of 25(OH)D to
• Malabsorption: cystic fibrosis, celiac disease
• Inherited disorders of vitamin D metabolism or action
• Children with limited mobility/weightbearing
• Children with inadequate calcium intake
Calcium Availability
• Intake
• Absorption
• Excretion
Recommended Calcium Intake
JCEM January 2011, p. 53-58
Achievement of Recommended Calcium
AAP Position Statement 2006
Achievement of Recommended Calcium
AAP Position Statement 2006
Calcium Availability
• Intake
• Absorption – dependent upon:
age and pubertal status
calcium load consumed
food source
form of calcium salt
inhibitory factors (i.e. phytates, oxalates)
vitamin D status
• Excretion
Calcium Availability
• Intake
• Absorption
• Excretion
– obligatory losses increase with age – 40 mg/day in infancy to
160 mg/day in adulthood
– increases with increasing dietary protein load
– increases with increasing dietary sodium load (80 mg calcium
excreted for every 2300 mg sodium excreted)
Assessment of Pediatric Bone Health
• Nutritional intake and supplements
• Vitamin D, calcium, alkaline phosphatase and PTH levels
– Advantages – readily available, low radiation exposure,
increasing availability of pediatric algorithms
– Disadvantages – 2-dimensional measurement strongly
influenced by bone shape and size
Assessment of Pediatric Bone Health
• Quantitative Computed Tomography
– Advantages – can measure bone mass, size, geometry and
architecture then utilize algorithms to estimate bone strength
– Disadvantages – moderately high radiation dose, limited
availability of pediatric software, high cost
• Quantitative Ultrasound
– Advantages – no radiation, office-based assessment
– Disadvantages – no pediatric normative data
Guidance on Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Interpretation in
Children and Adolescents Younger Than 20 Years*
Loud, K. J. et al. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2006;160:1026-1032.
Copyright restrictions may apply.
• Adequate vitamin D is essential to pediatric bone health
• Maintaining a 25(OH)D level at least above 20 ng/mL is
justifiable based on available data
• Consider maintaining a 25(OH)D level >30 ng/mL in those at
high risk of bone disease, but this may not be fully supported
by the evidence
• No evidence that 25(OH) D>50 ng/mL is beneficial and may be
• Supplementation with 400-600 IU vitamin D per day for all
children not consuming at least this much in their diets is
• Keep an eye on calcium intake as well – dietary sources are
better than supplements