Olson –Teamwork Projects – General Information - Last Revised Spring, 2007 Cooperative Teamwork: Regular participation in class and in small-team activities is expected. One or more major long-term cooperative projects will be graded based on the presentation and/or work collected from the team. THE longer MAJOR TEAMWORK GRADES CAN NEITHER BE DROPPED NOR MADE UP. Each member’s absence during class periods which have any time devoted to these projects drops your team’s total score by 2% (i.e., your team counts on you). Your overall individual team project grade will be composed of the average score from all separate Teamwork Projects done throughout the semester. Guidelines For Working Together 1. Agree on what your team must do and how you will get it done. 2. Be courteous and listen carefully to the other team members. 3. Create a team atmosphere that allows team members to be comfortable asking for help when needed. 4. Don’t assume the other members know more/less than you do. Your backgrounds are different and you all have strengths to bring to the table. 5. Everyone has their own pace. Be patient. Offer your help. Receive help graciously. 6. Focus on the value of all contributions made. 7. Get help via the “order of three”: 1. Look it up, 2. Ask a team member, 3. Ask the instructor. 8. Help double-check the teams’ combined work. Can the team see a general rule about the process or describe a real-world use for what you learned? I will be assigning you to a specific team for each major project. (These teams will each have 3-5 members.) 1. Once in your assigned team – get the other members phone numbers and email contacts. 2. Also find a time in common you can meet outside class (live or electronically via phone/chat/etc). NOTE: IF your team wants to/needs to meet on-line, WebCT has a chat facility, or I can set your team up with a discussion board in there. 3. For each separate activity, you each will need to adopt a specific team role: Standard team roles are: Facilitator (1 member), Recorder (1-2 members), and Questioner (12 members). These roles are explained here: Facilitator – leads the team, helping direct the activity. Recorder – writes the information down that gets turned in for the team as a whole. This could also include creating the visual aide for the team’s presentation. Questioner – asks questions: during the process, to help the team clarify results, and the questioner is on the lookout for errors. You will be graded individually on the role you adopt as well as your overall effort. 1 4. Presentations: For some projects, findings are to be presented to the whole class. The whole team stands together for this (for support), but not everyone has to speak,. Your team will need to decide how it wants to do this. Your individual teamwork grade (also see Grading below for how the teams’ grade is calculated): Team Scoring: Individual accountability is the key to success of the whole team here. Toward that end, to guard against “freeloading”, your participation will be decided by your fellow team members and by your attendance in class. Your entire team will earn between 0% and 100% of the total points possible (number possible/individual* number of team members). I will allocate the total number of points earned by the entire team. Then, as a team, you will help allocate how the points are divided among your members. You will do this by scoring each other via a scoring rubric and a peer scoring form. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind for this part of the process: 1) No one person can get more than 100% of an individual score. 2) No one can get less than 0%. 3) In case of disputes, i.e., you can’t come to consensus as a team (not just majority), the instructor will act as arbiter. You will need to grade yourself and each team member fairly based on the items listed when completing the rubric (also see those pages for more details on how you will score yourself and each other). Grading: Your grade will be composed from the parts below (apart from attendance). Total possible for the Team = individual total possible * number of assigned team members. Presented Projects: 1. 50% The mathematics for the situation is correct (graded by the teacher). 2. 25% All data collected and records are clear, neat, and complete (all required parts turned in) – this includes proper use of the English language in the descriptive paragraph (see below) (graded by the teacher). 3. 25% The class report for the problem is well-presented (graded by classmates not in your team and by the teacher). Projects w/o Classroom Presentations: 1. 66 2/3 % The mathematics for the situation is correct (graded by the teacher). 2. 33 1/3 % All data collected and records are clear, neat, and complete (all required parts turned in) – this includes proper use of the English language in the descriptive paragraph (see below) (graded by the teacher). Absence during teamwork times deducts from the above team total possible at a rate of 2%/single absence (i.e., if 2 members are absent the same day, that’s 4% lost). (Exception – if an assigned team member is pretty much missing during the entire project, I will not hold that against the total team, but that fact must be reflected accurately in that team member’s peer scoring record.) 2 Projects – MODELING IN THE REAL WORLD via data collection and analysis and algebraic methods. This will be done in stages over several class periods (usually over a few weeks) and will take some individual and team time outside class. You will be allowed adequate time for report/results to come in before your team needs to report to the whole class. 1. Preparation: All teams will work on a specific problem below as a team when (and if) it’s assigned over several days and even weeks. You will need to do some field-work to collect real data, so some time outside class is necessary. Once the data is collected, your team should use the data and an algebraic process to try to find the requested results. NOTE: one goal here is a hands-on and teamwork approach toward helping the entire team toward a deeper understanding of some applications already studied or to be studied. 2. Paragraph: For your team’s problem, you must write a paragraph discussing your work and any results in words (at least three sentences). The paragraph must be in formal English (correct grammar and punctuation, no abbreviations). Please feel free to visit the Writing Center for help with this component. 3. Presentation: For projects where your instructor states the team will present to the class, your team will plan to present the data collected, the algebraic work, and the results to the whole class once you’ve had a chance to prepare (typically two or more weeks). You will have the choice as a team on format and who speaks. For your team’s presentation, you need to create some sort of visual aide: a poster, an over-head (on film), a handout, or a power-point (with handouts). Don’t plan to just write on the board, as this needs to be part of the over-all record turned in (the board may be used in addition to whatever you do create). If using PowerPoint, the instructor must be notified well in advance of your presentation day, to reserve a computer and projector for that purpose. Note: This does not mean once your team has presented, it’s any less responsible for listening to the other presentations. During presentations given by other teams, you will be responsible for grading them per a presentation rubric. (Absence here counts off the same as any other teamwork activity time in class.) Also, EVERYONE in the team needs to take note of and review the problems any team worked, since any presented problem may be used or referred to in some form on any quiz, test, or the final exam. 4. What to turn in: Your team must turn in all the RAW data your team collects (that’s every rough draft from every team member). Include EVERYTHING, no matter how messy, and label that with “field collection” all preparation work (including all scrap-work and any drafts and the algebraic process used, even ones with errors), the organized, polished data and results be sure to include a paragraph in your results (see # 2 above), and the visual aides used in any presentation (if the project required one). 3 5. When to turn it all in: I will periodically check in on your team’s progress with data collection and preparation during class (those DO act as attendance-factor days). See the Timeline below. These check-ins will be announced ahead of time (print off this form for each project and complete the dates as announced for simplest tracking). All items listed above are due on the due date or at the time of your team’s presentation, if that’s part of the project (last line in the Timeline below). IF late/unprepared for the due date/by the assigned presentation day, your team loses 10% per DAY (not per class meeting, per business day)! TIMELINE for project DATE: Teams assigned: Exchange contact info Receive preliminary project problem definition and directions. Finds a common meeting time for whole team, if possible (or the majority) Team gets items required (check ones required for that project) to all members: Team Project General Info Team Project (for your course) Problem Set Teams Scoring Rubric Teams Peer Grading Forms Oral Presentation Rubric Presentation Scoring Sheets Team meets and gathers preliminary data by this date. Team meets and works on the mathematics required. Team meets and works on the project for presentation or delivery (final draft). Teem meets and rehearses presentation (this cannot occur in the classroom, but this is only required for projects which will be presented to the class orally). Project is due = Presentation date (if presenting) (you will have some input in any “presentation date”). 4 Collaborative Work Skills : PEER Scoring Rubric for Project Work - Olson - revised: Spring, ‘07 Use this to determine your team-mates’ scores. Put their score for each category on the Scoring Sheet. CATEGORY 1. Attends meetings/ conferences 5 Is always punctual and prepared. 4 Is always present. 2. Contributions Routinely provides useful ideas when participating in group discussion. A definite leader who contributes a lot of effort and does a lot more than what’s required of them. Provides work of the highest quality. Usually provides useful ideas when participating in group discussion. A strong group member who tries hard and does more than what’s required. Provides high quality work. 4. Time Management Routinely uses time well throughout the project to ensure things get done on time. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person’s procrastination. 5. Problemsolving Actively looks for and suggests solutions to problems. Usually uses time well throughout the project, but may have procrastinated on one thing. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person’s procrastination. Refines solutions suggested by others. 3. Quality of Work 3 Is present most of the time, or is always present but frequently is tardy or leaves early. Sometimes provides useful ideas when participating in group discussion. A satisfactory group member who does what is required. 2 Is only present half the time. 1 Is seldom present. Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in group discussion. May refuse to participate and does less than what is required. Never provides useful ideas when participating in group discussion. Refuses to participate. Provides work that occasionally needs to be checked/redone by other group members to ensure quality. Tends to procrastinate, but always gets things done by the deadlines Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person’s procrastination. Provides work that usually needs to be checked/redone by other group members to ensure quality. Rarely gets things done by the deadlines AND group has to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person’s inadequate time management. Doesn’t do work. Does not suggest or refine solutions, but is willing to try out solutions suggested by others. Does not try to solve problems or help others solve problems. Lets others do the work. Does not try to solve problems, but complains about them instead. Interferes with the work. Never gets things done by the deadlines AND group has to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person’s inadequate time management. 5 CATEGORY 6. Attitude 5 Never is publicly critical of the project or the work of others. Always has a positive attitude about the task(s). 4 Rarely is publicly critical of the project or the work of others. Often has a positive attitude about the task(s). 3 Occasionally is publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group. Usually has a positive attitude about the task(s). 2 Often is publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group. Often has a positive attitude about the task(s). 7. Focus on the task Consistently stays focused on the task and what needs to be done. Very selfdirected. Focuses on the task and what needs to be done most of the time. Other group members can count on this person. Rarely focuses on the task and what needs to be done. Lets others do the work. 8. Preparedness Brings needed materials to meetings and is always ready to work. Almost always brings needed materials to meetings and is ready to work. 9. Pride Work reflects this student’s best efforts. Work reflects a strong effort from this student. Focuses on the task and what needs to be done some of the time. Other group members must sometimes nag, prod, and remind to keep this person on-task. Almost always brings needed materials but sometimes needs to settle down and get to work. Work reflects some effort from this student. 10. Monitors Group Effectiveness Routinely monitors the effectiveness of the group, and makes suggestions to make it more effective. Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working well together. Is punctual and well-prepared. Speaking parts are rehearsed, visuals are easily displayed, all work is complete and checked. Routinely monitors the effectiveness of the group and works to make the group more effective. Usually listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause “waves” in the group. Occasionally monitors the effectiveness of the group and works to make the group more effective. Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others, but sometimes is not a good team player. Is present, but needs time to prepare. Speaking parts are rehearsed, visuals take some work to display, work may either be incomplete or not fully checked. Is tardy or so unprepared that it distracts from the groups’ focus. Speaking parts are un-practiced, visuals take some work to display, work is somewhat incomplete and not fully checked. 11. Working with Others 12. Attends Presentations (ready to participate/p resent) 1 Often is publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group, and in a rude way. Often has a negative attitude about the task(s). Never focuses on the task and distracts others from the work. Often forgets needed materials or is rarely ready to get to work. Often forgets needed materials AND is rarely ready to get to work. Work reflects very little effort on the part of this student. Rarely monitors the effectiveness of the group, but tries to work to make the group more effective. Work reflects no effort on the part of this student. Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Often is not a good team player. Never listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Often is not a good team player. Is absent during part of the presentations or work is so incomplete and so unchecked that it delays the entire groups’ presentation. Is absent during the groups’ preparation and presentation. Rarely monitors the effectiveness of the group and does not work to make the group more effective. 6 Collaborative Work Skills : PEER Score FORM for Project Work - Olson - last revised: Spring, ;07 NAME: Make one printout for each project assigned. DO NOT SHOW THESE COMPLETED FORMS TO ANYONE except your instructor. Please list all team members (put yourself in slot # 1.) and score each member (including yourself) according to the scale and the Collaborative Work Skills: Group Scoring Rubrick. Be honest in your scoring. Use the NUMERIC form of each grade and calculate the totals. 