2016 4-H Communications Day Registration Form

2016 4-H Communications Day
Registration Form
The Iowa State University Extension – Kossuth County Annual 4-H Communications Day will be held Friday, July 8, 2016
at OB Laing Auditorium, Algona IA. This program is designed to help 4-H members build confidence in both oral &
written communications. Youth will identify the vital skills needed when forming a public speech, preparing a
demonstration, or performing before an audience for pure entertainment. 4-H members should come prepared with a
public speech, presentation/demonstration, or performance to present during the contest portion of this event. Youth
can enter the contest as an individual or a team.
WHO: Open to all 4-H youth members in Kossuth County
WHEN: Friday, July 8, 2016
WHERE: OB Laing Auditorium, 213 S Harlan St, Algona, IA 50511
WHY: Offer an opportunity for 4-H youth to develop & enhance their communication skills.
Please complete the registration portion below & return it to your local county Extension Office.
Registration is due by Wednesday, June 15, 2016.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Detach and Return Bottom Portion to Register)
Name: ________________________________________ Grade: __ ____Club:_____________________
E-mail: _______________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________
I am entering the following contest (circle):
Educational Presentation
Working Exhibits
Share the Fun
Extemporaneous Speaking
Title or Topic Area: _______________________________________________________________________
What equipment will you need? How many of each item?
___Music Stand(s)
**Exhibitors must provide their own laptop/CD or Stick Drive/Music/Music Player**