Iowa Municipal Professional's Academy Municipal Oversight July 26, 2013 Presented by Susan D. Battani, CPA, Director Marlys K. Gaston, CPA Manager Financial Audit Division Iowa State Auditor's Office MARY MOSIMAN, CPA AUDITOR OF STATE Susan D. Battani, CPA, CGFM Susan Battani is a Director for Mary Mosiman, CPA, Iowa's Auditor of State (AOS), and has worked for the office since 1977 upon graduating from Northeast Missouri State University (now Truman State University). As a Director in the Financial Audit Division, Sue's primary responsibilities include providing technical assistance and training to local governments and to their auditors. She also participates in the Auditor's Office Quality Review Program of CPA firm reports and workpapers, is involved with reaudits of local governments and performs reviews of certain local govemment audit reports and workpapers prepared by AOS staff. Sue has been involved for several years with various local government training programs including programs for the ISCPA as well as the Iowa Association of School Business Officials (IASBO), the Iowa Superintendent's Finance and Leadership Consortium (ISFLC), the Iowa School Business Management Academy (ISBMA) and the Iowa Municipal Professionals Institute (formerly the Municipal Clerks Institute). She is a member of the Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants; the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Association of Government Accountants. Marlys K. Gaston, CPA, CGFM Marlys Gaston is a Manager for Iowa's Auditor of State's Office and has worked for the office since 1985. Marlys is a graduate of Buena Vista University. As a Manager in the Financial Audit Division, Marlys' primary responsibilities include supervising and reviewing local govemment audits and providing technical assistance and training to local govemments and their auditors. She is also actively involved in the Auditor's Office Quality Review Program of CPA firm reports and workpapers as well as reaudits of local governments. In addition she is responsible for program. coordinating the Auditor's Office in-house training Marlys is a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Government Financial Manager and is a member of the Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants and the Association of Accountants. Government Iowa Municipal Professionals Academy July 26, 2013 Municipal Oversight Presented by Susan D. Battani, CPA Marlys K. Gaston, CPA Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 2 3 MUNICIPAL OVERSIGHT WHERE WE WERE.... Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 3 State of Iowa Prior Law Prior Law: II Cities over 2,000 population audited annually. Cities with population from 700 to 2,000 audited once every 4 years. 1!1 Cities with population under 700 not required to be audited except by petition of the citizens. Ill All cities may hire an auditor to audit their cities. Ill Cities may use the State Auditor or a CPA firm. 1111 Cities pay a filing fee to file their audit report with the State Auditor's office. Ill Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 4 MUNICIPAL OVERSIGHT WHERE WE WERE.... WHERE WE ARE... AND Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 5 State of Iowa Iowa Code Section 11.6 Changes House File 2455 Changes effective July 1, 2013 (for audits j examinations performed beginning in fiscal year 2014 for fiscal year 2013): Iiiii All cities over 2,000 population111111 IIIII Continue to receive an annual audit 4-year city audit category (population 700-2,000) No longer exists Cities with population under 2,000II Will receive annual or periodic examinations II Based on budgeted expenditures/ disbursements 1111 IIIII Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 6 State of Iowa Iowa Code Section 11.6 Changes IIWhat is an examination? II Chapter 11.1(b) of the Code of Iowa: II "Examination means procedures that are less in scope than an audit but which are directed toward reviewing financial activities and compliance with legal requirements." Ill Agreed-upon procedures engagement II Less in scope than an audit II Less cost than an audit Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 7 State of Iowa Iowa Code Section 11.6 Changes Changes effective July 1, 2013 (for audits and examinations performed beginning in fiscal year 2014): IICities under 2,000 population with $1 million or more budgeted gross expenditures (in two consecutive years) will have an annual examination: Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 8 State of Iowa Iowa Code Section 11.6 Changes Changes effective July 1, 2013 (for audits and examinations performed beginning in fiscal year 2014): Ill Cities may choose their auditor: II RFP required to engage independent auditors for annual examination. II Cities must pay for the annual examination. Ill Cities pay an annual examination filing fee to Auditor of State. II AOS has developed required procedures to be performed. Mary Mosiman, CPA, Audrtor of State 9 State of Iowa Iowa Code Section 11.6 Changes Changes effective July 1, 2013 (for audits and examinations performed beginning in fiscal year 2014): II NOTE: Any additional procedures and/ or assistance requested by cities will be outside of (in addition to) the annual examination. II For example, assistance with bank reconciliations, Annual Financial Report assistance and/ or TIF assistance, etc. Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 10 7 State of Iowa Iowa Code Section 11.6 Changes Changes effective July 1, 2013 (for audits j examinations performed beginning in fiscal year 2014): IICities under 2,000 population with less than $1 million in budgeted gross expenditures will pay an examination fee to the Auditor of State each year to cover the costs of a periodic examination. Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 11 State of Iowa Iowa Code Section 11.6 Changes Changes effective July 1, 2013 (for audits j examinations performed in fiscal year 2014): Ill Cities subject to periodic examination: II Cities must exceed $1 million in budgeted gross expenditures for two consecutive years to require annual examination. Otherwise subject to periodic examination. II Periodic examination required at least eve:ry 8 years. Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 12 State of Iowa Iowa Code Section 11.6 Changes Changes effective July 1, 2013 (for audits/ examinations performed in fiscal year 2014): Ill Cities subject to periodic examination: II AOS will administer the Periodic Examination RFP process. Ill AOS will develop the procedures to be performed. II Cities paying the audit or annual examination filing fee are not required to pay the periodic examination fee each year. Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 13 State of Iowa Iowa Code Section 11.6 Changes Periodic Examination - Proposed Fees IIAuditor of State shall adopt administrative rules IITo establish and collect a periodic examination fee Ill From cities not required to have an audit or annual examination II Fees due initially March 31, 2014 (and then each year thereafter) Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 14 State of Iowa Iowa Code Section 11.6 Changes Periodic Examination - Proposed Fees Ill Scaled Fee - based on budgeted gross expenditures j disbursements: IILess than $50,000 -- $100 11$50,000 to $300,000 -- $475 11$300,000 to $600,000 -- $900 11$600,000 or more-- $1,200 Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 15 Municipal Oversight AOS Website Resources • Resources located at: - Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 16 ;D Municipal Oversight AOS Website Resources • Informational Article -Written by former State Auditor David Vaudt -Published in the Iowa league of Cities 11Cityscape" -Includes a preliminary review and explanation of the 2012 Municipal Oversight legislation ove lou. Hea Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State Municipal Oversight AOS Website Resources • 2013 Individual City Requirements - lists audit and/or exam requirements for every City in Iowa -For 2013 .. 160 Cities required to have an annual audit • 177 Cities required to have an annual examination • 610 Cities subject to the periodic examination requirements Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 18 If r Municipal Oversight AOS Website Resources • Frequently Asked Questions - City Examination Requirements - City Annual Examinations • RFP • Filing Fees • Report Filing Requirements - City Periodic Examinations • RFP • Periodic Examination Fees • Report Filing Requirements Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 19 Municipal Oversight AOS Website Resources • Annual Examination Agreed Upon Procedures Engagement Request for Proposal (RFP) -Sample RFP - Must use a written,competitive process • Include the required element in the sample RFP - May Use AOS- no RFP required -May use CPA firm- RFP required Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State Municipal Oversight AOS Website Resources • City Annual Examination Agreed Upon Procedures Program Guide - Established procedures • Minimum requirements,as applicable Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 21 Municipal Oversight AOS Website Resources • Independent Auditor Sample Tools: - Sample Internal Control Checklist,including Key Duties Matrix - Sample Minutes Testing Template -Sample Disbursements Testing Template - Sample Payroll Testing Template Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 22 {3 MUNICIPAL OVERSIGHT WHERE WE WERE.... WHERE WE ARE... AND WHERE ARE WE HEADED?! Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 23 Municipal Oversight AOS Website Resources • More to come: -City Annual Examination Sample Report -Periodic Examination Resources • Check periodically for updates!! Mary Mosiman, CPA, Auditor of State 24 !4 Iowa Auditor of State - Iowa Municipal Oversight Law Press Briefings Audit Reports City Annual Financial Report (AFR) FAQs Page 1 of5 Iowa Municipal Oversight law Due to the municipal oversight law passed during the 2012 Legislative Session, several changes will take place effective July 1, 2013 in regard to requirements for audits or examinations of Iowa cities. This section of the Auditor of State's website will be devoted to providing resources to cities and independent auditors providing audit and examination services to cities. Audit Practice Aids Technical & Other Updates Municipal Oversight Resources: Municipal Oversight Article: To view an informational article by former State Auditor Vaudt pertaining to the law and related requirements, click .HE:RE: Rules Regulatory Plan 2013 Individual City Requirement: To determine whether a city is subject to an annual audit, an Peer Review Employment Opportunities Contact Us Related Links Home annual examination or a periodic examination for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, click HE:f<E: RFP: AOS has developed a City annual examination agreed upon procedures engagement request for proposal (RFP). This RFP or equivalent written document must be used to engage independent auditors wishing to perform City annual examinations pursuant to Chapter 11.6 of the Code of Iowa. To download a copy of the Sample City Annual Examination Agreed Upon Procedures Engagement RFP for City annual examinations (Microsoft Word), right-click HERE and click Save LinkfTarget As... on the contextsensitive menu. ············ Annual Examination Procedures: AOS has developed an agreed upon procedures program guide which establishes the minimum requirements to be performed for all City annual examinations. To download a copy of the City Annual Examination Agreed Upon Procedures Program Guide (Microsoft Word), right-click .H.E:f3.E. and click Save LinkfTarget As... on the context-sensitive menu. Independent Auditor Sample Tools: AOS has developed tools to facilitate independent auditors in performing City annual and/or periodic examination agreed upon procedures engagements. As noted, these are SAMPLE tools to use to document internal control and testing. To download a copy of the Sample Internal Control Checklist, including Sample Key Duties Matrix (Microsoft Word), right-click HERE and click Save LinkfTarget As... on the contextsensitive menu. ············· To download a copy of the Sample Minutes Testing Template (Microsoft Excel), right-click .r!.E.BE: and click Save LinkfTarget As... on the context-sensitive menu. To download a copy of the Sample Disbursements Testing Template (Microsoft Excel), rightclick HEB.E: and click Save LinkfTarget As... on the context-sensitive menu. To download a copy of the Sample Payroll Testing Template (Microsoft Excel), right-click ljEB.E. and click Save LinkfTarget As... on the context-sensitive menu. COMING SOON: Check this page periodically for additional resources including: • City Annual Examination Sample Report Frequently Asked Questions: AOS has developed an FAQ to answer some of the frequently asked questions pertaining to the Municipal Oversight law and related requirements. To view or download a copy of the FAQ, click ljER,E, Otherwise, click on the following links to specific sections: ity_E:xarT!ination ityAnr1ual_ City_f\_n.nual E::2<arnif1<J1ion.filing_f .es. ityf\nn_uai_Exafllination http :II 6/25/2013 Iowa Auditor of State - Iowa Municipal Oversight Law Page 2 of5 (;ity .P..E!ri9.d.ic; f::)(<J.rninati()n t' gu st City Periodic Examination Fees :Cify·f': r_l_ ·- x<JiJiibaticiiJ· P<lrt_filing Ql. What is the Municipal Oversight law? A1. The Municipal Oversight law was enacted during the 2012 Legislative Session. This law affects oversight of Cities with a population of fewer than 2,000 and is effective July 1, 2013. To view an informational article by former State Auditor David A. Vaudt pertaining to the Municipal Oversight law and related requirements, click HERE. Q2. Does the Municipal Oversight law require all Cities to be audited? A2. No. An annual audit will continue to be required for Cities with a population of 2,000 or more. Cities with a population under 2,000 will be required to have annual or periodic examinations, the frequency of which is based on budgeted expenditures. All Cities will continue to be required to have a Single Audit performed in any year the City expends $500,000 or more of Federal awards or in any year the City receives a citizens' petition for audit pursuant to Chapter 11.6(3) of the Code of Iowa. Q3. What is the difference between an examination and an audit? A3. Iowa Code section 11.1(1)(b) defines "Examination" as "procedures that are less in scope than an audit but which are directed toward reviewing financial activities and compliance with legal requirements." Simply stated, an examination is a set of procedures narrower in scope than an audit, but also with less cost than an audit. Rather than focusing on auditing the financial statements of a City, the examination is designed to focus on the financial processes of a City to help ensure accountability and compliance and minimize the opportunity for fraud. Q4. What is the effective date for annual and/or periodic examinations? A4. The Municipal Oversight law passed during the 2012 Legislative Session is effective July 1, 2013. For Cities required to have an annual examination, the period of the annual examination will be July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 (fiscal year 2013) performed during the period July 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014 (fiscal year 2014). Cities not required to have an audit or annual examination will have a periodic examination conducted at least once every 8 (eight) years. Periodic examinations will commence after July 1, 2013 and cover years ending June 30, 2013 or later. A periodic examination may be performed as of any month end (rather than fiscal year end). QS. How doI know whether my City is required to have an annual examination or a periodic examination? AS. Cities under 2,000 population with $1 million or more in budgeted expenditures in two consecutive years will be required to have an annual examination. Cities with budgeted expenditures of $1 million or more in a single year will continue to be subject to a periodic examination, not an annual examination. Cities under 2,000 population with less than $1 million of budgeted expenditures will be subject to a periodic examination to be performed at least once every eight years. To determine whether a City is subject to an annual audit, an annual examination or a periodic examination for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, click .H.E:BI::- Q6. May Cities choose to have an audit instead of an examination? AS. Yes. Cities may have an audit performed for any fiscal year in lieu of an annual or periodic examination. Likewise, Cities subject to periodic examinations may choose to have an annual examination performed. Cities may not choose to have an examination in lieu of an audit when an audit is required. Likewise, Cities may not choose to have a periodic examination in lieu of an annual examination when an annual examination is required. 6/25/2013 /0 Iowa Auditor of State - Iowa Municipal Oversight Law Page 3 of5 Q7. Are there specific examination procedures to be performed,and are these required procedures or simply suggestions? A7. For consistency, the Auditor of State has established required procedures for annual examinations. To access and download a copy of the required City Annual Examination Agreed Upon Procedures Program Guide (Microsoft Word), right-click lj_ERE and click Save Link!Target As... on the context-sensitive menu. QB. Are there other resources available pertaining to annual and/or periodic examinations? AS. Yes. Click HERE to access other resources available on the AOS website. Q9. What ifI have other questions about these new requirements? A9. For questions concerning these new requirements, Email to i_nf()@;;I_ljcj_i_t(Jr.:s.t<Jle)<l·.L1S. or call our Office at 515-281-5834. Ql. Are Cities required to use a written request for proposals (RFP) process for annual examinations? A1. Yes. Cities must use a written RFP process to engage a CPA firm to perform the City's required annual examination. Cities are not required to use an RFP if the City hires the Office of Auditor of State to perform the required annual examination. Q2. Does the Auditor of State have a sample RFP form to use when requesting a written proposal for the City's annual examination? A2. Yes. To download the City Annual Examination RFP form (Microsoft Word), right-click I:"IE:.I3.E: and click Save Link!Target As... on the context-sensitive menu. Q3. Is the City required to use this RFP form? A3. No, the City is not required to use this RFP form. The RFP form is designed to facilitate the City's annual examination requirement, including the City's requirement to use a written competitive RFP process. _<;i Y.!:\1111 Ql. What are City annual examination filing fees and when does the City have to pay these? A1. Filing fees are provided for under Chapter 11 of the Code of Iowa and are paid by Cities when the City files an annual examination report with the Office of Auditor of State. Q2. How doI determine the amount to pay for a City annual examination filing fee? A2. A fee scale has been established by administrative rule. Fees are determined based on the budgeted expenditures of the City using the certified budget as last adopted or amended for the fiscal year of the City annual examination report being filed. The designated strata and applicable fees are as follows: Budgeted Expenditures in Fee Amount Millions of Dollars Under 1 At least 1 but less than 3 At least 3 but less than 5 At least 5 but less than 10 At least 10 but less than 25 25 and over $100.00 $175.00 $250.00 $425.00 $625.00 $850.00 Q3. Where doI send the City annual examination filing fee payment? A3. City annual examination filing fees should be mailed to: Office of Auditor of State PO Box 333 Des Moines, lA 50302-0333 6/25/2013 Iowa Auditor of State - Iowa Municipal Oversight Law Page 4 of5 City J\n.l1.uai.I::>CC1111illa i()ll. Ql. What are the City annual examination report filing requirements? A1. City annual examination reports are due by March 31 (nine months after year end). Q2. Where doI send the paper copies of the City annual examination report,invoice and news release? A2. Mail two paper copies of the City annual examination report, invoice and news release to: Office of Auditor of State State Capitol Building Room 111 1007 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, lA 50319-0001 Q3. Where doI send the electronic PDF copy of the City annual examination report for posting on the AOS website? A3. Email to: SIJbf1litRE)P0.rt§@a[J i.t()r..sta.te,i<J,U!; Q1. Are Cities required to use a written request for proposals (RFP) process for periodic examinations? A1. No. For Cities subject to the periodic examination requirements, the Municipal Oversight law requires the Office of Auditor of State (AOS) to administer periodic examinations, including the RFP process. AOS will perform some periodic examinations and send RFPs and hire CPA firms to perform other periodic examinations. The cost of the periodic examinations will be paid from the periodic examination fees paid to the AOS. Q1. What are City periodic examination fees and when does the City have to pay these? A1. Cities not required to have an audit or annual examination will pay a periodic examination fee each year to AOS to cover the costs of a periodic examination. Periodic examination fees are provided for under Chapter 11 of the Code of Iowa and are to be established by administrative rule. Periodic