Intermediate Award Trip

Intermediate Award Trip
Name______________________________________________________________ Club ____________________________________
Grade Completed ________________________________________________ Years in 4-H ________________________
Purpose: To reward 4-H’ers for their participation in club and county 4-H programs.
(Normally held later March trip to Des Moines: Hall of Pride, Lunch and Capital. This trip includes Hamilton,
Hardin, Humboldt, and Webster Counties.)
Must be a 4-H Intermediate (completed 7th & 8th Grades) member.
Met the minimum requirements for the year: (please check those completed)
______Attended 75% of the regular club meetings
______Gave an educational presentation, working exhibit, Share-The-Fun at
the club or county level in the past 4-H club year.
______Been enrolled in and completed at least one project in the past
4-H club year.
Complete this application (you DO NOT need to turn in your records)
Must be able to attend the trip
Number of recipients is based on the number of tickets received each year
May not receive more than once
Must answer the following question:
“What does 4-H Mean to Me?”