Center Stage

Center Stage
This is a great non-threatening way to get to know each other at day camps or other events.
Equipment: One Carpet square or Small circle of rope or circled Raccoon Circle to create the Center
Time: about 10 minutes depending on size of group
You need to come up with 3 questions for people to answer while they are on the Center Stage.
Standard ones:
1. Name,
2. Share a favorite memory of something they did last summer…..
3. Some wildcard question….like What is your favorite thing to do in your free time? Or what are
you most looking forward to doing in the winter, Or what is your favorite _______ (movie they
have seen, thing they would rescue if their room or house caught on fire, or thing they would
want with them if stranded on a desert island)
Then the leader reviews the questions with the group a couple of times so they get the questions down
in their mind and they choose a participant to be the first one on Center Stage. When completed sharing
their last question, the group says in unison, “Hi __name__, ( and then states as best they can the
wildcard question back as a statement, for example is you used the free time, “Hi, David, you like to
_____ in your free time.”)
The person on Center Stage gets to pick the next person to be on Center Stage and continues until
everyone has had a chance to appear on Center Stage.
This allows the whole group to use that person’s name and everyone repeats the person’s answer to the
wildcard question…helping them to feel welcome. No one is put on the spot and everyone participates
with you.