BIOL 1544H ELLEN TURNER STEM CELLS: MOVING FORWARD ROBERT DAVID LEE WHAT IF? YOU KNEW HOW TO REVOLUTIONIZE MEDICINE BUT COULDN’T? THAT WAS PRECISELY THE PROBLEM FACING SCIENTISTS. Dr. James A. Thomson Sir Martin Evans Dr. Shinya Yamanaka OBJECTIVES INCREASE AWARENESS IN THE COMMUNITY AND DISPEL CONTROVERSY. PROVIDE AN UP TO DATE RESOURCE AND REFERENCE ON ADVANCEMENTS IN STEM CELL RESEARCH. SHOW HOW STEM CELLS ARE ALREADY BEING USED, ESPECIALLY IN ARKANSAS. WHAT IS A STEM CELL? STEM CELLS ARE UNDEVELOPED CELLS CAPABLE OF PROLIFERATION, SELF RENEWAL, CONVERSION TO DIFFERENTIATED CELLS, AND REGENERATING TISSUES. CELL POTENCY: PLURIPOTENT Can divide into nearly all cells of an organism. *THESE ARE THE ONES SCIENTISTS ARE AFTER. MULTIPOTENT Can divide into a number of cells, but only those of closely related families. SUCH POTENTIAL! STEM CELLS COULD BE USED TO: REPAIR ORGANS, EVEN BURN VICTIMS MEND BROKEN BONES FIGHT HEART, PARKINSON’S, AND HUNTINGTON’S DISEASE TREAT DIABETES SCREEN EFFECTIVE AND SAFE DRUGS MUCH MORE! WHERE ARE THEY FOUND? PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS 1981 Mouse Embryos 1998 Human Embryos 1998 Fetal Gonadal Tissue 2001 Cloned Embryos 2005 Umbilical Cord Blood 2007 Amniotic Fluid 2007 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells UMBILICAL CORD DERIVED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS THE MOST READILY ACCESSIBLE AND UNDERUTILIZED STEM CELL SOURCE DERIVED FROM CORD BLOOD VIA IMMUNOMAGNETIC SEPARATION A laboratory tool that isolates stem cells from cord blood LIMITED IN NUMBER MANY IMMEDIATE AND NON-IMMEDIATE USES INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS REPROGRAMMING A SKIN CELL’S GENOME THROUGH RETROVIRAL TRANSDUCTION TRANSDUCTION – the insertion of genetic material into a host cell by an RNA virus RETROVIRUS – an RNA virus that is duplicated in a host by enzymes to synthesize DNA Enzymes then integrate the new DNA with the host’s genome INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS CONT. REPROGRAMMING AN ADULT CELL THROUGH ELECTROPORATION AND TRANSPOSITION ELECTROPORATION – the external application of an electrical field to the host cell’s plasma membrane, which increases its permeability TRANSPOSITION – DNA sequences transposing themselves within a host cell’s genome, thereby reprogramming the cell The enzyme transposase is introduced along with plasmids through electroporation, and then induces transposition, which incorporates the plasmids into the existing DNA MORE THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT FEDERAL FUNDING vs. REGULATION EMBRYONIC REGULATIONS 1973 Roe v. Wade 1974 National Research Act 1975 Research on the Fetus 1979 In Vitro Fertilization 1993 National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act 1996 Dickey Amendment 2001 2001 Fact Sheet 2005 Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act Vetoed 2007 Executive Order 13435 2009 Executive Order 13505 STATE FUNDING vs. REGULATION In 2003, the Arkansas State Legislature effectively banned embryonic stem cell research. Four years later, the Arkansas State Legislature unanimously approved the New Born Umbilical Cord Initiative Act. “This Act allowed for the establishment of the Cord Blood Bank of Arkansas, which is keeping Arkansas on the front edge of medical development by authorizing the collection, storage, and research of cells from umbilical cord blood following the birth of healthy children.” - CBBA WEBSITE CORD BLOOD BANK OF ARKANSAS PUBLIC BANKING Used immediately for non-donor recipients, and In researching more effective future uses. Cost-effective source of stem cells! PRIVATE BANKING Stored indefinitely for paying customers. Source of revenue for the blood bank. “No one else in the country has a statewide bank.” -Dr. Michele Fox Director of stem-cell therapy at UAMS HARVESTING CORD BLOOD The obstetrician performs the procedure. Minimum 85cc per unit / 100cc is desirable. Sent to Life Force Cryo Banks in Florida for evaluation. If a success, the unit is sent bank to UAMS and stored in a cryogenic tank. If a failure, the unit is used for research. THE TANKS