Scotland 2014 - 2 – Jamke/Janowitz SUMMARY OF TRIP INFORMATION

Scotland 2014 - 2 – Jamke/Janowitz
Title of trip
Spectacular Skye - Trekking in the Land of Bonnie Prince Charlie – section 2
Leader Sam Jamke
Western Highlands and the Isle of Skye, Scotland
August 29 to Sept. 7, 2014
Type of trip
check all that apply
Total # of days 10 (mistake on Martell
Note from Sam – no idea why
one cell has yellow fill – I
cannot make it go away
Hiking XX
Co-leader Ron Janowitz
Skiing-Cross-Country Skiing-Downhill
Trekking (e.g., hut-to- Walking XX Other – please describe
Select one of those checked above.
Day Hiking
Primary type of trip
Minimum 14
Number of participants
(excluding leaders)
Advertised cost
$2195 Member/
$2295 nonmember
Airfare range if not included $1200
When should the trip notice
be published in AMC
Do you wish to have your trip
listed online before it is
published in AMC Outdoors?
Smaller trips and leader
Maximum 14
Does it include airfare? No
Will leaders assist participants with flights? Yes
First Appearance: Month ASAP
Year 2014
Last Appearance: Month A/A
Year 2014
Note: AMC Outdoors is only published in Jan., March, May, July, Sept., Nov.
Yes XX If yes, please list the approximate month and year when it should
be posted on line. ASAP
Is this proposal for a small group trip – i.e., less than 14 participants and 2
leaders or 7 participants and 1 leader? No XX
If yes, why is a small group proposed?
If a participant fee increase of more than 15% is proposed, please explain
why? No, not applicable
Leader name
Sam Jamke
Leader address
96 Jenkins Road, Bedford, NH 03110
Leader email
Leader phone
Home 603-472-2536
Wilderness first aid
CPR training
AWFA Expiration: 11/14
Form Revised February 2013
Cell 603-867-5591
CPR w/AED Expiration: 4/14 – will recert
Adventure Travel Trip Proposal Form, page 1 of 6
Scotland 2014 section 2 – Jamke/Janowitz
Trip one
If this is your first Adventure Travel trip as a Leader you must be present at the
AMC-ATC meeting at which the trip proposal is considered.
Please list the last three longer (5+ day) trips you have led for the AMC including
destination, type of trip, dates and number of participants. Feel free to list additional
trips you have led, particularly if they demonstrate experience related to the trip you
are proposing.
Death Valley, April 2013; 14 part.
Trip two
New Zealand 2013 – 10 Part.
Trip three
Patagonia 2012, 12 part.
Other related trip
Have led an AMC trip to Scottish Highlands (2009) and did a personal two-week
trip there in 2000.
Prior leading experience
Co-leader name
Ron Janowitz
Co-leader address
88 West Haven Road, Manchester, NH 03104
Co-leader email
Co-leader phone
Home 603 625-9848
603 361-3072
Wilderness first aid training AWFA 5/15
CPR training*
CPR – 4/14 – will recert
Prior leading experience
Trip one
If you are a new co-leader you must submit an application to be an Adventure
Travel leader or co-leader prior to submitting this application. Also, it is strongly
recommended that you be present at the AMC-ATC meeting at which the trip
proposal is considered.
Please list the last three longer (5+ day) trips you have led for the AMC including
destination, type of trip, dates and number of participants. Please indicate if you
were the leader or co-leader.
Patagonia, hiking, Feb./Mar. 2013, 14 participants
Trip two
Sedona, hiking, November 2012, 14 participants
Trip three
Olympic Natl Park, hiking, September 2012, 14 participants
Other related trip experience Has been to Scotland on personal trips in past..
Yes If yes, please describe below:
Have either of you led this trip Sam has led a trip here in 2009 and traveled personally here, as has CL
before or traveled to this area?
