Our Solar system Christopher Robles, Angel Aldaco, Travis Gearhart, Emilio Frank, Students, EMPACTS Project Northwest Arkansas Community College, Bentonville, AR Some words to know before we continue • Gravity- force that attracts you or anything to an object with greater mass • Dwarf planet- is a similar to a planet, but is technically too small to be considered one • Orbit-the curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star, planet, or moon • Atmosphere- the area of gases surrounding the earth or another planet • Star- is a massive, bright sphere of gases held together by its own gravity Our galaxy • We live in a galaxy called the milky way • A galaxy is a group of stars and other space stuff (dust, gases, planets) • The stars tend to spin around a center of high gravity, sort of like the planets spin around the Sun in the Solar System • Galaxies are huge and can have trillions (way bigger than billions!) of stars Neptune The planets Uranus Saturn Jupiter Mars Earth Venus Mercury The sun Poor Pluto The Sun • The Sun is a star that is in the center of the Solar System • Our sun is 5 BILLION years old! • It was once just a big area of gas and dust that was condensed by gravity • The Sun’s distance from the Earth is 150 million km (93 million miles) Mercury • On Mercury you weigh only 38% of what you weigh on Earth. • One side of the planet can be 800 degrees Fahrenheit when the other can be -280 degree Fahrenheit at the same time. • Fastest orbiting planet • Planet nearest to the sun Venus • Is the cloudy planet • Venus has tons of volcanos just like earth • Rotates in the opposite direction of Earth • Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System Earth • The only known planet to have life • The Earth is an oldie but a goodie, scientists think that Earth is about 4.5 to 5 billion years old! • About 70% of earth is water • Approximately 90% of volcanic action happens in our Earth's oceans! • Mars is nicknamed the red planet • It is covered with rust-like dust even the atmosphere is a pinkish red • Mars has many massive volcanoes and is home to Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in our solar system • Unfortunately Mars has no life as we know it so…no aliens Mars Jupiter • Largest planet in the Solar System • Has a Great Red Spot from a storm system that is more than 400 years old • 9 hours and 54 min=1 Jupiter day (shortest day) • Pressure is so great it would crush a spaceship. Saturn • 2nd Largest planet in the Solar System • 95 times more massive than earth. • Saturn has the largest rings of any planet, the rings are made of icy particles and dust • Most moons of any planet in our solar system Uranus • Uranus appears blue-green in • • • • color It’s axis of rotation is tilted 90 degree Uranus has 27 moons If you weigh 100 lbs on earth, your weight on Uranus would be 89 lbs A year on Uranus is equal to 84.01 Earth Years Neptune • Neptune has visual belts of clouds • Just like Jupiter it has storms happening all around the planet • It has a dark blue spot • Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun Pluto the dwarf planet • It is considered too small to be a planet so it was put in the dwarf planet category • Smaller than Earth’s Moon • If you weigh 100 lbs, your weight on Pluto would be 7 lbs!!! • Since being declassified as a planet, Pluto’s technical name is now 134340