Record Book Awards and Definitions General: Clover Kids Junior Intermediate Senior Kindergarten-3rd grade Completed 4th-6th grade Completed 7th-8th grade Completed 9th-12th grade Terms: Local County Area State your 4-H club other Buchanan County 4-H members includes 4-H members from neighboring counties 4-H members from the state of Iowa Citizenship/Service Helping or working for the benefit of others or the community for no pay with the goal of benefiting someone else Club examples – host a meeting, lead pledges, serve on a committee, 4-H’ers for 4-H donation, National 4-H Week promotion, club community service project, etc. County examples – herdsmanship at county fair, cleaning show rings and wash racks, picking up trash at fairgrounds, pre and post fair clean-up, work at fundraisers, etc. Project ideas – help a new 4-H member with a project, make a donation to charity related to project area, food pantry, needy family, serve on a committee to plan a community event, help others at workshops, prepare a display related to your project, take your project to show people, volunteer, make gifts related to your project, plant flowers in community, etc. Communication Writing, talking to, or showing others in order to share ideas, knowledge, or skills Club examples – answering roll call, club presentations, making posters for a club fund raiser, sharing ideas with committee, etc. County examples – extemporaneous speaking, working exhibit, educational presentation, share the fun, 4-H poster, speaking at a 4-H event, etc. Project examples – create a display or poster related to your project, talk about or show your project to a class, community club, interview an expert in your project area, write newsletter or newspaper articles, etc. Leadership Teaching others how to make or do something related to a project area or service work and/or organizing an activity. Club examples – serving as a club officer, participating in a committee, helping a younger member learn a new skill or providing information, etc. County examples – serving on county council, assisting with livestock weigh-ins, conducting a project workshop, etc. Project examples – showing a younger member how to lead an animal, teach how to measure ingredients, organize and conducting a project workshop, etc. Record Book Helpsheet Record Books for Clover Kids will be first judged on organization and appearance. This includes: o o o o o o Record Books for Juniors, Intermediates, and Seniors will be first judged on organization and appearance. This includes: o o o o o o o o o o Clover Kids need to receive 4-5 points Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors need to receive 10-12 points For those who received a Gold Achievement Award and Gold Project Award, the recipient needs to have earned: o o o o Cover Sheet Expected Standards Form Yearly Summary with full/general details Records include one project record form that matches with yearly summary and project tab area Support Materials – pictures, clippings, worksheets, write-ups Neatness Grammar/Spelling Book is in proper order Extra project area record beyond the one minimum requirement May include Project information Award form if wishing to be considered for a special award After the record book is judged on its organization and appearance, members may receive a Gold, Silver or Bronze Achievement Award. Those who achieved a Gold Achievement Award and completed an Awards Information form have a chance to receive a Gold Achievement Project Area Award. o o Cover sheet Yearly Summary Support Materials – pictures, clippings, worksheets, write-ups At least one project record form is completed Record book is in proper order May include Project information Award form if wishing to be considered for a special award 6-7 Points, plus Gold Achievement Award to receive a Senior Project Award 5-6 Points, plus Gold Achievement Award to receive an Intermediate Project Award 3-4 Points, plus Gold Achievement Award to receive a Junior Project Award 5-6 Points, plus Gold Achievement Award to receive a Clover Kids Project Award How to earn the project area award a junior, intermediate, and senior need to follow these guidelines: o Complete a Project Information Award form and earned a Gold on record book organization and appearance. o Goals are clearly defined and records include a plan of how to reach goal o Records show growth and learning in project area o Records include reflection/evaluation outcome of goal(s) o Evidence of citizenship/community service, leadership, and communications o Support material – pictures, newspaper clippings, worksheets, write-ups How to earn a project award for Clover Kid o Complete a Project Information Award form and earned a Gold on record book organization and appearance. o Explains goals and what they would like to learn or do o List the steps/process o What was their favorite part and why o What was learned, future goals for the following year o Support Material – pictures, newspaper clippings, write-ups, worksheets If a member did not achieve a Gold Achievement Award for organization and appearance but applied for a project area award, they will receive a record book Project Completion Award for each project award area filled out.