Co-leader: Yes No
Does either the co-leader or
Leader: Yes No
leader speak the local language? Not applicable: N/A for this trip (though Scottish brogues can be tough!)
No If yes, please list who has agreed to be your back-up in case one or both
Do the leader and co-leader have of you need to drop out. This is required for approval!
a significant personal
Not Applicable.
Private trips Do either of you No If yes, please note that you cannot advertise AMC and private trips
lead trips that are private - not together unless there is a clear distinction between the two in any materials
sponsored by the AMC?
you send out.
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Scotland 2014 - 2 – Jamke/Janowitz
We will be arriving in Glasgow where we will spend the first day exploring the city.
We will take the train to the west coast of Scotland where we will spend 3nights in
the town of Mallaig and take day hikes from there. We will then board a ferry for
the trip to the Isle of Skye where we will spend 4 nights in Portree and explore the
island. Participants will have the opportunity to tour an old castle or visit a
distrillery on their free day on Skye. We will be transported back to Glasgow for
our flights home.
These are remote villages and we will be staying in B&B's or country Inn type
Please describe your plans for accomodations.
Meals: Please describe your Our lodging includes breakfast. Either the B&B or a local shop will supply us for
plans for providing meals. If packed lunches for our hiking. Four (4) dinners are included in the cost of the trip.
the budget includes any funds For the other dinners, the participants will be free to explore the town and choose
for leader meals not shared where they would like to eat.
with the group please justify.
Our booking agent will be arranging mini-buses for our transportation on land and
Local Transportation
Please describe your plans for there is scheduled ferry service for getting us over to the island.
local transportation
No, not applicable.
Permits or permissions
Does the trip require special If yes, please describe below what you will need to do to obtain them:
permits or permissions?
(required on many U.S.
If no, please describe the process you went through to find out that they were
federal lands and national
not required: Verified with tour operator.
Special equipment
No If yes, please describe below what type of equipment and how you will
Does the trip require special ensure that people know how to use it: No, not applicable.
Special experience
Yes If yes, please describe below what type of experience? Also describe how
Does the trip require special you will ensure that the participant has this experience?
skills on the part of the
Participants will need to be able to walk 7 to 10 miles for 5 days in a row.
Pre-trip activities
Yes No If yes, please describe below what you will do:
Do you plan to get your group Maybe - depending on where the participants live
together before the trip for an
activity or social event?
Glasgow is a historical trading and industrial city on the river Clyde with
Conservation, education and
access to the Irish sea and Atlantic it had strong trading ties with the colonies
How will this AMC-AT trip meet the and later US. We plan on learning about the history of the city and seeing it's
mission of the AMC?
historic sites. The western Highlands and the Isle of Skye have a unique geology and played a key role in the long struggle for Scottish independence
and the later English Civil War between the Houses of Stuart and Hannover
that was only finally resolved in the early 18th century. From a combined
ecological and cultural perspective we will see first hand how land use
patterns and then cultural policy have impacted the flora and fauna of the
region. Also, the participants will have the opportunity to visit the site of an
old castle and will expereince the island's history.
Please provide a description
of the trip and the activities
planned. If available, please
include or attach an itinerary.
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Scotland 2014 section 2 – Jamke/Janowitz
Will this trip require a tour
operator or guide service
during part, or the entire
Please describe their services. If you are using a tour operator for the entire
trip, please describe why you will be using them rather than doing this trip on
your own: Make Tracks is setting up the B&B's and land tranportations for us
which because of the size of the group would be very difficult for us to do. He is
also suggesting hikes for us to check out and possibly hike on. Sam has used this
outfitter for her trips to Scotland and Ireland.
Name of tour operator/guide Make Tracks Walking Holidays, Douglas (Dougie) Stewart, 26 Forbes Rd,
Edinburgh EH10 4ED
Tour operator website
Make Tracks is not responsible for our safety while on the trail. They have
indicated that they do not have any formal records of injuries or accidents. They
have been in operation for about 20 years and have only been aware of minor
injuries (blisters, twisted ankles, etc.) to some clients.
