INTEGRATED PERIOPERATIVE CARE: MAJOR NON-CERVICAL SPINE PATHWAY OHSU Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine Grand Rounds November 30th, 2015 Overview of IPC Major Non-Cervical Spine Pathway Preoperative changes Intraoperative management for Pathway patients Multimodal analgesia Antifibrinolytics Hemotherapy SUMMARY Preoperative Optimization • Iron Deficiency Anemia • Pain & Expectations Management (CPC visit) Intraoperative Management Postoperative Management & Active Recovery following hospital discharge INTEGRATED PERIOPERATIVE CARE 1. Instrumentation spanning ≥ 3 levels 2. Surgery involving anterior and posterior approach or planned multi-stage procedure, independent of the number of levels of instrumentation 3. Estimated Blood Loss ≥ 1000mL 4. Duration of procedure ≥ 6 hours 5. Complex revision surgery, major osteotomies, or corpectomy 6. Significant, regular opioid use for more than 3 months or history of psychiatric disorder related to drug abuse QUALIFYING CRITERIA IPC MAJOR SPINE PATHWAY Assigned when the surgeon places request to surgery scheduler Epic flag or notification still being determined Matt Healy will contact scheduled anesthesia team on the day prior to surgery (for the next several months at least) IDENTIFYING IPC PATHWAY PATIENTS (HOW WILL I KNOW I HAVE AN IPC PATIENT) Multimodal Preoperative Medications (AVOID duplicate administration) • Acetaminophen 1000 mg PO (for patients > 50 kg) • Gabapentin 600 mg PO (or home dose, if higher) • Consider Pregabalin 300 mg PO if gabapentin intolerance/mild side effect • Morning home dose of opioid • Please do not administer NSAIDs pre-op • Please review & implement any CPC recommendations DAY OF SURGERY: PREOP IPC MAJOR SPINE PATHWAY Neuromuscular blockade for intubation: communicate with surgery and neuromonitoring teams regarding whether prepositioning MEPs are planned Lung protective ventilation strategy Arterial line & central line (triple lumen preferred unless inadequate large bore PIV access/clinical judgment suggests introducer) Invest in maintaining normothermia: maintain room temp > 70 F until patient is draped or warmed, consider placing convective warmer during line placement DAY OF SURGERY: INTRAOP IPC MAJOR SPINE PATHWAY Neuromonitoring: MEP (< 1/3 MAC), SSEP (< 1/2 MAC), EMG If propofol requirement is high (> 200 mcg/kg/min), consider dexmedetomidine (0.3 – 0.5 mcg/kg/hr base on lesser of IBW or actual body weight) as anesthetic & analgesic adjunct Also consider remifentanil as adjunct, particularly if TIVA required (signals, pre-op myelopathy, acute neurologic injury) Ketamine 0.5 mg/kg (up to 50 mg) bolus at induction followed by infusion at 4 mcg/kg/min (up to 40 mg/hr total dose) (unless contraindicated) If extubating, redose APAP IV within 1 hour prior & (unless contraindicated) discuss ketorolac 30 mg IV with surgery team—evidence suggests low dose ketorolac does not increase bleeding, non-union or pseudoarthrosis Contact APS—will follow all IPC spine pathway patients post-op, ask them to place order for post-op ketamine infusion if indicated ANESTHESIA MAINTENANCE & INTRAOP PAIN MANAGEMENT Fluid restrictive strategy—large volume resuscitation associated with increased pulmonary complications in spine surgery*, morbidity and hospital LOS Primarily LR, limit NS to 1 liter total then switch to Normosol if needed for transfusion Fluid boluses above maintenance to maintain hemodynamic goals should be guided by PPV (>10% may predict volume responsiveness) Goal lactate < 2.0 CVP should be within 4 cm of H2O of patient’s baseline Vasoconstrictors may be required to maintain hemodynamic goals and limit excessive volume administration, goal is to wean off by conclusion of case VOLUME MANAGEMENT PRBCs: transfuse for hct < 24 at any point, hct < 26 with ongoing bleeding & anticipated further blood loss FFP: INR ≥ 1.6 at any point, INR > 1.3 and surgical oozing/expected ongoing bleeding PRBC:FFP 1:1 delivery after 3rd unit PRBC or as indicated clinically/labs Platelets: < 100,00 (ongoing bleeding), 1 pack for every 6 units PRBCs Cryoprecipitate: one pool if Fibrinogen < 150,000 Massive Transfusion Activation: EBL > 3000 ml total, > 1000 ml in one hour, or uncontrolled hemodynamic instability BLOOD MANAGEMENT Antifibrinolytics (all patients, unless contraindicated) • Surgery team should order pre-op • TXA: 10 mg/kg bolus (1 gram max) over 30 minutes prior to incision, 1 mg/kg/hr infusion Target < 180 mg/dL, consider initiating treatment of CBG > 160 mg/dL ANTIFIBRINOLYTICS & BLOOD GLUCOSE MANAGEMENT Email with these details as well as references Ongoing communication to Anesthesia teams caring for IPC Major Spine Pathway Patients Further information on Epic notification Please direct questions, concerns or questions to Matt Healy or Peter Schulman LOOKING FORWARD