5. Excellent (A) 4. Good (B) 3. Satisfactory (C) 2. Needs Improvement (D) 1. Unsatisfactory (F) ONLY students who were assigned to your group who you never saw during the entire process for a project should receive a 0 (in every category). That is a non-attending F (NAF). If there are more than five group members for a project, please use a separate score-sheet for any additional members (staple it to this one). Only complete # 12 for projects which are to be presented. Disputed scores will be arbitrated by the instructor. Caution: Students turning in this form with all 5’s will receive an automatic 1 in categories 3 and 7. Students turning in this form without reading the rubrick carefully will receive a 2 or 3 in categories 3 and 7. Students who turn this form in late (or not at all) will receive a 1 in categories 4 and 8 (on all completed forms). NAMES 1. (YOU) 2. 3. 4. 5. Scores Scores Scores Scores Scores First: Last: CATEGORY 1. Attends meetings 2. Contributions 3. Quality of Work 4. Time-management 5. Problem-solving 6. Attitude 7. Focus on the task 8. Preparedness 9. Pride 10. Monitors Group Effectiveness 11. Working With Others 12. Attends Presentations Total Score (each member): Your final peer score (completed by Instructor): Your final project score (completed by Instructor): 7 Team Projects - Oral Presentation Rubric (Use to Score Other Teams in-Class Presentations) CATEGORY Preparedness 4 The team is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. Enthusiasm Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. Speaks clearly and distinctly all (10095%) the time, and mispronounces no words. Student uses prop that shows considerable work/creativity and which makes the presentation better. Stays on topic all (100%) of the time. Speaks Clearly Props Stays on Topic Content Presentation on the Whole Shows a good understanding of the topic. Overall, the presentation was excellent. 3 The team seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. Speaks clearly and distinctly all (10095%) the time, but mispronounces one word. Student uses prop that shows some work/creativity and which makes the presentation better. 2 The team is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking. Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm, but seem somewhat faked. Speaks clearly and distinctly most (9485%) of the time. Mispronounces no more than one word. Student uses prop which makes the presentation better. 1 The team does not seem at all prepared to present. Stays on topic most (99-90%) of the time. Shows a good understanding of most of the topic. Overall, the presentation was well done. Stays on topic some (89-75%) of the time. Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic. Overall, the presentation was average. It was hard to tell what the topic was. Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Did not generate much interest in topic being presented. Often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces more than one word. Student uses no prop OR the prop chosen detracts from the presentation. Does not seem to understand the topic very well. Overall, the presentation was poor. Sample Form (will be provided to you in class during Presentation) Team Projects - Oral Presentation Scoring FORM (Use to Score Other Teams in-Class Presentations) Instructor: Ms. Olson Team Presenting: Make one copy of this form for each team presenting. Do not put your name on the form. DO NOT SHOW THESE COMPLETED FORMS TO ANYONE except the instructor. Please score the presentation according to the scale below and the Oral Presentation Rubric: Team Projects sheet. Be honest in your scoring. Use the NUMERIC form of each grade and calculate the totals. 4. Excellent (A) 3. Good (B) 2. Satisfactory (C) 1. Needs Significant Improvement (D) Teams which make a presentation cannot receive an F. CATEGORY 1. Preparedness 2. Enthusiasm 3. Speaks Clearly 4. Prop 5. Stays on Topic 6. Content 7. Presentation on the Whole Totals AVERAGE SCORE COMMENTS 8 Olson – Beginning Algebra – CAI – Teamwork Project – General Information - Last Revised Summer, 2007 KEEP THESE SHEETS with your SYLLABUS pages. Cooperative Team Work: Regular participation in class and in small team activities is expected. One major longterm cooperative project will be graded based on the presentation and work collected from the team. THE longer MAJOR TEAMWORK GRADE CAN NEITHER BE DROPPED NOR MADE UP. Each absence during classes which have some time devoted to these projects drops your portion of your team’s total score by 2 points. Your overall team project grade will be composed of the average score for all separate Teamwork Projects done throughout the semester (each presentation date ends a current project). Guidelines For Working Together 9. Agree on what your team must do and how you will get it done. 10. Be courteous and listen carefully to the other team members. 11. Create a team atmosphere that allows team members to be comfortable asking for help when needed. 12. Don’t assume the other members know more/less than you do. Your backgrounds are different and you all have strengths to bring to the table. 13. Everyone has their own pace. Be patient. Offer your help. Receive help graciously. 14. Focus on the value of all contributions made. 15. Get help via the “order of three”: 1. Look it up, 2. Ask a team member, 3. Ask the instructor. 16. Help double-check the teams’ combined work. Can the team see a general rule about the process or describe a real-world use for what you learned? I will be assigning you to a specific team for the major project. Once in your assigned team – get the other members phone numbers and email contacts. You may want to create a team name. Also find a time in common you can meet outside class. For each separate activity, your team members may want to adopt a specific team role: Standard team roles are: Facilitator, Recorder, and Questioner. These roles explained here: Facilitator – leads the team, helping direct the activity. Recorder – writes the information down that gets turned in for the team as a whole. This could also include creating the visual aide for the team’s presentation. Questioner – asks questions: during the process, to help the team clarify results, and the questioner is on the lookout for errors. The whole team stands together as their findings are presented to the whole class (for support), but not everyone has to speak. Your team will need to decide how you want to do this. Grading: Your grade will be composed from these parts (apart from attendance). Again, note that each absence during classes which have some time devoted to these drops your portion of your team’s total score by 10% of an individuals’ pts each absence. Total possible for the Team = individual total possible * number of assigned team members. 4. 50% The mathematics for the situation is correct (graded by the teacher). 5. 25% All data collected and records are clear, neat, and complete (all required parts turned in) – this includes proper use of the English language in a descriptive paragraph (see below) (graded by the teacher). 6. 25% The class report for the problem is well-presented (graded by classmates not in your team and by the teacher). 4. Absence during teamwork times deducts from the above team total possible at a rate of 10%/individual/absence. Your personal grade: Team Scoring: Individual accountability is the key to success of the whole team here. Toward that end, to guard against “freeloading”, your participation will be decided by your fellow team members and by your attendance in class. Your entire team will earn between 0% and 100% of the total points possible (20* number of team members). I will allocate the total number of points earned by the entire team. Then, as a team, you will help allocate how the points are divided among your members. 9 You do this by scoring each other via the rubric and score sheet. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind for this part of the process: 1) No one person can get more than 100% of an individual score. 2) No one can get less than 0%. 3) In case of disputes, i.e., you can’t come to consensus as a team (not just majority), the instructor will act as arbiter. You need to grade yourself and each team member fairly based on the items listed when completing the rubric (also see those pages for more details). Beginning Algebra Projects – MODELING IN THE REAL WORLD via data collection and analysis and algebraic methods. This will be done in stages over the next few class periods and will take some individual and team time outside class. You will be allowed adequate time for report/results to come in before your team needs to report to the whole class. 6. Preparation: All teams will work on a specific problem below as a team when (and if) it’s assigned over several days and even weeks. You will need to do some field-work to collect real data, so some time outside class is necessary. Once the data is collected, your team should use the data and an algebraic process to try to find the requested results. NOTE: one goal here is a hands-on and teamwork approach toward helping the entire team toward a deeper understanding of some applications already studied or to be studied. 7. Paragraph: For your team’s problem, you must write a paragraph discussing your work and any results in words (at least three sentences). The paragraph must be in formal English (correct grammar and punctuation, no abbreviations). Please feel free to visit the Writing Center for help with this component. 8. Presentation: Your team will plan to present the data collected, the algebraic work, and the results to the whole class once you’ve had a chance to prepare (typically one or two weeks). You will have the choice as a team on format and who speaks. For your team’s presentation, you need to create some sort of visual aide: a poster, an over-head (on film), a handout, or a power-point (with hand-outs). Don’t plan to just write on the board, as this needs to be part of the over-all record turned in, but the board may be used in addition to whatever you do create. (If using PowerPoint, the instructor must be notified well in advance to reserve a computer and projector for that purpose.) Note: This does not mean once your team has presented, it’s any less responsible for listening to the other presentations. During presentations given by other teams, you will be responsible for grading them per a presentation rubric. (Absence here counts off the same as any other teamwork activity time in class.) Also, EVERYONE in the team needs to review the problems ALL teams worked, since any presented may be used or referred to in some form on any quiz, test, or the final exam. 9. What to turn in and when: For your team’s problem, the team must turn in all RAW data your team collects (that’s every rough draft from every team member). Include EVERYTHING, no matter how messy, and label that with “field collection” all preparation work (including all scrap-work and any drafts and the algebraic process used, even ones with errors), the organized, polished data and results be sure to include a paragraph discussing the work and results (see # 2 above), and any visual aides used in your presentation. These are all due when your problem is presented. 10 PROBLEMS: (You won’t do all these at once, and in fact, may not do them all this semester. This list is designed to allow for variety of assignment but standardization of this form. Please note which ones are assigned when they are assigned.) 1) Measures of central tendency problem (any time). a) The team needs to create a survey asking something (or things) you want to know as a team. The questions must ask for a numerical answer (how old, how many, what amount, what year, etc.). Avoid yes/no questions (as the numeric equivalence is too limited). Your team must form 3 such questions. The questions do not need to be related. b) Create a common survey form to record responses easily when collecting the data. Make enough copies for the team’s collection efforts. c) Survey a total of 100 people with a common background (all students, all adults, all children age 10, etc.). (Note, if there are 4 or 5 people in your team, that means survey 25 or 20 people each.) d) Use EXCEL (I will help any team who needs it with this portion) i) Enter all the data for each question (1 question per column is easiest). ii) Use this to calculate the mean, the median, the mode, the maximum, the minimum, and the range, for all data for each question (at the bottom of the column is easiest). Print a copy. iii) Then make a full copy of all the data somewhere (another spreadsheet would work) iv) and sort it. v) Use this version to find the sum and the count. vi) Print a copy of the sorted version with the sum and count, and then use this to find the mean, the median, the mode, the maximum, the minimum, and the range by hand on the printout. The team needs to turn in an electronic copy of the file created for this work (by email attachment with a clear, descriptive memo or on CD). 2) Distance and Average Rage problem. (any time) a) Each of you in the team needs to time yourself accurately during at least one commute from home to class (write down departure and arrival times). Also write down the departure mileage and arrival mileage (or use your trip-counter if available). Do this during a commute where you won’t make any other stops. Example Data Table: Member Name Commute Starting Odometer Reading Distance Time Rate = ???????? Average Rate for each member R= Ending Odometer Reading Name Starting Odometer Reading Ending Odometer Reading Name Starting Odometer Reading Name Starting Odometer Reading Ending Odometer Reading Ending Odometer Reading b) Form a Data Table with the whole team’s data (see example above). c) Now for a little bit of algebra: given the distance formula, distance = rate time or D = R T, it will be easier to do the next task if the formula is solved for R. Solve it for R. Put that formula in your Data Table. d) Using the new form of the formula, calculate the average rate for each commute separately. Put all these in the team table. e) Discuss why averaging this entire list of results would or would not make sense. f) Separately, work this problem (this last part is to be done during Ch 6 topics, if due before then, you may stop with part e)): If one of you averages 5 mph faster than another teammate, and the first of you can drive 150 miles in the same time that the second drives 135, find the (average) speed (rate) of each of those two drivers. 11 3) An object thrown/shot into the air (any time after 3.1). The formula s = –16 t2 + v0t + s0 measures the height of an projectile where s = height (in feet) at time t (in seconds), v0 is the initial velocity (in feet per second or ft/sec) and s0 is the initial height (in feet). General Description: Using a tennis ball, one team member will throw it up into the air as hard as possible a few times, while other team members find the release (initial) height and track the time the ball is airborne. The team will use these to find the throwing (initial) velocity for each throw and then the average throwing velocity. The graph of the team’s general formula will also be seen on a graphing calculator, and then roughly sketched on graph paper. Example Data Table: Release Airborne (initial) Time = t Height (in seconds) = s0 (in feet) a) Height when projectile hits the ground = s (in feet) Height formula solved for throwing velocity (when the projectile hits the ground): Velocity formula for each throwing time (after replacing t’s and s0) Throwing velocity for each throwing time: (once calculated) Sum of all 5 throwing velocities: Average throwing velocity = sum/count (in ft/sec) = v0 Using one practice throw, have the thrower keep their hand up as high as it was when they released the ball, and the other team members quickly and carefully measure how high that is off the ground. Only measure this and record it as the release height measurement once in a Data Table (see example above). Be sure to record feet and inches carefully, and then convert the inches part to feet form (as an exact, reduced, fraction or an exact decimal), before working on other calculations using the formula. b) Now, using a stop watch (borrow one from me if you don’t have one in the team), time 5 separate throws. For each throw, start the watch when the thrower releases and stop it when the ball hits the ground. This works best if the thrower says “start” and another team member watching the ball says “stop” when it hits each time the ball is thrown. Record that airborne time (record any whole and decimal parts) in your Data Table. Repeat this until 5 throwing times are recorded. Each of these times is a separate t-value. c) Now for a little bit of algebra: given the height formula, when the ball hits the ground, what is that height? (How far off the ground, think about it.) Replace s (on the left side) by that value in the general formula: s = –16 t2 + v0t + s0 It will be easier to work with if the new formula is solved for throwing velocity (v0). Solve it for v0. Put that formula in your Data Table. d) Now, use your first t and your s0 and place them into the new formula you found. Write that complete expression in the Data Table. Repeat this for the second t, and so on until you’ve used all five t’s. e) Calculate each separate v0 and write them in the Data Table. Remember to use correct order-of-operations by keying in the entire expression (parentheses in place and all) carefully each time. To find the average throwing velocity for the thrower, add all 5 v 0’s and put that in the Sum box. Then divide that sum by the count of throws (here that’s 5). Put the average throwing velocity in it’s box. g) Next, write your team’s general height formula by replacing s0 and v0 by the s0 and the average v0. s = –16 t2 + v0t + s0 s = –16 t2 + t+ f) To see the graph on a TI-82/83 graphing calculator, press ON Y= (-) 1 6 XT x2 + v0 XT + s0 . (Be sure to key in your average v0 and s0 numbers where those are written here.) WINDOW ENTER 0 ENTER 8 ENTER ENTER 0 ENTER 5 0 ENTER 1 0 ENTER GRAPH (Xmin = 0; Xmax = 8; Xscl = 1, Ymin = 0; Ymax = 50; Yscl = 10) h) Use TRACE or TABLE to get some points to plot between x = 0 and when the ball hits the ground on average. Put the points in a hand-written t-table, plot them, and sketch the graph you see on the TI-82/83/84. 12 4) (Miller Manual Technology Connections Chapter 3 Activity: Investigating Graphs of Linear and Nonlinear Equations Materials: A computer with Internet Access or a Graphing Calculator ) Part I: A. A graphing calculator or computer graphing utility can be used to graph an equation in x and y by plotting many points. Try accessing one of the graphing utilities on the Internet. Part II: B. In Chapter 3 we focused equations whose graphs are lines call linear equations. Some equations have graphs that are not straight lines. We call these equations nonlinear. Use an on-line graphing utility to graph the following equations. For each equation, state whether the equation is linear or nonlinear. Equation Enter as… Example: y=x y=x y = 2x + 3 y = 2x + 3 1 y = - 2 x –2 y = x2 Linear or Nonlinear Sketch linear y = -(1/2)x – 2 y = x^2 13 Enter as… Equation Linear or Nonlinear y = x3 y = x^3 y = |x| y = abs(x) y= 1 x y = -3x + Sketch y = 1/x y = -3x + (5/2) 5 2 Applications: Part II: C. Use an on-line graphing utility or a graphing calculator to graph the following of coordinate axes: a. y = 2x y = 2x + 2 y = 2x + 4 How are these graphs related? y = 2x – 2 y = 2x – 4 b. D. y=x+1 y = 2x + 1 y = 3x + 1 equations on the same set How are these graphs related? Use a graphing utility to graph the following pairs of equations. Then state how each pair of lines is related. a. y = 3x + 2 y= b. x–1 1 3 y= 5x+3 Hint: Enter as y = 3x + 2 Hint: Enter as: y = -(1/3)x – 1 Hint: Enter as y = (5/2)x + 3 2 y= c. 2 x–2 5 3 x+ 1 7 4 7 5 y= x 3 3 y = Hint: Enter as –(2/5)x – 2 Hint: Enter as –(3/7)x + (1/4) Hint: Enter as (7/3)x + (5/3) 14 5) Using similar triangles (any time). Use similar triangles to estimate the height of tall objects. Fact: similar triangles have the same angle measures and their sides are proportional: B E 23mm 30 mm D F A C 26mm 34 mm 30 34 26 23 and are just two of several appropriate ratios we can form. 23 26 34 30 In the following, it’s easier if you use one type of unit of measure (either all in feet or all in inches) for the measurements (but the building’s measurement unit can be different than the person’s). You will need to bring a long tape measure the day you do this (I recommend at least 50ft, but if necessary, you may borrow my shorter one). Also, recall 1 ft = 12 in. b) On a sunny day, measure one team-member’s height and the length of their shadow on the ground carefully. c) At that same time, measure the shadow of MAT or Burns Hall (state which you are using) or a tree on the property where MAT is located (describe EXACTLY which tree) where a shadow’s corner or peak is SHARP and easy to see. Building or Tree a) Person Shadow Shadow d) Use these three measurements and similar triangles (see the diagram above) to estimate the height of the building at that point corner. e) Compare your results with another team in the class. Comment on any similarities or differences in your paragraph. 