Liability? Yes
Maximum amt: £2,000,000
Do they have liability
Are they willing to list AMC as an
This is not the practice in the UK
additional insured?
Make Tracks statement: “On the guided walks on Skye, you will come under the
Emergency response
Please describe the outfitters’ direction of a qualified mountain guide. The guide will have their own safety
response plan in the case of policy, and we will be able to send you a copy of that nearer the time. However, at
an emergency.
this stage we don't know who we will be employing from the two or three
companies we usually work with (these companies often change personnel, and we
won't decide which one to use till nearer the time).
Safety record
Please provide information
about their safety record.
Our emergency response on self-guided walks is contained in the safety information
[provided]. This is for real emergencies while out on the hills. You will note that the
advice for whom to contact is the emergency services. The mountain rescue service
in Scotland is always contacted through the Police emergency number 999, and this
is what is contained in the advice.
For "minor" emergencies (bus doesn't show up - boat can't sail etc), we are on hand
on our main phone line, with voicemail to a mobile number for urgent messages
(but I expect it’s the first type of "emergency" that most concerns you).”
Please assess the risks and hazards of your trip. Carefully consider each area of risk and how it may affect your
trip. Devise a plan to prevent each hazard and to respond to it if it becomes necessary. Please be very specific for
each section if applicable.
Trail conditions, river crossings, weather, wildlife (bears, snakes, etc.)
Potential hazards
August is the end of their dry season, wet conditions may be a factor. It is also the
end of their midge bug season, though rain and fog can happen in Scotland at any
time of year. Terrain navigation: Many of the hikes will be led and we will be on
well-marked trails, vast majority of hiking is in tree-less areas but at low altitude
(less than 3500’).
Leaders will evaluate any river crossings and will determine at that time if it is
prudent to turn back. Bug spray and/or bug net will be recommended to the
participants. Paraticipants will be told to bring weather gear for the White
Mountains at the same time of year which should be sufficient. Leaders will have
1:50,000 Ordance Survey Maps, compass and a Garmon Oregon 450 GPS with a
UK/Scotland Topo chip in it for backup.
Political concerns, crime, language translation, terrorism
Foreign Country
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Scotland 2014 - 2 – Jamke/Janowitz
Potential hazards
Potential hazards
Road conditions, drivers, insurance
We will not be driving any vehicles. There is the ferry crossing to the island. It is a
regularly scheduled common-carrier ferry operating under UK regulations and we
do not anticpate any concern.
Potential hazards
Potential hazards
Level of fitness, screening concerns, experience with equipment or activity
Participants who cannot hike 7+ miles per day
If we find that participant cannot keep up, we will encourage and help them find
something else to do, on all days participants have the option of not hiking or riding
in the transport vehicle with the luggage.
Conditions unique to this type of trip
Please describe your plans for dealing with emergencies. Give as much detail as possible and list any special
communications equipment you may need to ensure the safety of your participants. DO NOT LEAVE THIS
Emergency communication We will have Dougie's emergency contact information as well as the B&Bs that we
Phone contacts, language,
will be staying in and the emergency information sheet he has sent us. Both Mike
documentation, distance from and I will have cell phones which work internationally.
emergency services
We will be carrying standard leader gear (top 10 essentials, ground pad, etc.) to
Emergency equipment
What sort of emergency first ensure that we can adequately take care of our participants in case of an emergency.
aid or communication
equipment (satellite phone,
two-way radios) do you plan
to use, if any?
We will call the police emergency number of 999 and/or we will follow our WFA
Please describe your plan for training.
evacuation from the
backcountry location if
Highland Primary Care Health Center, Victoria Rd, Mallaig, Scottish Highland,
Medical care
Please describe the medical PH41 4RN, 01687 462203
care available in the area(s)
where you will be traveling Higland Primary Care Skye Hospital, