Linn County Agricultural Extension Council Meeting Minutes of 1 October 2015

Linn County Agricultural Extension Council
Meeting Minutes of 1 October 2015
Held at Linn County Extension Office
Chairperson Louis Zumbach called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. in the ISUEO Large Conference
Council members present were: Dan Abel, Mike Anderson, Pat Harstad, Victoria Keegan, David
McDonald, Mary Jane McWilliams, Lloyd Smith, Jerry Ziese and Louis Zumbach. Also present were
interim Linn County Extension Director, Linda Bigley and ISU State Specialists Rachel Wall and Phyllis
Additional persons present were: Bud Blackford and Jan Stoffer.
Public Comments: Bud Blackford from the Linn County Fair Board reminded the Council that the
current MOU between Linn County Extension and the Fair Board expires in November and asked if it
would be reviewed soon or after a new director is named. Linda Bigley stated that she would take it
under advisement.
REED Report: No Report.
Approval of Minutes: Vicki Keegan moved to approve the minutes of the September 3, 2015 Regular
Meeting held at 6:08 P. M. in the Large Conference Room. Pat Harstad seconded and the motion carried.
For the minutes of the September 14, 2015 Special Meeting, Pat Harstad pointed out that under the
section covering the Regional/County Director Position, three members of the Personnel Committee will
participate in the interview process rather than two as stated in the minutes. Lloyd Smith moved to
approve the minutes of the September 14, 2015 Special Meeting held at 6:30 P. M. in the Large
Conference as amended. Dan Abel seconded and the motion carried.
Specialist Report: Family Finance Human Scientist Specialist, Phyllis Zalenski, described the Worksite
Wellbeing pilot project and the Juntos program which is a program targeted for Latino families. Phyllis
also covered the Your Money, Your Future; a program targeting families with limited resources. Rachel
Wall, Nutrition and Wellness Human Scientist Specialist, described the new ServSafe program which is
an eight hour food safety course. After completing the course, participants are certified as food protection
managers. By 2018, the State will require at least one employee of a food services business to be
Committee Reports:
Finance: Jerry Ziese reviewed the financial report ending September 30, 2015. Jerry Ziese moved,
Pat Harstad seconded and the motion carried to pay two payrolls, vouchers #22352 through #22376
and approve ACH deposits, balance sheet, Council Revenue and Expense Report and Bank
 Annual Audit: Linda Bigley reported that the Linn County Extension books have been
delivered to the Linn County Board of Supervisors as part of the annual County Audit. Linda
noted that the County Auditor indicated that our books are excellent.
 Update on Director Position/Search Committee: Vicki Keegan reported that two members
of the Personnel Committee met with representatives from Jones and Benton counties to
review the process for hiring the new Regional/County Director. The position has been posted
with applications being accepted until the closing date of October 18, 2015. Pat Harstad added
that the ISU hiring guidelines will be followed and reiterated that the Director will be an Iowa
State employee.
 Recommendation on Master Gardener Coordinator Position: Pat Harstad recommended
that Mary Michelle O’Neal (Shelly) be hired on a part time basis (30 hrs/wk) as the new
Master Gardener Coordinator. Dan Abel moved, Mary Jane McWilliams seconded and the
motion carried to hire Shelly.
 Update on PEC Coordinator Position: Lisa Person, the Director of the Parent Education
Consortium, has resigned. Lisa was responsible for managing a $40,000 grant with the
Hiawatha and Cedar Rapids Libraries and a $165,000 grant with the Early Childhood Iowa
Board. Linda Bigley reported that the position is being reviewed to determine how best to
staff the position, but indicated that it may not require a full time employee. A
recommendation will be provided at a future Council meeting.
Program: David McDonald reported that the Program Committee met with Linda Bigley to review
current programs and possible directions for the future. It was noted that there was some Fee Money
raised over a number of years that could be used as seed money to start new programs. It was
suggested that this money be made available to Staff Specialists to be used to start activities in areas
not currently being served. David indicated that the Program Committee would continue to meet and
develop a process for submitting and reviewing ideas for new programs with the goal of presenting a
recommendation to the Council by the December Council meeting.
 Approve Volunteers: Pat Harstad moved, David McDonald seconded and the motion carried
to approve the volunteer certification for the list of Master Gardener Volunteers dated October
1, 2015.
Old Business:
 Council Retreat: Linda Bigley reported that the Council retreat will be held at Prairiewoods
Center from 10:00 A. M. to 4:00 P.M. on October 30, 2015.
 Council – Thank You to 4-H Committee Members: Jackie Bohlken, who worked on the
Poultry Committee for many years, growing it to one of the largest poultry programs in the
Midwest if not the country, is retiring. Linda Bigley volunteered to write a thank you letter to
Jackie on behalf of the Extension Council. Pat Harstad pointed out that all the Committee
Chairs did an outstanding job this year pulling the Fair together. Louie Zumbach suggested
the letter be addressed to all Committee Chairmen with a special note to Jackie.
New Business:
 4-H Statistical: Linda Bigley reported that the Federal Fiscal Year ends on September 30. At
that time, statistical data is collected for each county and sent to ISU to be compiled. Linda
walked the council through the 4-H Statistical Report: ES237.
 Request to Move 4-H Youth Insurance to Extension Council Budget: On behalf of Youth
Programs, Linda Bigley requested that the Extension Council include 4-H Youth insurance in
Extension’s budget at a cost of about $1,000.00 per year. This will allow 4-H to concentrate
their budget on 4-H activities. David McDonald moved, Lloyd Smith seconded and the
motion carried to include 4-H Youth insurance in Extension’s budget.
 Recommendations for FY16 Fair Planning: Linda Bigley made the following
recommendations in preparing for the FY16 Fair:
Replace the File-Maker-Pro software package used for Fair data entry with “Fair
Entry” software. “Fair Entry” is available through 4-H On-Line at a cost of $500.00
per year. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find people who know File-MakerPro. The cost of the “Fair Entry Software” will be more than offset by the savings of
not having to hire a File-Maker-Pro expert to do data entry.
The Fair Book was created over a decade ago using Publisher software. It has been
patched together over the years, is difficult to work with and requires someone familiar
with Publisher to make edits. Linda recommended the Fair Book be recreated in a
new, clean document possibly using Word software rather than Publisher.
Linda strongly recommended the Council consider hiring a Summer Aid to help with
the Fair. In previous years, $5,000.00 was budgeted to hire a temporary employee
from the first of May to August to assist the office staff with the Fair. The Extension
Council needs to make a decision by February in order to get someone hired and in
place by May 1.
ISUEO Report – Dan Abel: Dan Abel reported on the Iowa Association of Extension
Council Conference he attended in Ames, Iowa on September 19, 20015. Topics covered
 ISU Legal Services.
 Importance of reaching out to state legislators.
 The task force updating the job description and duties of the County CYCs.
 4-H program development.
 Ways to strengthen County Councils including networking with local communities.
 Better organizational advancement and development for County Extension employees.
 Shazam credit card system. Jerry Ziese volunteered to research the use of Shazam and
report back at November’s Council meeting.
 4-H camp not being utilized and needs upgrades.
Announcements: Linda Bigley announced that the 100 year Celebration display is at the Marion
History Center and will be on display for the next 6 months.
At 7:42 P.M., David McDonald moved, Jerry Ziese seconded and the motion carried to adjourn the
Respectfully submitted:
Michael Anderson