Adair County 4-H Alumni Speak Out Sieanna Rawlings

Adair County 4-H Alumni Speak Out
Sieanna Rawlings
Current Job: Service Representative for the Social
Security Administration. I also serve on several special
regional committees for the federal government where
I give training to other offices and briefings to
Education: Associate Degree in Computer
Programming, Southwestern Community College,
Orient-Macksburg Class of ‘98.
4-H Involvement: Grove Champions, County, Area, and State 4-H Councils, State Conference,
Youth Action Committee; currently organizational leader for Adair County Hot Shots 4-H Club.
Favorite Part of 4-H: The broad spectrum of people I have met, and many whom I am still in
contact with today.
Benefit of 4-H: 4-H taught me how to be an effective leader, helped me gain public speaking
skills I use regularly, and how to set personal goals for myself.
Advice to current 4-H’ers: Take advantage of everything 4-H has to offer, even if it’s outside of
your comfort zone, because you never know when it will help you in the future.