examination fees will be paid to AOS by Cities on or before March 31 every year except years the City has an audit or annual examination performed. Q2. How doI determine the amount to pay for the City periodic examination fee? A2. Periodic examination fees are provided for under Chapter 11 of the Code of Iowa and are to be established by administrative rule. Working with the Iowa League of Cities, AOS determined the following periodic examination fee structure in order to execute the statutorily required periodic examinations for Cities with budgeted expenditures of: Less than $50,000 -- $100 $50,000 to $300,000 -- $475 $300,000 to $600,000 -- $900 $600,000 or more-- $1,200 Q3. Where doI send the City periodic examination fee payment? A3. City periodic examination fees should be mailed to: Office of Auditor of State PO Box 333 Des Moines, lA 50302-0333 6/25/2013 Iowa Auditor of State - Iowa Municipal Oversight Law Page 5 of5 Ql. What are the City periodic examination report filing requirements? A1. City periodic examination reports are due within 9 (nine) months after the period of the periodic examination. For example, if the periodic examination is as of April 30,2014, the report should be completed and filed with AOS on or before January 31, 2015. Q2. Where doI send the paper copies of the City periodic examination report and news release? A2. Mail two paper copies of the City annual examination report and news release to: Office of Auditor of State State Capitol Building Room 111 1007 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, lA 50319-0001 Q3. Where doI send the electronic PDF copy of the City periodic examination report for posting on the AOS website? A3. Email to: §1Jb.rJ1itl3t=.P()rt @C11J!:Jit()f. tate)< State of Iowa 1 Privacy Statement I Adobe PDF Reader I Send Comments to Webmaster 6/25/2013 Preparing cities for the Municipal Oversight law- change By David A. Vaudt, CPA A law passed the 2012 Legislative Session will change the oversight of cities with a population of fewer than starting on July 1, 2013. Tbis article will explain the changes and outline the affected cities should prepare for changes. Current law Under current law, cities of 2,000 or more in population are required to be audited annually, while cities with populations from 700 to 2,000 are required to be audited once every four years. rities with populations fewer than 700 are not required to be au.d except by citizen petition or as required by the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations (Single Audit). Cities may hire the State Auditor's Office (AOS) or, through a request for proposal (Rf'P) process, a certified public accounting (CPA) firm to conduct their audit. Cities must file their audit report with AOS and pay a filing fee. In recent years, small city frauds have been on the increase. When comparing a six-year period ending in 2011 with the previous six-year period, reported frauds in cities fewer than 700 in population increased more than 350 percent. It was clear the current system of oversight was not working. A new system was needed to limit the opportunity for fraud by providing a level of oversight, but also needed to be economical for small cities. Law change With those goals in mind, the law was changed to provide oversight of all cities. To allow cities to budget for the new examination requirements, the law will not take effect until July 1, 2013. Under the new law, an annual audit will continue to be required for cities of 2,000 or more in population. However, the four-year audit requirement will cease for cities between 700 and 2,000. In- ad, e annual or periodic examinations, the frequency of which is based on budgeted expenditures. (However, all cities will continue to be required to have a Single Audit performed in any year the city expends $500,000 or more in federal awards.) An examination is a set of procedures narrower in scope than january 2013 Cityscape 24 an audit, but also with less cost than an audit. Rather than focusing on auditing the financial statements of a city, the examination is designed to focus on the financial processes of a city to help ensure accountability and compliance and minimize the opportunity for fraud. Cities with $1 million or more in budgeted expenditures in two consecutive years will be required to have an annual examination. (The requirement for two consecutive years ensures cities with one-time surges in expenditures continue to be treated as periodic examination cities.) As with annual audit cities, these annual examination cities may hire AOS or, through a RFP process, a CPA firm, to conduct their examination. Annual examination cities must pay for their examination and the statutory filing fee to file their examination report with AOS. The filing fee will be used to pay for development of sample reports and examination programs used by AOS and CPA firms performing annual examinations. Cities not required to have an annual examination will pay a periodic examination fee each year to AOS to cover the costs of a periodic examination. Under the law, a periodic examination 'W'ill be required at least once every 8 years, but may be done more frequently. AOS will administer the periodic examinations, including the RFP process to select CPA firms. If a periodic examination city elects to have an annual audit or examination, the city would not be subject to the periodic examination fee. Budgeting for the new law Cities with a population of 2,000 or more should continue budgeting for an annual audit. Cities with fewer than 2,000 population should budget for either the costs of an annual examination or the periodic examination fee. The original certified budget for the fiscal year subject to examination is used to determine whether the examination will be annual or periodic. For example, for the J! annual examination conducted in fiscal year 2014, the determination will be based upon the original fiscal year 2013 budget certified in March 2012. (Cities with $1 million or more in budgeted expenditures in fiscal year 2013 will need to also consider the j.nal fiscal year 2012 budget to determine whether they have .-vo consecutive years with $1 million or more in budgeted expenditures.) Cities with a population fewer than 2,000 and under $1 million in budgeted expenditures (or $1 million or more in expenditures for only one year) For periodic examination cities, fees will be set by administrative rule. Working with the Iowa League of Cities, AOS determined the following periodic examination fee structure in order to execute the statutorily required periodic examinations. The fees are based upon budgeted expenditures. Conclusion The new municipal oversight law represents a good opportunity to strengthen oversight of small cities. All cities want to do the right thing for their citizens. The new law will give them unprecedented, affordable access to the expertise needed to help ensure they are operating effectively. While conducting annual and periodic examinations, CPA firms and AOS will identify changes cities can make to their operations to help increase accountability and compliance and reduce the opportunity for fraud. With advance planning, cities can ensure smooth transition to the new requirements. David Vaudt is Iowa's State Auditor and began his third four:Jear term in January 2011. More information on the State Auditor's Office can be found at Periodic examination cities should budget to pay the yearly fee to AOS starting with the fiscal year 2014 budget. Periodic examination fees will be due March 31, 2014. ties with population fewer than 2,000 and $1 million or more in budgeted expenditures for two consecutive years Cities meeting the requirement for an annual examination should budget for the cost of an annual examination starting with the fiscal year 2014 budget. The number of hours and hourly rates to complete an annual examination will vary. Recent CPA firms' average hourly rates for four-year city audits ranged from $35 to $157 per hour, and the average AOS hourly rate is $52 per hour. Additional examination costs cities will incur include AOS or CPA firm travel expenses and the statutory filing fee payable to AOS. While a specific timeline for annual examinations is not set by the Code of Iowa, the following is a suggested timeline: Update The Iowa Public Agency Investment Trust is a jointly sponsored program for members of the Iowa League of Cities, the Iowa State Association of Counties and the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities. As of December 20. 2012 Number of Trust members ... 439 • 216 cities • 96 counties • 89 utilities • 38 28E agreements Simple avg. monthly rate ... .0.010% Current daily rate ......... 0.010% For more information call: July 1, 2013-March 31, 2014 Fiscal year 2013 annual examination should be performed and filed with AOS. 1-800-872-4024 or (515) 224-2763. January 2013 J.d- Cityscape 25 Audit/Exam Requirement for FY12-13 Budget Expenditures City Population FY 2012 FY 2013 Is Population Over 2,000? Are Budget Expenditures Over $1M for 2 Consecutive Years? Yes Audit/Exam Requirement Annual Audit Annual Exam Periodic Exam X Winfield 1'134 $1,601,615 $1,520,220 No Winterset 5,190 $9,957,586 $12,344,021 Yes Winthrop 850 $1,569,567 $1,632,367 No Yes Wiota 116 $72,505 $101,385 No No X Woden 229 $1,977,196 $760,540 No No J( Woodbine 1,459 $3,553,183 $2,196,255 No Yes Woodburn 202 $115,947 $109,365 No No "1 0odward 1,024 $3,818,072 $1,564,201 No Yes ,olstock 168 $461,800 $501,000 No No J( Worthington 401 $450,446 $404,167 No No J( Wyoming 515 $2,143,895 $1,584,975 No Yes Yale 246 $190,942 $149,637 No No J( Yetter 34 $43,583 $57,690 No No J( Yorktown 85 $27,900 $32,820 No No X Zearing 554 $551,404 $664,813 No No j( Zwingle 91 $56,900 $72,250 No No J( Audit/Exam counts: 160 Total: Monday, December 17, 2012 177 610 947 Page 50 of 50 RFP FORM AOS 87-05 (04/13) CITY ANNUAL EXAMINATION AGREED UPON PROCEDURES ENGAGEMENT RFP NOTE to Cities: This annual examination agreed upon procedures engagement RFP or equivalent written document (written RFP) must be used to engage independent auditors wishing to perform annual examinations pursuant to Chapter 11.6 of the Code of Iowa. The "Specific Requirements" listed in Part I should be addressed in the written RFP. The agreed upon procedures program guide prepared by the Office of Auditor of State establishes the minimum requirements to be performed for all annual examinations and should, therefore, be specifically referred to or otherwise incorporated in the written RFP. Date _ REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) RFP NUMBER _ The City of , Iowa (City) will receive proposals to perform agreed upon procedures to satisfy the annual examination requirements of Section 11.6 of the Code of Iowa for the year(s) ending June 30, 201_. Attached is information relating to minimum specifications of services, data to be included in the proposal, evaluation criteria and selected information relating to the City to be examined. Sealed proposals 201_, at the office copies) will be accepted until 4:30 p.m., of the , Iowa. If mailed, the proposals should be mailed to: ill Those submitting sealed proposals should indicate on the outside of the envelope in the lower left-hand comer that it is a sealed proposal for the RFP number indicated above and the name of the firm submitting the proposal. The contract for services will be awarded by Further information may be obtained from , 201_. at (_)-_- NOTE: This form is available on the Auditor of State's website at: http: // /municipal/index.html At the Municipal Oversight page, navigate to Annual Examination Agreed Upon Procedures (AUP) Engagement Request for Proposals (RFP) to access a Word version and download a copy of the RFP. RFP FORM AOS 87-05 (04/13) CITY ANNUAL EXAMINATION AGREED UPON PROCEDURES ENGAGEMENT RFP I. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 1. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received. 2. Only proposals received at the location described and in the time frame given will be considered. 3. The original and one copy of the enclosed contract should be completed and manually signed by a partner of the frrm submitting the proposal. 4. The annual examination agreed upon procedures (AUP) engagement shall be performed in accordance with the following: a) Attestation Standards for agreed upon procedures engagements issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, b) The Standards for Attestation Govemment Auditing Standards General of the United States and Engagements contained m issued by the Comptroller c) The agreed upon procedures program guide prepared by the Office of Auditor of State (AOS). d) Other procedures, if any, requested by the City. 5. The fees quoted in the proposal and included in the contract will be the maximum paid per hour and in total, unless an amendment to the contract is completed by both parties. 6. The AUP engagement report should conform to: a) Reporting formats specified by the AOS, b) Attestation Standards reporting requirements and c) Government Auditing Standards reporting requirements. 7. The AUP engagement report should report all findings from the AUP engagement since materiality does not apply to the findings to be reported in accordance with, and as described in, Attestation Standards, AT 201.25. 8. Bound copies of the report, in a quantity sufficient to meet the needs of the City, are required to be provided by the firm awarded the contract. In addition, the frrm awarded the contract shall prepare an electronic (PDF) copy of the report for submission to the AOS at 9. Two bound copies of the report, a detailed per diem AUP engagement invoice and a copy of the news release shall be provided to AOS upon release of the report to the City. 10.Working papers shall be retained by the firm performing the AUP engagement and shall be made available to the AOS in accordance with Chapter 11 of the Code of Iowa. 2 RFP FORM AOS 87-05 (04/13) CITY ANNUAL EXAMINATION AGREED UPON PROCEDURES ENGAGEMENT RFP II. DATA TO BE INCLUDED IN PROPOSAL In order to simplify the review process and to obtain the maximum degree of comparability, the proposal should include the following items and be organized in the manner specified below. A. Letter of Transmittal - optional A letter of transmittal may be included briefly outlining the proposer's understanding of the work and general information regarding the firm and individuals to be involved, including the local address of the office of the firm which will perform the work, the telephone number and the name of the contact person. B. Profile of Firm Proposing - recommended 1. Provide a brief description of the size of the firm. 2. State whether the firm is in compliance with the registration requirements to engage in the practice of public accounting within Iowa. 3. State whether the firm is independent of the City Govemment Auditing Standards. m accordance with 4. Describe the local office from which the work will be performed. a. Location of the office. b. Current size of the office. c. Size of professional staff by level, such as partner, manager, supervisor, senior and other professional staff. d. Number of CPA's in the office. 5. Submit any other pertinent information required to describe the office which will perform the work. C. Qualifications - required 1. Describe the recent local office experience in similar types of City or govemmental engagements to which the proposal relates. If appropriate, include regional experience regarding similar types of entities and/ or engagements. 2. Include brief resumes of all key professional members who will be assigned to the AUP engagement. The resumes should include: a. The amount of experience the individual has in the profession. b. A summary of similar govemmental audits engagements on which the individual has worked. andjor AUP c. A summary of the continuing professional education the individual has had in govemmental accounting and auditing during the last two years. d. A statement as to whether the individual is independent, as defined by Govemment Auditing Standards. 3 RFP FORM AOS 87-05 (04/13} CITY ANNUAL EXAMINATION AGREED UPON PROCEDURES ENGAGEMENT RFP II. DATA TO BE INCLUDED IN PROPOSAL (Continued) C. Qualifications - required (continued) 3. Describe the firm's policy on notification of changes in key personnel to be assigned to the engagement. 4. Provide a listing of or the number of professionals in the office who experienced in govemmental audits and/ or AUP engagements. are 5. Describe the availability of individuals within the firm who are primarily involved in govemmental audits and/ or AUP engagements and reporting and with whom the AUP engagement team may consult. 6. Describe briefly the firm's system of quality control to ensure engagement is adequately performed. the AUP D. Scope of Services and Proposed Project Schedule - required Briefly describe your understanding of the scope of services to be provided. Indicate a proposed time schedule for completing the work, assuming the contract will be issued on the date given in the cover letter. Include the approximate dates you would perform fieldwork, office review and report preparation and the latest delivery date of the fmal report. E. Fees and Compensation- required Provide the following information: 1. Estimated total hours. 2. Estimated out-of-pocket expenses. 3. Hourly rate by staff classification. 4. All-inclusive maximum fee and out-of-pocket expenses, which will not exceeded. 5. Frequency and timing of your billing process. 4 be RFP FORM AOS 87-05 (04/13) CITY ANNUAL EXAMINATION AGREED UPON PROCEDURES ENGAGEMENT RFP III. RECOMMENDED EVALUATION CRITERIA It is important the proposal is responsive to the data requested. 1. Cost Overall cost, including out-of-pocket expenses, for performance of the AUP engagement. 2. Qualifications a. Organizational structure and size of the firm. b. Organizational structure and size of the office performing the AUP engagement. c. Recent experience in AUP engagements. d. Qualifications of the AUP engagement team. e. Individuals with whom the AUP engagement team can consult. f. Level of effort, understanding of work and timetable to complete the AUP engagement. 5 RFP FORM AOS 87-05 (04/13) CITY ANNUAL EXAMINATION AGREED UPON PROCEDURES ENGAGEMENT RFP IV. CITY PROFILE SUGGESTED information to include: ( 1) Administrative Information: • Background information on the City, • Fiscal year(s)covered by AUP engagement, • List of the City's funds, • Description and magnitude of the City's accounting records, • Description of the City's computer system(s), if applicable, and • Availability of prior reports and/ or working papers. (2) Work and Reporting Requirements: • Extent to which the City would assist the firm, • Specific scope of the AUP engagement work to be performed, • Number of copies of reports required, • List of restrictions, such as copy services or work space and • Exit conference requirements. (3) Time Requirements: • Date of contract award, • Date records would be ready for the AUP engagement and • Date final report is due (9 months following the end of the reporting period). 6 RFP FORM AOS 87-05 (04/13) CITY ANNUAL EXAMINATION AGREED UPON PROCEDURES ENGAGEMENT RFP SAMPLE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AND THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this and between the City , of day of Iowa , 20_, by hereinafter called "City," and , hereinafter called "CPA." WHEREAS, the City wishes to obtain the services of the CPA to perform an agreed upon procedures (AUP) engagement to satisfy the annual examination requirements of Section 11.6 of the Code of Iowa, for the year(s) ending June 30, 20 ; and WHEREAS, the CPA is equipped and staffed to perform the above AUP engagement; and WHEREAS, this agreement is in the public interest in fulfilling the requirements of Chapter 11 of the Code of Iowa. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED: 1. The CPA will: A. Perform the AUP engagement for the estimated hours as noted in this agreement. B. Begin work on the AUP engagement as specifically agreed upon with the City. C. Perform all work in accordance with Attestation Standards issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and those contained in Govemment Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and the agreed upon procedures program guide prepared by the Office of Auditor of State. D. Immediately inform the City, the Auditor of State and the County Attorney if the AUP engagement discloses any irregularity in the collection or disbursement of public funds or other fmdings the CPA believes represent significant noncompliance as required by Chapter 11 of the Code of Iowa. E. Provide access to its working papers to the Auditor of State m accordance with Chapter 11 of the Code of Iowa. 7 3\ RFP FORM AOS 87-05 (04/13) CITY ANNUAL EXAMINATION AGREED UPON PROCEDURES ENGAGEMENT RFP Agreement - Page 2 2. Conditions of Payment: A. It is understood the fees for the services set forth above shall be reimbursed at the following hourly rates: Classification Estimated Hours Hourly Rate B. The CPA shall present an invoice for services in the following manner: _ C. Payment shall be made within_ days of receipt of the invoice. D. The total reimbursement shall not be for more than$ except as specifically agreed by the City and the CPA. _ 3. Termination of Agreement: A. The City may terminate this contract without notice if the CPA fails to perform the covenants or agreements contained herein. B. The CPA shall be paid for all work satisfactorily performed to the date of termination. IT WITNESS THEREOF, the City and CPA have executed this AGREEMENT as of the date indicated below: CPA By _ _ City of _ By Title _ Title Date _ Date 8 _ CITY ANNUAL EXAMINATION AGREED UPON PROCEDURES ENGAGEMENT RFP RECOMMENDED EVALUATION CRITERIA AND TECHNIQUES FOR RESPONSES TO REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS Evaluation of responses to a request for proposal is based upon a 100-point rating system. A maximum of 25 points is assigned to the cost of the bid proposal, and a maximum of 75 points is assigned to the qualifications of the bidding firm or individual. The techniques used to evaluate these two components are described below. Criteria: COST Evaluation Value: 25 points Evaluation Technique: For each firm evaluated Cost Score= [Lowest cost of all proposals received] Proposal cost for this firm X 25 Criteria: QUALIFICATIONS Evaluation Value: 75 points Evaluation Technique: Subjective scoring for the following factors: Qualification Factor 1. Organizational structure and size of the entire firm (resources available - personnel and research, existence of areas of specialization, commitment to govemmental auditing and AUP engagements, etc.) 2. Organizational structure and size of office performing the AUP engagement (resources available - personnel and research, existence of area of specialization, commitment to govemmental auditing and AUP engagements, etc.) 3. Recent experience in similar engagements (involvement in local govemmental audits and/ or AUP engagements, extensiveness, variety, length of time performing govemmental examinations, etc.) 4. Qualifications of the AUP engagement team (level of experience as accountants, auditors or govemmental auditors, variety of experience, % of time devoted to govemmental engagements, number of CPA's involved, training, etc.) 5. Individuals with whom the AUP engagement team can consult (level and variety of experience, number of CPA's, training, etc.) 6. Level of effort, understanding of work and timetable to complete the AUP engagement (number of hours, projected timetable, commentary showing understanding of the City and general knowledge of what is required, etc.) Total points - Qualifications Each firm's total evaluation score is the sum of its cost score plus its qualification score. The maximum score is 100 points. Possible Points 0-5 0-5 0-15 0-25 0-5 0-20 0-75 CITY ANNUAL XAMI ATION AGREED UPON P OCEDURES PROGRAM GUIDE For the year ended June 30, 2013 DAVID A. VAUDT, CPA AUDITOR OF STATE AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY ANNUAL EXAMINATION AUP PROGRAM GUIDE CITY FILE INDEX June 30, 2013 N/A Incl. GF-1 Planning GF-2 Planning Conferences GF-3 Internal Control Checklist GF-4 Review of Minutes GF-5 City's Year End Financial Statements/Reports GF-9 Agreed Upon Procedures Program Guide GF-10 Accounting Problems GF-11 Conferences (including exit) GF-12 Items for Comment GF-13 Items for Next Year GF-14 Engagement Letter/ Representation Letter GF-17 Routing Sheet GF-19 W /P Copies Given to City and Outside Parties GF-20 Pending Matters GF-21 Review Notes - deleted by Date GF-22 Incharge Review Questionnaire GF-23 Manager Review Questionnaire GF-25 Prior Year Report/Status of Prior Year Comments AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY June 30, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Work Papers B. Cash and Investments M. Long-Term Debt N. Tax Increment Financing P. Fund Balance and Transfers R. Receipts S. Disbursements and Payroll GF-1.1 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY ---------------------June 30, 2013 PLANNING DONE BY PROCEDURE Objectives: To plan and document planning the examination pursuant to Chapter 11 of the Code of Iowa and as required by AICPA Attestation Standards (AT), Section 201, "Agreed Upon Procedures Engagements." Procedures: A. City's population Date of Incorporation B. Job number C. Assigned staff: Manager Incharge Staff D. Timing: Independent? Planned Date Actual Date Begin fieldwork Complete fieldwork To Manager E. Obtain and file the engagement letter. (AT Section 201.10) F. Inquire as to the existence of findings and recommendations from any previous audits, attestation engagements or other studies that have been performed and determine the current status of any fmdings or recommendations. (GAS Chapter 4.09 and AU 801.16) G. Review permanent file information, including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (if available) for applicable Administrative and accounting personnel. Organization chart. Chart of accounts and accounting manual. Long-term leases, contracts and commitments. List of officials and terms. W/P REF NI A REMARKS GF-1.2 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY ---------------------June 30, 2013 PLANNING DONE W/P REF N/ A REMARKS BY PROCEDURE H. Conduct entrance conference. pertinent information. Discuss and document I. Request the City assemble all records and documents. necessary information, J. Minutes: 1. Scan minutes for significant or unusual items. 2. Select four (4) meetings during the year being examined to review whether: a. Minutes were properly signed as required by Chapter 380.7 of the Code oflowa. b. Meetings were preceded by proper (Chapter 21.4 ofthe Code of Iowa). notice. c. The minutes show information sufficient to indicate the vote of each member present as required by Chapter 21.3 of the Code of Iowa. d. The passage of ordinances, amendments or resolutions were by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council rather than a majority vote of a quorum of the City Council as required by Chapter 380.4 of the Code of Iowa. e. Minutes document the City Council followed proper proceedings for any closed sessions. (Chapter 21.5 ofthe Code of Iowa) i. The session was closed by affirmative roll call vote of the _ The specific exemption under Chapter 21.5 of the Code of Iowa. iii. Final action was taken in open session. 11. f. K. Minutes were published (or posted) within 15 days of the meeting as required by Chapter 372.13(6) of the Code of Iowa and included: i. Total disbursements from each fund. 11. A list of all claims allowed (including the reason for the claim). iii. A summary of all receipts. 1v. A summary of ordinances or amendments adopted. Obtain copy of City's June 30 financial statement(s) and/or reports. GF-1.3 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY June 30, 2013 PLANNING DONE BY PROCEDURE L. Verify and review surety bond coverage for reasonableness and compliance with statutory requirements for all officials and employees as required by Chapters 64.13 and 64.15 of the Code oflowa. M. Request the checklist. N. Modify/expand on the AUP program guide, as necessary. If the City requests expanded procedures, at additional cost to the City, arrange for increased fees. 0. Immediately contact the Manager if fraud or embezzlement is suspected. Ensure the appropriate officials are notified after contacting the Manager. Chapter 11.6 of the Code of Iowa requires a CPA firm and the City to notify the Auditor of State immediately regarding any suspected embezzlement, theft or other significant financial irregularities. If federal funds are involved, the appropriate U.S. Regional Inspector General should be notified. P. Prepare engagement time budget. Q. Discuss planning phase with the Manager and document conclusions. City Clerk complete an intemal control CONCLUSION: We have performed procedures sufficient to achieve the AUP engagement objectives for planning and the results of these procedures are adequately documented in the accompanying workpapers. Incharge Date Manager Date W/P REF N/A REMARKS GF-2.1 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY ---------------------PLANNING CONFERENCE June 30, 2013 IN ATTENDANCE: Auditor Name Title Name Items A. Scope of AUP examination: 1. Period of examination. 2. Review engagement letter with City officials, including applicable responsibilities and sufficiency of procedures. 3. Objectives of examination. 4. Inquire whether the City's accounting system accommodates, and the City uses, fund accounting. 5. All funds under fiduciary custody and/ or control of the City pursuant to Chapter 384.20 of the Code of Iowa. 6. Additional procedures, if any, at additional cost to City. 7. Report to be issued, including all AUP findings. 8. The AUP engagement will be conducted as required by AICPA Attestation Standards, Chapter 11 of the Code of Iowa and Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. B. Timing of: 1. Fieldwork. 2. Release of report. C. Availability of records. D. Working space arrangements, if applicable. E. Extent of City assistance. Title Discussion GF-2.2 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY ---------------------PLANNING CONFERENCE June 30, 2013 Items F. Discussion Status of prior findings, if any. G. Personnel changes. H. Accounting problems during the year. I. Related party /business transactions. J. Understanding of fee and billing arrangements. K. Other discussion items. Acknowledgement: Mayor or City Administrator Date Audit Committee or City Council Member Date City Clerk/Finance Director Date GF-2.3 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY June 30, 2013 PLANNING CONFERENCE MANAGER Date: Time: Discussion A. Last year's items for this year's AUP engagement. B. Significant findings from planning. C. Results of obtaining an understanding of intemal controls. D. Significant AUP program modifications. E. Time budget: 1. Timing of fieldwork. F. 2. Staff scheduling. 3. Budget variances. Other. GF-4 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY June 30, 2013 Date REVIEW OF MINUTES Significant Action (S/ A) W/PREF GF-9.1 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY CASH AND INVESTMENTS June 30, 2013 DONE W/P BY PROCEDURE Objectives and Related Assertions: A. The City Clerk's financial reports to the City accurately reflect the City's cash and investments. Council B. Investments comply with the Code of Iowa and the City's adopted investment policy. Procedures: A. Observe cash on hand, if any. B. Obtain one ( 1) monthly Clerk's report and determine the report foots and trace ending fund balances to the general ledger. C. Cash In Bank and Investments: 1. Determine whether bank reconciliations are performed monthly. 2. Determine whether bank reconciliations are reviewed by an independent person. 3. Obtain bank reconciliations for two (2) months and perform the following: a. Verify reconciling items to support. b. Foot the bank reconciliation(s). c. Consider confirming bank account and investment balances. d. Obtain a list of outstanding checks at the end of the selected month(s). Ensure the list of outstanding checks includes check number, amount and date written for each listed check and verify listed outstanding checks cleared the bank after the selected month(s). e. Trace reconciled balance for selected months to general ledger account balances and to monthly reports provided to the City Council. 4. Determine unclaimed property per Chapter 556.1(12) of the Code of Iowa has been reported to the State Treasurer annually before November 1 as required by Chapter 556.11 of the Code of Iowa. 5. Determine a depository resolution which includes all depositories used by the City has been approved as required by Chapter 12C.2 of the Code of Iowa. REF N/ A REMARKS GF-9.2 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY CITY CASH AND INVESTMENTS June 30, 2013 DONE W/P PROCEDURE 6. Determine if the City has adopted a written investment policy which complies with the provisions of Chapter 12B.lOB of the Code of Iowa. 7. Obtain a schedule of investment transactions for the same two (2) months (selected in procedure 3 above) and trace investment balances to the bank reconciliations. 8. Determine investments held at the end of the selected months complied with the City's adopted investment policy and statutory provisions of Chapter 12B.l0 of the Code of Iowa, as applicable. NOTE: Chapter 12B.l0(5) of the Code of Iowa provides a definitive list of allowable investments for cities. ALTERNATE/ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES: CONCLUSION: We have performed procedures sufficient to achieve the AUP engagement objectives for cash and investments and the results of these procedures are adequately documented m the accompanying workpapers. Incharge Date ------------------------- Manager Date ------------------------- BY REF N/ A REMARKS GF-9.3 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY LONG-TERM DEBT June 30, 2013 DONE W/P BY PROCEDURE Objectives and Related Assertions: A. Debt and related transactions are authorized, allowable and accounted for accurately. Procedures: A. For general obligation, special assessment and revenue bonds or notes: 1. Determine general obligation debt payments were recorded in the Debt Service Fund as required by Chapter 384.4 of the Code of Iowa. 2. B. C. Determine and document procedures for bonds or notes sold during the current year were in compliance with Chapters 75, 384 and 403.9 of the Code oflowa. Determine whether other long-term debt exists (leasepurchase agreements, deferred payment contracts, real estate contracts, loans, TIF development agreements, local option sales tax debt) and whether the debt is accounted for accurately. Issuance of Debt: 1. Review authorization for any issuances during the year being examined. 2. Determine debt proceeds were properly recorded and trace proceeds to cash receipts record and bank statement. ALTERNATE/ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES: CONCLUSION: We have performed procedures sufficient to achieve the AUP engagement objectives for long-term debt and the results of these procedures are adequately documented in the accompanying workpapers. Incharge Date Manager Date REF N/A REMARKS GF-9.4 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY TAX INCREMENT FINANCING June 30, 2013 DONE W/P PROCEDURE Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Objectives and Related Assertions: A. TIF and related transactions are authorized, allowable and accounted for accurately. Annual TIF report has been prepared as required by the requirements of Chapter 384.22 of the Code of Iowa. TIF Obligations (indebtedness) are defined m Chapter 403.19(6)(d) as including but not limited to "written agreements whereby the municipality agrees to exempt, rebate, refund or reimburse property taxes, provide a grant for property taxes paid, or make a direct payment of taxes, with moneys in the special fund..., and bonds, notes or other obligations that are secured by or subject to payment from moneys appropriated by the municipality from moneys in the special fund..." Procedures: A. Determine tax increment fmancing (TIF) collections were properly recorded in a separate Special Revenue Fund (TIF fund) as required by Chapter 403.19 of the Code of Iowa. B. Determine the TIF collections in the TIF fund were disbursed or transferred to pay TIF obligations that qualify for payment (within the urban renewal plan) from TIF collections and such obligations were previously certified to the County Auditor as TIF debt and/ or LMI. C. Determine the following regarding the Tax Increment Debt Certificate: 1. The amounts certified (Form 1 and Form 1.1 for TIF debt not previously certified - or equivalent document) are supported and represent loans, advances, or other qualified indebtedness or bonds which qualify for payment from the TIF revenues for each urban renewal area in the City as required by Chapter 403.19(5)(a) of the Code of Iowa and the certificate was filed by December 1. For annual appropriated debt, the amount certified should be limited to the amount appropriated to be paid in the next fiscal year. NOTE: In general, qualified TIF indebtedness must be (1) for a program in the urban renewal area, (2) for an activity covered by the allowable list in the Code of Iowa (Chapter 403(6) and 403(12)), (3) for a project covered by the plan and (4) must further the goals of the plan. BY REF N/ A REMARKS GF-9.5 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY TAX INCREMENT FINANCING June 30, 2013 DONE W/P PROCEDURE 2. The City used (Form 2 or an equivalent document) to properly reduce TIF request if/when the total amount of the legally available TIF increment tax was not wanted. 3. The City certified (Form 3 or an equivalent document) a reduction to the amount previously certified by December 1 in the year action was taken which resulted in the reduction, as required by Chapter 403.19(5)(b) of the Code oflowa. NOTE: Required reductions include payments from sources other than TIF revenue, interest on investments, site proceeds of TIF property, reduction of required principal and interest payments due to refunding or refinancing of the obligation or for any other reason (i.e. interest earned or property sales proceeds are required to be credited to the TIF fund). D. Annual Urban Renewal Report 1. Obtain the urban renewal report due December 1st of the fiscal year under examination and determine the: a. Report was approved by the City Council and completed/filed on or before December 1st. b. Amounts reported on the Levy Authority Summary agree with City records. 2. Obtain and review the City's detailed TIF obligations (debt) listings and determine "TIF Debt Outstanding" on the Levy Authority Summary includes the following: a. Certified Debt - TIF obligations outstanding, including principal and interest, certified to the County Auditor as of July 1st of the period covered by the urban renewal report and, b. Certifiable Debt - Outstanding TIF obligations incurred during the fiscal year covered by the urban renewal report, including annual appropriation debt not yet certified. 3. Determine rebate agreements, if any, have been properly reported as project(s), including total debt and expense. 4. TIF collections remaining after an urban renewal area is no longer active, if any, were retumed to the County Treasurer as required by Chapter 24.21 of the Code of Iowa. BY REF N/ A REMARKS GF-9.6 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY TAX INCREMENT FINANCING June 30, 2013 DONE W/P BY PROCEDURE E. For urban renewal areas with public improvements related to housing and residential development, determine if assistance for low and moderate income (LMI) housing was provided in accordance with Chapter 403.22 of the Code of Iowa. ALTERNATE/ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES: CONCLUSION: We have performed procedures sufficient to achieve the AUP engagement objectives for tax increment financing and the results of these procedures are adequately documented in the accompanying workpapers. Incharge Manager Date ------------------------Date ------------------------- REF N/ A REMARKS GF-9.7 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY June 30, 2013 FUND BALANCE DONE W/P PROCEDURE BY REF N/A REMARKS Objectives and Related Assertions: A. Funds are established in accordance with the City Finance Committee's recommended chart of accounts. B. All required funds and fund balances are maintained and accounted for accurately. C. Transfers between funds are allowable, approved and accounted for. D. City's AFR is completed and accurately reflects the City's financial information. Procedures: A. Determine the City is using fund accounting and each fund is properly classified in accordance with the Uniform Chart of Accounts. B. For enterprise funds with deficit balances, determine if there is a net earnings violation (book transfers are made to sinking accounts per the bond/note resolution, but if the operating accounts are in a deficit position, the sinking accounts are not backed by cash) and comment if appropriate. C. Determine projects are appropriately accounted for separate capital projects accounts. D. Examine journal entries and other adjustments directly to the general ledger. in made 1. Select specific joumal entries and determine whether: a. The joumal supported. entries are reasonable and are b. The journal entries are approved by an independent person and there 1s documented evidence of the approval. E. Annual Financial Report (AFR): 1. Compare AFR to City's general ledger to determine if amounts agree. a. Beginning and ending reported accurately. b. RUT transactions were reported accurately in the Special Revenue fund. Total receipts and disbursements agreed with City records. c. fund balances were Sl GF-9.8 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY June 30, 2013 FUND BALANCE DONE W/P BY PROCEDURE F. Transfers: 1. Obtain a list of all fund transfers during the year. 2. Review transfers for propriety and document findings. 3. Determine transfers were recorded in the proper fund. 4. Trace transfers to approval in the minutes or budget, as applicable. ALTERNATE/ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES: CONCLUSION: We have performed procedures sufficient to achieve the AUP engagement objectives for fund balances and the results of these procedures are adequately documented in the accompanying workpapers. Incharge Date Manager Date REF N/A REMARKS GF-9.9 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY RECEIPTS June 30, 2013 DONE W/P PROCEDURE BY REF NI A REMARKS Objectives and Related Assertions: A. Receipts are accounted for accurately and in accordance with the City Finance Committee's recommended chart of accounts. Procedures: A. Verify the City is using the Uniform Chart of Accounts to classify receipts in the general ledger. B. Perform a receipts to deposit test for one month (reconciling deposits per the bank statement to general ledger receipts) and consider the possibility of undeposited receipts. C. Property Tax: 1. Verify electronic deposit payments during the year. D. of twelve property tax 2. Trace one month's property tax collections to general ledger posting. 3. Total and trace to budget for reasonableness. Governmental Revenue: 1. Obtain copy of State confirmation from the Auditor of State's Office and reconcile amounts per confirmation with the general ledger. E. Enterprise Revenues (Water, Sewer, Electric, etc.): 1. Determine if a monthly and/ or year-end list of delinquent accounts is maintained and obtain a copy of the listing. If not available, comment accordingly. 2. Determine if monthly reconciliations of billings and collections are prepared. a. If not available, perform analytical procedures to compare amounts billed to amounts collected and deposited. b. If available: 1) Apply procedures to determine the accuracy and completeness of the reconciliation for one month and/ or at year-end. 2) Comment accordingly if variances have not been adequately resolved. 53 GF-9.10 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY RECEIPTS June 30, 2013 DONE W/P BY REF N/ A REMARKS PROCEDURE 3. F. Review City officials' accounts (including the Utility Clerk's account). Trace selected month(s) billing(s) to collection/ deposit. General: 1. Scan ledgers or receipts detail for unusual receipts. Investigate accordingly. 2. G. Scan deposit tickets and evaluate the reasonableness of amounts of currency deposited, considering the types of receipts expected to be received in currency. Determine local option sales tax receipts were expended as required by local ballot provisions. Review a copy of the ballot authorizing the local option tax. ALTERNATE/ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES CONCLUSION: We have performed procedures sufficient to achieve the AUP engagement objectives for receipts and the results of these procedures are adequately documented in the accompanying workpapers. Incharge Date Manager Date GF-9.11 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY DISBURSEMENTS June 30, 2013 DONE W/P BY PROCEDURE Objectives and Related Assertions: A. Disbursements are approved, supported and accounted for accurately and comply with Article III, Section 31 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa (public purpose criteria). B. The annual budget is authorized, certified and amended, if needed, in a timely manner. Procedures: A. Obtain a schedule of all related party transactions with officials or employees and review for compliance with Chapter 362.5 of the Code of Iowa. B. Scan disbursement joumal for unusual disbursements. Investigate accordingly. C. Scan all cancelled checks/images looking for checks to City personnel, unusual vendors and "cash." 1. Examine checks payable to the City Clerk and other personnel authorized to issue/ sign checks. a. Review amount and frequency of checks. b. Determine if checks are appropriate. 2. Select five (5) consecutive checks from altemating months and verify: a. The disbursement is adequately supported. b. The amount and payee on the check match the general ledger posting. c. Disbursement was authorized by the City Council. d. Credit card transactions properly supported. e. The disbursement appears to meet the test of public purpose. For those items which are questionable, the City should have adequate documentation as to how the expenditure(s) meet the test of public purpose. are approved and D. Review all bank statements for erasures/alterations and scan for unusual withdrawals and/ or checks. E. If canceled checks are not received, determine whether both the front and back of electronic check images are received as required by Chapter 554D.l14(5) of the Code oflowa. REF N/ A REMARKS GF-9.12 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY DISBURSEMENTS June 30, 2013 DONE W/P BY PROCEDURE F. Determine the City applied for and received sales tax refunds on completed projects unless an exemption certificate was issued by the City for the contractor as required by Chapter 423.3(80)(b) of the Code of Iowa. G. Determine if disbursements by function are within the budget or amended budget. ALTERNATE/ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES: CONCLUSION: We have performed procedures sufficient to achieve the AUP engagement objectives for disbursements and the results of these procedures are adequately documented in the accompanying workpapers. Incharge Manager Date ------------------------Date ------------------------- REF N/ A REMARKS GF-9.13 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY ---------------------PAYROLL June 30, 2013 DONE W/P PROCEDURE Objectives and Related Assertions: A. Payroll and related transactions are authorized, allowable and accounted for accurately. Procedures: A. Select five (5) payroll transactions from throughout the year to test: 1. Authorization for gross pay or hourly rate. B. 2. Approval of hours worked. 3. Accuracy of the number of hours paid per the payroll journal to hours worked per approved timesheets (for hourly employees). City Clerk and/ or Payroll Clerk Pay: 1. If salaried, reconcile the approved salary for the City Clerk and payroll clerk to the City Council approved salary. 2. If hourly, test selected paychecks for the City Clerk and payroll clerk to determine if the hourly rate paid agrees to the approved hourly rate. C. Ensure wage increases are approved by the City Council as an hourly rate or salary and not just a percentage increase. D. Determine if Forms 941, W-2 and 1099 were filed with the IRS, as appropriate. ALTERNATE/ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES: CONCLUSION: We have performed procedures sufficient to achieve the engagement objectives for payroll and the results of these procedures are adequately documented in the accompanying workpapers. Incharge Date Manager Date BY REF N/ A REMARKS GF-9.14 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY ---------------------June 30, 2013 COMPLETION OF AUP ENGAGEMENT DONE W/P BY REF N /A REMARKS PROCEDURE Objectives and Related Assertions: A. Written representations responsible officials. have been obtained B. The AUP report has been drafted, including all findings, and discussed with the City. from AUP Procedures: A. Summarize AUP findings. B. Draft agreed upon procedures report, including all findings noted during the AUP engagement. C. Conduct an exit City Clerk and andjor a City communication conference with the City. In addition to the the City Administrator, request the Mayor Council Member(s) to attend. Document of: 1. AUP findings. 2. Accounting problems that may affect the bill. D. Determine the appropriate date of the agreed upon procedures report. As required by AT 201.34, the report should be the date of completion' of the agreed upon procedures. E. Obtain appropriate written representations signed by the Finance Director, Mayor, City Clerk andjor other appropriate personnel. 1. Prepared on City's letterhead. 2. F. Dated same date as the agreed upon procedures report as required by AT 201.34. Complete the budget and time summary, including an explanation of significant variances from budget and recommendations for next year (if applicable). Note billing instructions if applicable. CONCLUSION: We have performed procedures sufficient to achieve the AUP engagement objectives for the completion of the AUP engagement and the results of these procedures are adequately documented in the accompanying workpapers. Incharge Date ------------------------- Manager ------------------------- Date GF-10 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY ---------------------ACCOUNTING PROBLEMS June 30, 2013 Description of Problem Disposition Additional Time Required GF-11 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY -------------------CONFERENCES June 30, 2013 Time Date Attendees/Topic Charged to Amount &0 GF-12 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY ITEMS FOR COMMENT June 30, 2013 Prior Period W/P Ref. Item Description y N Comment Number GF-13 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY --------------------ITEMS FOR NEXT EXAMINATION June 30, 2013 No. W/P Ref. Item Disposition Approved GF-19 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY ---------------------June 30, 2013 Workpaper Reference WORKPAPER COPIES GIVEN TO CITY AND OUTSIDE PARTIES Approved To Whom given Date By GF-20 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY ---------------------June 30, 2013 No. W/P Ref. PENDING MATTERS Description Disposition GF-21 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY ---------------------REVIEW NOTES June 30, 2013 No. W/P Ref. Item Disposition Approved GF-22.1 AOS 83-14 (4/13) CITY INCHARGE REVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE June 30, 2013 QUESTION YES 1. Was the scope of the engagement in accordance with the plan? 2. Have you informed the Manager of all identified problems that resulted in significant modification to the AUP program and have you obtained the Manager's concurrence with the modifications? 3. Have you gathered enough evidence to satisfy the AUP program objectives? 4. Are you satisfied the evidence gathered does not disclose suspicions of abuse, fraud, violations of statutory, regulatory and contractual provisions or other illegal acts other than those noted in the comments of the report? 5. Have all applicable items in the AUP planning, questionnaires and program been completed and workpapers properly indexed and signed or initialed by those doing the work? 6. Have all significant unusual or unexpected balances or relationships noted during planning or the course of the engagement been adequately documented? 7. Has the work of all assistants been thoroughly reviewed? 8. Have review notes been adequately resolved? 9. Have you discussed all agreed upon procedures findings with City officials and prepared draft comments for all agreed upon procedures findings, including memoranda regarding this communication? 10. Has the report routing sheet: 11. a. Been completed and signed off? b. Been completed for the report distribution section, including addresses for non-City report recipients? Has a list been prepared of all significant pending matters which must be cleared before issuing the report? 12. Has the Manager been informed of all pending matters? 13. Have required engagement evaluation appropriate person(s)? reports been completed by the 14. Are you satisfied all agreed upon procedures complied with professional standards and office policies? 15. Have all electronic workpapers been properly stored on the network? COMMENTS (required for "No" answers): Incharge Date Manager Date NO N/A GF-23.1 AOS 83-14 (4/ 13) CITY MANAGER REVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE June 30, 2013 QUESTION YES 1. Have you reviewed the workpapers and do you concur with the conclusions of the incharge? 2. Have exceptions noted on the Incharge Review Questionnaire been resolved? 3. Are you satisfied: a. The AUP program was properly modified for identified problems? b. The judgments and conclusions reached are supported by documented evidence? c. All AUP work conformed to the engagement plan, scope and objectives? 4. Do the workpapers include adequate documentation as to: a. Conformity with attestation standards for AUP engagements? b. Compliance with office policies? 5. Have all applicable procedures been performed and signed off? 6. Have all electronic workpapers been properly stored on the network? 7. Is there adequate documentation in the workpapers to support the findings? 8. Is our AUP report addressed to the proper party? 9. Is the report dated as required by AT 201.34? 10. Are you satisfied the AUP engagement did not disclose any susp1c10ns of fraud, violations of statutory, regulatory and contractual provisions or other illegal acts other than those noted in the report fmdings. 11. Have the report findings been discussed with appropriate City officials? 12. Have all findings from the AUP engagement been reported as required by AT 201.25? 13. Has the report routing sheet been completed? 14. Does the draft AUP report comply with professional and office reporting standards? 15. Has a copy of the completed routing sheet, including the report release date, been filed in the GF-17's? COMMENTS (required for "No" answers): Manager Date NO N/A AOS 85-1.1 (4 / 13) SAMPLE INTERNAL CONTROL CHECKLIST CITY _ June 30, 2013 INTERNAL CONTROL ACTIVITIES QUESTION YES PETTY CASH/ CASH/ CHANGE FUNDS 1. Is the custodian of the petty cash and/ or change fund prohibited from handling more than one fund or other cash receipts? 2. Does an independent person approve bank wire transfers for cash? 3. Are controls maintained over and/ or voided checks? the supply of unused INVESTMENTS 1. Do employees having no responsibility for investments or record keeping: custody of a. Confirm those held by outsiders? b. Reconcile documents to the investment records? c. Verify recorded investment earnings to determine accuracy? 2. Is an accounting record/register maintained for each investment, including cost, description, date purchased, interest rate, maturity date and identifying number? 3. Is a record of investment income maintained? 4. Are all investment documents under the control of a responsible official as custodian? 5. Are investment documents kept in a safe deposit box or vault? LONG-TERM DEBT 1. Are detailed records periodically reconciled to general ledger controls? 2. If paying agents are used for the payment of principal and interest, does the City receive periodic reports of principal outstanding and unclaimed interest? RECEIPTS 1. Are there procedures established for the recording of receipts on bank wire transfers? 2. Are receipts deposited intact and timely? 3. Are all checks payable to the City deposited? 4. Is a restrictive endorsement placed on each mcommg check upon receipt? NO N/A REMARKS AOS 85-1.1 (4/13) SAMPLE INTERNAL CONTROL CHECKLIST CITY _ INTERNAL CONTROL ACTIVITIES June 30, 2013 YES QUESTION 5. Are receipts controlled by numbered receipts? use of pre-printed, pre- 6. Are the numerical sequences monitored? 7. Are voided receipts properly mutilated and retained? 8. Is effective control unusual receipts? provided over miscellaneous or 9. Do procedures exist to reconcile amounts collected to records of billings/ remittances? 10. Is an aging of receivables prepared and periodically reviewed for delinquent amounts? DISBURSEMENTS 1. Is there adequate segregation of duties in connection with the following: a. Controlling blank purchase orders? b. Placing orders with vendors (including preparation of purchase order)? 2. Are all disbursements required to invoices or other documentation? 3. Is approval of travel vouchers for all City officials and employees required? 4. Are invoices and supporting documents fumished to the check signer prior to approving the payment? 5. Is there evidence of the payment approvals? 6. Are credit individuals? card purchases be made supported by by authorized a. Are credit card receipts required and reviewed and approved for propriety? b. Are controls maintained over credit cards? 7. Are supporting documents for claims effectively canceled at the time of approving the payment to prevent their reuse? 8. Is competitive bidding used? 9. Does processing of invoices for payment include: a. Comparison against purchase orders or documents for term, prices and quantities? other b. Comparison against rece1vmg reports or other documents for items and quantities received? c. Mathematical check of footings, extensions and discounts? NO N/A REMARKS AOS 85-1.1 (4/13) SAMPLE INTERNAL CONTROL CHECKLIST CITY _ INTERNAL CONTROL ACTIVITIES June 30, 2013 QUESTION YES 10. Are all disbursements made by check? 11. Are only pre-printed, pre-numbered checks used and properly controlled? 12. Are voided checks properly mutilated and retained? 13. Are checks protected against alteration? 14. Are checks made payable to a specific payee? 15. Is the advance signing of checks prohibited? 16. Is there evidence of review of supporting documentation? 17. If a mechanical or facsimile check signer is used, are facsimile signature stamps and/ or plates under proper control? 18. Are controls maintained over the supply of unused and voided checks? PAYROLL 1. When a new employee is hired, is an independent person approving the entry on the computer system? 2. Are salaries approved by the governing body for full-time and part-time employees? 3. Are payrolls reviewed and authority? 4. Is written approval required for: approved by someone a. Employees added to or deleted from the payroll? b. Changes in rate of pay? c. Payroll deductions? 5. Are files that support maintained properly? and document the m above 6. Do procedures exist to ensure all employees are bona fide? 7. Do procedures exist to ensure employees do not receive more than the authorized salary payment? 8. Do procedures exist for properly documenting and controlling vacation, sick leave and compensating time off and related balances? 9. Are controls maintained over the supply of unused and voided checks? 10. Are payroll checks distribution? kept in a secure place pnor to NO N/A REMARKS AOS 85-1.1 (4/13) SAMPLE INTERNAL CONTROL CHECKLIST CITY _ INTERNAL CONTROL ACTIVITIES June 30, 2013 QUESTION YES TRANSFERS 1. Are all interfund transfers properly authorized and approved by appropriate officials? 3. Are transfers in and transfers out recorded in the proper funds, in the same accounting period and on a timely basis? 4. Are interfund transfers balanced monthly? 5. Are all interfund transfers adequately explained and documented? 6. Are transfers appropriately classified as transfers rather than receipts/ disbursements? 7. Is supporting documentation retained? for interfund transfers FINANCIAL REPORTING 1. Is there general ledger control over all transactions of all departments of the City? 2. assets and Are procedures and policies for closing the accounts for a reporting period sufficient to ensure accounts are closed, adjusted, and reviewed on a timely basis? 3. Do procedures exist to ensure all accounting systems have included all transactions applicable to the reporting period? 4. Are all joumal entries reviewed, approved, and supported by adequate descriptions or documentation? 5. Do controls exist ensure only authorized individuals can initiate entries? 6. Do procedures exist to ensure all financial reports (extemal and internal; federal/ state grant financial reports, etc.) are supported by either underlying accounting records or other documentation? 7. Are there procedures to ensure all requirements for filing financial reports are met? NO N/A REMARKS AOS 85-1.1 (4/13) SAMPLE INTERNAL CONTROL CHECKLIST CITY _ June 30, 2013 INTERNAL CONTROL ACTIVITIES List of Key Duties Period Covered Not Done Key Duties: _ A B C D E F G H Remarks/Weaknesses Cash and Receipts: Responsible for change fund Opens mail Lists money and checks received through the mail Compares list with recorded receipts Reconciles daily deposits to receipts Prepares deposits Takes deposit to bank Prepares reconciliation of bank to book balances at month end Reviews bank reconciliation Investments: Has custody of investments Responsible for investment transactions Approves bank wire transfers for investments I I I I I I I I Long Term Debt: Reconciles principal and interest payments to debt records Approves bank wire transfers for debt I I I I I I I I I I Receipts: Collects receipts Issues prenumberd receipts Records receipts Reviews coding of receipts to appropriate fund and account (source code) Enters utility rates on the system Reviews/ approves utility rates entered on the system Tests utility rates to ensure proper utility calculations Disbursements: Responsible for safeguarding of checks Approves claims prior to submission for payment Approves disbursements Prepares checks Signs checks Mails checks Records disbursements I AOS 85-1.1 (4/13) SAMPLE INTERNAL CONTROL CHECKLIST CITY _ June 30, 2013 INTERNAL CONTROL ACTIVITIES List of Key Duties Period Covered Not Done Key Duties: _ A B C D E F G H Remarks/Weaknesses Disbursements (continued): Reviews coding of disbursements to appropriate fund and account Approves bank wire transfers for disbursements Reviews bank reconciliation Responsible for long/ short amounts Payroll: Prepares payroll accounting records Prepares payroll checks Signs payroll checks Distributes payroll checks Approves payroll input Approves timesheets Approves vacation and camp time Compares time records to payroll records Maintains vacation, sick leave and camp time records Reviews vacation, sick leave and camp time records Enters payroll wage and withholding rates into system Reviews j approves wage and withholding rates entered on the system Tests wage and withholding rates to ensure proper payroll calculations Approves bank wire transfers for payment of federal and state taxes and FICA/IPERS Reporting: Prepares monthly Clerk's report Reviews monthly Clerk's report Prepares Annual Financial Report Reviews Annual Financial Report I 111111111 A Mayor B Council c City Clerk D Utility Clerk E Deputy Clerk F G H } List others (i.e., department heads, etc.) AOS 85-1.1 (4/13) SAMPLE INTERNAL CONTROL CHECKLIST CITY _ June 30, 2013 INTERNAL CONTROL ACTIVITIES QUESTION YES NO N/A REMARKS SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS: CONCLUSION: We obtained sufficient knowledge of the City's internal control process in order to plan the examination. Completed by: Title: Updated and reviewed by: June 30, 20- 20- 20- 20- Reviewer/ Date -- -- -- -- r;-c; I