Fill in the purchase price per hundred weight for your pen of three cattle project. You need to declare your feed plan for the purchase of corn at this time, also. RETURN THIS TO THE EXTENSION OFFICE BY: February 1 ISU Extension - Lyon County 710 N 2nd Ave, Suite 103 Rock Rapids, Iowa 51246 Fax # - 712-472-2578 =============================================================== Date of Purchase __________________ Purchase price at weigh-in: $_____________/CWT Total Weight: __________________ Weigh-in date: _______1/02/16_____ ** Circle your feed plan option below: Advanced Purchase of Corn at $3.25 Price Purchase Corn as Needed Name:__________________________________________________ Your 911 Address:____________________________________________ Location of cattle: list the 911 address if different from above (For site visits):____________________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________________ LYON COUNTY FAIR BEEF PEN OF THREE RECORD BOOK NAME ____________________________ ADDRESS __________________________ PARENTS NAME _____________________ 4H CLUB/FFA CHAPTER ___________________ -1- FEEDER ENTERPRISE BUSINESS AGREEMENT The student's enterprise agreement shall begin on __________________, 20_____. Description of arrangements includes, but should not be restricted to, the following: (Provide appropriate information where possible) 1. Kind of feeder enterprise_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Number of animals______________________________________________________ 3. Percent of ownership by student ______________Others ____________________ 4. Names of partner(s)______________________________________________________ 5. Financial support (Specify creditors, amount borrowed, percent interest, repayment schedule)_____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6. Building, facility, and lots rented and/or ownership arrangement_________ _________________________________________________________________________ 7. Equipment rented and/or ownership arrangement________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 8. Feed (Purchased from whom, how price is determined, when paid for and/or non-cash expense from student's own crop enterprise)____________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 9. Pasture (Rent per acre, from whom, when paid)___________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 10. Trucking/hauling_______________________________________________________ 11. Utilities (fuel, electricity, water)__________________________________________ 12. Insurance (What kind, amount of coverage, payments)___________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 13. Veterinarian or other animal health expenses___________________________ 14. Miscellaneous expenses________________________________________________ 15. Labor responsibility____________________________________________________ 16. Marketing procedures__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 17. Management responsibility and procedure______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 18. Exhibiting_____________________________________________________________ 19. Record keeping responsibility__________________________________________ 20. Use of net earnings (Reinvested, put into savings) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ Student's Signature ____________________________ Parent's Signature ____________________________ Instructor's Signature -2- FEEDERS BOUGHT (write each animal individually) DATE DESCRIPTION 9 NO. 10 TOTAL WT(lbs.) PRICE PER CWT. 11 TOTAL EXPENSE $ $ XXXXXXX $ ANIMALS SOLD (write each animal individually) 14 DATE DESCRIPTION NO. 15 TOTAL WT(lbs.) $ PRICE PER CWT. XXXXXXXX 16 TOTAL VALUE $ -3- MISCELLANEOUS FEEDER INCOME DATE DESCRIPTION 34 TOTAL VALUE Premium Won: $ $ MISCELLANEOUS FEEDER EXPENSES DATE (Building rent, Lot rent, Trucking/Hauling, Vet expenses, Bedding, etc.) 37 38 DESCRIPTION TOTAL PER CALF EXPENSE EXPENSE (total expense/number of animals) Depreciation $ $ Show Expenses $ -4- FEED BOUGHT FOR CATTLE – Dry Matter basis This page is to summarize the feed records submitted to the Extension Office. (Include Protein Supplements, Minerals, Vitamins, Grain, Hay, Silage ETC.) Date Description Quantity Lbs. Totals 40 Price/lbs. Total -5- PEN OF THREE SUMMARY Complete this page and the stall card page on