南 台 科 技 大 學 應用英語學系 專題製作報告(精簡版)

學生:葉貞汝 498C0068
陳雨萱 498C0138
吳苑毓 498C0143
黃郁宸 498C0153
中 華 民 國 一 百 零 一 年 十 月
Taiwan is a beautiful place and
many places are worth going. Foreigners
sometimes miss the special spots and
food because of the unclear directions.
In the book "Taiwan famous spots
By this project of Taiwan scenic spots
tour", we explore thesis background,
tour, not only can the foreigners know
purpose, methods, steps, theory, design
much about Taiwan’s spots and food, but
and conclusion. We mention every kind
also they can gain the information about
of famous spots. This project is written
cultures, spots, food and lodgings in
for foreigners because it offers the latest
Taiwan completely. Therefore, it can
information about Taiwan famous spots
raise the inclinations of coming to
and promotes sightseeing. One thing is
Taiwan, and let Taiwan to be well
for sure is that the foreigners can
known all over the world
understand the beauty of Taiwan in a
whole new way. This book includes city,
coast, tropical sight, mountain, canyon,
A 101-floor skyscraper, Taipei 101
ecology, historical town and lake.
is located in Taipei, Taiwan. It was
Although this project is written to
designed by C.Y. Lee and Partners and
attract the foreigners, but Taiwanese can
constructed by KTRT joint Venture.
also know the beauty of Taiwan.
Taipei 101 is at present the tallest
Through this book, we can know much
building in the world. Taipei 101 was
about Taiwan’s travel information.
felicitated with Skyscraper Award in
2000. Apart from 101 floors, the
building has five underground floors,
Taipei 101 boasts of two fastest
double-decker elevators, which run at a
stretching over 300 meters at the
speed of 37.5 mph. The elevators were
waterfront. It is relaxing to lean against
manufactured by Toshiba. Taipei 101
the fence enjoying the breeze and sights
has an outdoor observatory on the 89th
at the Tamsui River mouth. In the
floor. In order to shield it against natural
evening, this is the best place to watch
calamities like earthquake, typhoons and
the view of the sunset.
wind, there is a 660-metric-ton tuned
mass damper on the 88th floor .Taipei
3. Fengjia Night Market
101 has six floors of retail mall,
The Fengjia Night Market is one of
incorporating many top brands under the
Taichung's famous commercial business
LVMH group, such as Louis Vuitton,
districts, covering approximately one
Dior, Celine, etc. The fourth floor
kilometer in diameter around Feng Chia
houses the Page One bookstore from
University and includes the
Singapore, with the highest-roofed
Fengjia-Wenhua Night Market, Fengjia
coffee house in Taipei and many fine
Rd., and Fuxing Rd. You can find
delicious snack foods, quality clothes at
reasonable prices. After the Department
2. Fisherman's Wharf
of Transportation made great efforts to
Fisherman's Wharf is a
tackle the parking problems, it has
multi-purpose leisure fishing port
become much easier to park your car or
developed by the New Taipei City
motorcycle at the Fengjia Night Market.
Government. There are magnificent
Now you can enjoy a relaxing visit here
floating piers and a spacious park, with a
without worrying about not finding a
bridge in the shape of a boat spanning
parking space.
across the harbor and a wooden path
4. Eternal Golden
5. Heart of the Love River
Eternal Golden Castle was called
Located at the junction of Boai 1st
"Anping Great Fort" or "Twice Fish
Road and Tongmeng 1st Road. In
Length Fort" in the ancient time; it was
built to resist the Japanese troops who
heart-shaped bridge. The beautiful bike
invaded Taiwan due to Peony Suffix
routes and beautiful lakeside landscape
Event. It was designed by French
here have become a quality leisure space
engineers, it was the first port equipped
for all in Kaohsiung. At night, the
with British Armstrong Cannon in
magnificent lights look like a diamond
Taiwan and moreover, it was a great step
necklace, sparkling in the night.
toward modernization of Taiwanese
coastguard military defense.
On the construction form, Eternal
Golden Castle is a square shape fort
belongs to the western diamond type
觀光局台灣 10 大旅遊路線(上)
castle, with its four corners protruding,
and its center indenting. There are fosses
around the fort, and the fort is placed
with big and small cannons; the shape is
of integrity and complete, the scale is
huge, supported with powerful fort,
important epoch-making milestone
among all forts in Taiwan. It was ranked
among one of the noted sights in the city
Eternal Golden Castle can be seen as the
and was carefully reserved.