15 6) (Miller Manual Activity 4.1D) A. Suppose you have $50,000 invested at 7% interest compounded annually for 4 years. Complete the table below to determine the total amount in the account after two years. Compound Period B. Annual Compound Interest Interest Earned I = Prt 1 I = 50,000(0.07)(1) = __________ 2 I = ________ (0.07)(1) = _________ 3 I = ________ 4 I = ________ Total Amount in the Account 50,000 + 3500 = __________ To verify your answer from Question 1, use A = P(1 + r) t, where P is the amount of principal r is the interest rate t is the number of years P = ________________ r = _________________ A = _________________ t = _________________ C. How much total interest is earned in the 4 years? I = __________________ D. Have a team member find out from their bank what the current interest rate is on a $5,000 CD that’s set up for 4 years with annual compounding (as above). Repeat steps A – C for that account (you will need to make a table similar to the one in part A, but remember to adjust the values to reflect $5,000 at your rate instead of $50,000 at 7%). 16 7) Geometry and factoring trinomials (during/after Ch 5). Factoring polynomials can be visualized using areas of rectangles. To see this, let’s first find the areas of the following squares and rectangles. (Recall that Area = Length Width.) x area = x2 1 area = 1x 1 x area = 1 1 x Use these same shapes and areas to visualize factoring the polynomial x2 + 3x + 2. To do this, use the above shapes as many times as they’re listed (1 of the x 2’s, 3 of the 1x’s and 2 of the 1’s) and put them in the shape of a rectangle. The factored form is found by reading the length and the width of the rectangle as shown below. The only way they will form a rectangle is to put them in this format (up to just rotating). x 1 1 = x + 2 along the top edge x 1 =x+1 along the left edge Making the area product factors (x + 2)(x + 1) Thus, x2 + 3x + 2 = (x + 2)(x + 1). Try using this method to visualize the factored form of each polynomial below. Tiles can be made from index cards. 1. x2 + 6x + 5 4. x2 + 4x + 3 2 2. x + 5x + 6 5. x2 + 6x + 9 3. x2 + 5x + 4 6. x2 + 4x + 3 Be sure to record each rectangle result and the factored forms. Be sure to demonstrate how you did this for one of the problems (not the example) as part of your classroom presentation. 17 8) Choosing Among Building Options (during/after Ch 5). You have just had a 10-ft-by-15-ft in-ground swimming pool installed in your back yard. You have $3000 left from the project to spend to surround the pool with a patio walkway of constant width (see the figure). You have talked to several local suppliers about options for building this patio and must choose from among the following. x patio 10 ft x pool 15 ft x x Option A B C Material Price Poured Cement Brick $5 per square foot Outdoor Carpeting Algebraic Expression for Total Cost Maximum Patio Width $7.50 per square foot plus $30 delivery fee $4.50 per square foot plus $10.86 per foot (of the perimeter) to install an edging Use the following process to build a complete table like the one above and answer all the questions below. 1. Find the area of the swimming pool. 2. Write an algebraic expression for the total area of the region containing both pool and patio. 3. Find an algebraic expression for the area of just the patio (total area minus pool). 4. Find the perimeter of the pool. 5. For each patio material option, write an algebraic expression for the total cost of installing the patio based on its area (see step 3) and the given price information. 6. If you plan to spend the entire $3000, how wide can the patio in option A be? 7. If you plan to spend the entire $3000, how wide can the patio in option B be? 8. If you plan to spend the entire $3000, how wide can the patio in option C be? 9. Which option should you choose? Why? Discuss the pros and cons of each option. (Be sure to include that complete discussion in your paragraph.) 18 9) Work problems (to be finished during Ch 6 topics). Formulas: (rate-on-task) (time-on-task) = 1 1 task completed, so rate on task . These types of rates will add up (working time on task together gets the job done faster than each working alone), so: rate1 + rate2 = (rates together). Combining these two concepts gives us a standard work formula for calculating time when each person, 1 object, or machine is doing the same job 1 1 . Commonly, the formula time1 time2 time together will take on this simpler form: 1 1 1 where a and b are time for each person or machine to do the a b t task separately and t is the time together (in both formulas). With this in mind, complete the following three problems. a) Data collection and comparison with the formula: i) Determine a task at least two of your teammates can accomplish alone or together (work a particular type of math problem or list of problems, mow a lawn with two separate mowers and together, etc). ASK me if you are not sure your task will work (e.g., one example which won’t work is to read a page in a book, since it doesn’t take less time for each to read it separately vs. together). ii) Time the two team members performing the entire task separately. iii) Time them working on the task together. iv) Use the work formula (above) to calculate what their time should be together based on their separate times. Compare (and contrast) the two results your team gets from the actual timing together vs. what the formula predicts their time should be together in your paragraph. b) Solve: It takes two people 3 hr and 4 hr separately to do a task. Find how long it would take them to do the same task together. c) Solve: It takes two copiers 10 minutes and 25 minutes to copy a 500 page project separately. Find how long it would take using both copiers to get one 500 page project copied. 19