Clinton County Fair Clover Kids Pet Project Report

Clinton County Fair
Clover Kids Pet Project Report
This form should accompany each Clover Kid and pet combination during Pet Show judging
and should be used as a guideline for the judge while discussing with the exhibitor his or her pet
and project goals. It is recommended to bring a binder or folder which includes this form and
any necessary documentation or pictures of your pet that you’d like to share.
Name ______________________________________Club___________________________
Kind of Pet ____________________________ Pet’s Name ___________________________
Why did you choose to become a pet owner?
When and where did you get your pet?
What kind of food do you feed your pet and how often?
What type of house does your pet have?
What is the biggest problem you’ve had with your pet and what did you do solve it?
Have you trained your pet to do anything special?
***Please include at least one picture of you and your pet, along with vaccination records.