Chickasaw County 4-H County Council Application Name:_____________________________ Year in School (Fall 2015):_______ Club:_____________________________ Years in 4-H:______ Email:____________________________ Cell Phone: _________________________ Parents:_____________________________________ I understand that it is my responsibility to serve as a positive role model for younger 4-H members. I will be expected to attend the Region 4 County Council Retreat on August 30th and attend monthly meetings on a regular basis. 4-H Projects I am enrolled in: What I like best about 4-H: What I have learned in 4-H: Please share specific examples of how you plan to contribute leadership, citizenship and communication skills through the 2015-2016 County 4-H Council Leadership: Citizenship: Communication: What are your ideas for improving or growing our County 4-H program? Signature:_______________________ Date:_______________