the first day of the fair. Weight of the calves at the Fair ______________________________lbs. 1. Pounds of product produced A. Total weight of animals at Fair…………………………………_________________ B. Total weight of animals bought (page 2 Col.10) 1. Eartag # _______------------Weight_______________ 2. Eartag # _______------------Weight_______________ 3. Eartag # _______------------Weight_______________ Add 1, 2, & 3 …………………………………………….._________________ C. Pounds of product produced (A minus B)………………………_________________ 2. Feed expense per pound of product produced A. Total feed expense ((Page 4 – Col. 40 /4)*3))or feed expense for all 3 animals …………………………………...…………………………………..________________ B. Total pounds of product produced (No. 1,C)……………………________________ C. Feed expense per pound of product produced (A divided by B)...________________ 3. Break even price per hundred weights A. Feeders Bought (page 2 - Col. 11) 1. Eartag # _______------------Expense_______________ 2. Eartag # _______------------Expense_______________ 3. Eartag # _______------------Expense_______________ Add 1, 2, & 3 ……………………………………….…………_________________ B. Total Miscellaneous Expenses (page 3 - Col. 38*3)……..….…….._________________ C. Total feed expenses (No. 2, A)……………………………………..._________________ D. Total Expenses (A + B + C)………………………….…………….._________________ E. Total weight of calves at the fair……………………………..……..._________________ F. Break even price (D divided by E *100)……………………………._________________ 4. Feed efficiency (pounds of feed per pound of gain) A. Pounds of feed ((Page 4 – Col. 40/4)*3) or total weight of feed for all 3 animals ……………………………………………...………………………._________________ B. Pounds of product produced (No. 1, C)………………………..._________________ C. Pounds of feed per pound of gain (A divided by B)……………_________________ 5. Average daily gain per head A. Pounds of product produced (No. 1, C)…………………………________________ B. Days on feed…………………………………………………….________________ C. Number of animals………………………………………………________________ D. Average daily gain (A divided by B)……………………………_______________ E. Average daily gain per head (D divided by C).…………………_______________ -6- Information for Stall Card Fill this page out and the Beef Superintendents will put this information on the stall card. 1. Name_____________________________________________________________________ 2. Club/Chapter_______________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ Town_____________________________________________________________________ 3. Date project started___________________________________________________________ 4. Purchased cost of the cattle per CWT_____________________________________________ 5. Average starting weight (page 2-Col. 10 divided by number of animals bought) _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Average weight at the fair (total weight divide by 3, page 5 – No. 1A)___________________ 7. Total pounds gained per calf (page 5 No. 1C/3)_____________________________________ 8. Average daily gain (page 5-No. 5, E)_____________________________________________ 9. Feed efficiency (page 5-No. 4, C)________________________________________________ 10. Total feed cost per calf (page 5 No. 3C/3)_________________________________________ 11. Feed expense per pound of gain (page 5-No. 2, C)__________________________________ 12. Total miscellaneous expenses per calf (page 3 Col. 38)______________________________ 13. Break-even selling price per CWT (page 5-No. 3, F)________________________________ -7- Complete this page after the animals have been sold for the final analysis. 6. Value of product produced A. Value of animals sold (page 2-Col. 16) B. Value of animals bought (page 2-Col. 11) C. Value of product produced (A minus B) _________________ _________________ _________________ 7. Return over feed expenses A. Value of product produced (No. 6, C) B. Total feed expense (Page 4 – Col. 40) C. Return over feed expense (A minus B) _________________ _________________ _________________ 8. Return per $100 worth of feed A. Total value of product (No. 6, C) B. Total feed expense (Page 4 – Col. 40) C. Return per $100 worth of feed (A divided by B *100) _________________ _________________ _________________ 9. Return per $100 invested A. Total income (10, C below) B. Total Expenses (11, D below) C. Return per $100 invested (A divided by B *100) _________________ _________________ _________________ 10. Income Summary A. Animals sold (page 2, Col. 16) B. Miscellaneous income (page 3, Col. 34) C. Total income (A + B) _________________ _________________ _________________ 11. Expense Summary A. Feeders bought (page 2, Col. 11) B. Miscellaneous expenses (page 3, Col. 37) C. Feed expenses (Page 4 – Col 40) D. Total Expenses (A+B+C) _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 12. Net Profit (11, C minus 12, D) _________________ -8- FEEDER IMPROVEMENT DIARY Enter here a month-by-month story of the things you do to improve your feeder enterprise. Date Name__________________________________________ Due February 15th Special Note: One copy of this record MUST be sent to the ISU Extension Office, 710 N 2nd Ave., Suite 103, Rock Rapids, Iowa 51246, by the 15th of the following month. You need one form for each month. FEED BOUGHT FOR FEEDERS – DRY MATTER (INCLUDES PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS, MINERALS, VITAMINS, GRAIN, FEED ADDIVTIVES, HAY SILAGE, ETC.) *Quantity Date Description Price/Unit Total Expense (Bu, Lb, Ton) $ $ XXXXXXX $ Transfer these totals to top of page 4 for you personal records. * Using pounds of feed in this column makes year end calculations easier. Name__________________________________________ Due March 15th Special Note: One copy of this record MUST be sent to the ISU Extension Office, 710 N 2nd Ave., Suite 103, Rock Rapids, Iowa 51246, by the 15th of the following month. You need one form for each month. FEED BOUGHT FOR FEEDERS – DRY MATTER (INCLUDES PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS, MINERALS, VITAMINS, GRAIN, FEED ADDIVTIVES, HAY SILAGE, ETC.) *Quantity Date Description Price/Unit Total Expense (Bu, Lb, Ton) $ $ XXXXXXX $ Transfer these totals to top of page 4 for you personal records. * Using pounds of feed in this column makes year end calculations easier. Name__________________________________________ Due April 15th Special Note: One copy of this record MUST be sent to the ISU Extension Office, 710 N 2nd Ave., Suite 103, Rock Rapids, Iowa 51246, by the 15th of the following month. You need one form for each month. FEED BOUGHT FOR FEEDERS – DRY MATTER (INCLUDES PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS, MINERALS, VITAMINS, GRAIN, FEED ADDIVTIVES, HAY SILAGE, ETC.) *Quantity Date Description Price/Unit Total Expense (Bu, Lb, Ton) $ $ XXXXXXX $ Transfer these totals to top of page 4 for you personal records. * Using pounds of feed in this column makes year end calculations easier. Name__________________________________________ Due May 15th Special Note: One copy of this record MUST be sent to the ISU Extension Office, 710 N 2nd Ave., Suite 103, Rock Rapids, Iowa 51246, by the 15th of the following month. You need one form for each month. FEED BOUGHT FOR FEEDERS – DRY MATTER (INCLUDES PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS, MINERALS, VITAMINS, GRAIN, FEED ADDIVTIVES, HAY SILAGE, ETC.) *Quantity Date Description Price/Unit Total Expense (Bu, Lb, Ton) $ $ XXXXXXX $ Transfer these totals to top of page 4 for you personal records. * Using pounds of feed in this column makes year end calculations easier. Name__________________________________________ Due June 15th Special Note: One copy of this record MUST be sent to the ISU Extension Office, 710 N 2nd Ave Suite 103, Rock Rapids, Iowa 51246, by the 15th of the following month. You need one form for each month. FEED BOUGHT FOR FEEDERS – DRY MATTER (INCLUDES PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS, MINERALS, VITAMINS, GRAIN, FEED ADDIVTIVES, HAY SILAGE, ETC.) *Quantity Date Description Price/Unit Total Expense (Bu, Lb, Ton) $ $ XXXXXXX $ Transfer these totals to top of page 4 for you personal records. * Using pounds of feed in this column makes year end calculations easier. Name__________________________________________ Due at record interviews Monday of the fair (June & July feed records) FEED BOUGHT FOR FEEDERS – DRY MATTER (INCLUDES PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS, MINERALS, VITAMINS, GRAIN, FEED ADDIVTIVES, HAY SILAGE, ETC.) *Quantity Date Description Price/Unit Total Expense (Bu, Lb, Ton) $ $ XXXXXXX $ Transfer these totals to top of page 4 for you personal records. * Using pounds of feed in this column makes year end calculations easier.