NorthWest Arkansas Community College
Division of Science and Mathematics
Course: Math 2043, Survey Calculus
Prerequisite: College Algebra with a grade of “C” or better or appropriate placement score.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours for transfer
Instructor: Pamela Duck Office: MAT 07 Office Phone : (479) 986-6916
Course Description:
Survey of Calculus, as the name suggests is a survey and applications course in calculus designed for students in business, life sciences, and social sciences. Topics include limits and continuity, differentiation, curve sketching, exponential and logarithmic functions with application, integration, and multivariate calculus.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course students should exhibit mastery of certain knowledge and basic skills. These topics will include, but not be limited to:
1) Algebraically and graphically evaluate limits
2) Find basic derivatives using the definition, product, quotient and chain rules
3) Understand and be able to apply derivatives appropriately to real-world problems to optimize functions, find instantaneous rates of change, marginal cost, marginal profit, etc.
4) Graph functions by hand, including manually finding the extrema using the first derivative test, intervals where the graph is increasing and decreasing, and finding points of inflection
5) Integrate “basic” integrals including polynomial functions, natural exponential functions, and basic u-substitutions.
6) Relative rates and elasticity of demand
7) Areas between curves
8) Be able to apply integrals appropriately to find the average value, accumulated value, consumer’s surplus and producer’s surplus
9) Partial Derivatives
10) Optimize functions of several variables, including constrained optimization and Lagrange Multiplier
Required Text
Brief Applied Calculus, 3 rd Edition. Berresford, Rockett. Houghton Mifflin, 2000.
Your grade in this course will be based on the following:
3 regular exams @ 100 points each. 300 pts
Quizzes (Best 10 @ 15 pts each)
Final Exam
Total points
150 pts
150 pts
600 pts
A = 540 – 600 pts, B = 480 – 539 pts, C = 420 – 479 pts, D = 360 – 419, F = 0 – 359 pts
Each test, including the final, will be comprehensive. The regular 100 point exams will be largely based on material we have covered since the previous exam. However, approximately 20 – 30% will come from material covered on previous exams. You may replace your single LOWEST test score with the percentage grade you make on the final. If you miss a test, your final exam percentage will replace that test. There are no make-ups on any exams.
We will have at least 12 quizzes worth 15 points each. Only your best 10 quizzes will count towards your final grade.
There are no make-ups on any quizzes even if you missed it because you were late to class.
Calculator Usage
I recommend that you have a graphing calculator at your disposal during class and while you are working on your homework assignments. You may not always be allowed to use a graphing calculator on quizzes and exams. If you do not have a graphing calculator you may be able to rent one through the mathematics department for a fee. There are a limited number of TI-82's for rent, and it will be done on a first come, first serve basis. For equality purposes, I reserve the right to require that you use a graphing calculator brought to class by me for quizzes or exams or that you clear your calculator of unapproved
formulas and programs before each quiz or exam. I may randomly check to see that this is done. The use or attempted use of any TI-89 or TI-92 (or equivalent) calculator will result in a 0 being recorded for that exam or quiz with no possibility of that score being dropped or replaced.
Missed classes including class cancellation due to weather
If you miss class for any reason including class cancellation due to bad weather it is your responsibility to catch up on the missed material by the next class period. If a quiz or exam is scheduled for a particular class period and the previous class or the day scheduled for the quiz is cancelled, come to class prepared to take the exam or quiz the next class period.
Special Services
If you are a student with a disability who will be requesting accommodations, you should contact the Office of disAbility Services at the Student Information Center in the Central Education Facility, 619 – 4384. The director of disAbility Services will meet with you and recommend appropriate accommodations and services after you have submitted the required documentation. After you have met with disability Services and receive your registration card it
is your responsibility to contact the instructor to make the appropriate arrangements.
Student Resources:
There is free tutoring available in the Math Café (MAT) and the Learning Lab (CEF). The tutor schedules posted will indicate the courses each tutor is qualified to assist with.