2015 Cass County Fair Poultry Project Record Name: ____________________________________ Club/Chapter: ______________________________ Age: _______ Grade just completed: __________ Years in Project: ___________ *PHOTO* Me & my Bird *PHOTO* The bird’s wing – extended. *PHOTO* The bird(s) flipped to show breast size. Include a ruler in the picture to illustrate size. Include separate pictures of each of your chickens. What breed is your bird(s)? Tell some of the history of the breed and some unique characteristics. *PHOTO* Feed tag. What do you feed your bird(s)? *PHOTO* Housing facilities Describe the living environment for your bird(s). Project Costs (corn, poultry feed, miscellaneous) Date Things bought, used, labor costs, value of homegrown product Amount Project Income Date Things sold or used at home (tell which) Amount Total project income $___.__ Total project expenses $___.__ How much money made or lost $___.__ Poultry Care and Management Your project requires regular care and management. List the things necessary to take care of your bird(s). Include the following: Feeding and watering practices Egg handling Health practices and medicines General management (cleaning living area, etc.) Daily – Things done once or twice a day Weekly – Things done once or twice a week Monthly – Things done once a month Yearly – Things done one time or occasionally throughout the year How long have you been raising poultry and been in the 4-H Poultry Project? What were your goals for this year? My favorite part of my project was: The part of my project that I am proud of is: The most difficult part of the project was: The most important things I learned in this project were: Next year, I want to: