Community Blood Donation Intermediate Algebra Marjorie Whitmore, Instructor

Community Blood
Intermediate Algebra
Marjorie Whitmore, Instructor
Jamie Beers
 Kyle Land
 DeShawna Provence
 Amber Shaddock
Every two seconds in America, someone needs
 Each donation saves approximately three lives
 Our purpose:
-to further educate students on how donation
and participation can save lives and make an
impact in NW Arkansas
Tasks Completed:
Researched national blood donation statistics
for the last five years.
 Used obtained information to calculate the
number of donations over the past 5 years and
project the number of donations in the next 5
 Worked with Community Blood Center of the
Ozarks and participated in blood drive at
Blood Donation Facts:
Each blood donation saves approximately three
lives, and usually takes less than one hour of
your time.
Healthy donors are the only source of blood.
There is currently no substitute.
Only 5% of the eligible population donates
blood each year.
Nearly 5 million people need transfusions each
1out of every 7 people entering a hospital need
Components of Blood
Red Blood Cells: Blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body
and give blood its red color. They are transfused to people who fail to
produce their own, have severe bleeding, or a low blood count.
Platelets: Cellular fragments. Their primary function is to prevent
bleeding. They play a part in the body's clotting mechanism. Used to
help transplant and cancer patients.
Plasma:Plasma The liquid portion of the blood. It contains
coagulation factors and is used to treat patients who develop
bleeding problems during major surgery or massive trauma.
Because some of the factors lose effectiveness quickly, plasma must
be frozen in order to preserve its functions. Used to help liver
transplant patients and those who have open heart surgery.
How Blood is Used:
Patient Need
Red Blood
Accident victim
4-100 units
20 units
Kidney transplant 2 units
Premature baby
1-4 units while in
intensive care
Liver transplant
10 units
10 units
2-6 units
6-8 units daily for
2-4 weeks
Heart transplant
4-6 units
Sickle cell disease 10-15 units
Open heart
surgery, adult
2-6 units
1-10 units
2-6 units
6-8 units daily for
2-4 weeks
Bone marrow
1-2 units given
every other day
for 4 weeks
6-8 units daily for
4-6 weeks
2-4 units
Math Component
(donations from 1997-2002)
*information from
Math Component:
(expected donation statistics for the next 5 years)
We used linear regression to find the formula:
The Solution: Give Blood
 Am
I Eligible?
◦ Donors who are at least 16 years
old and weigh 110 lbs are eligible to
donate every 56 days.
The Donation Process:
BEFORE the donation:
◦ A donor registration process will be completed, as
well as a confidential health history and screening.
◦ A mini-physical is conducted, during which your
blood pressure, pulse, temperature and iron levels
are checked.
DURING the donation:
◦ You are asked to lie back and relax on a donor bed.
The arm from which you will donate is cleaned with
an antiseptic and a sterile, single use needle is
inserted to begin the actual blood donation.
◦ The donation process is about 5-10 min, and you will
give about one pint of blood.
AFTER the donation:
◦ Following your donation, you will receive
refreshments to help replace the fluids lost during
the donation process.
Community Blood Center of the Ozarks
 American Red Cross (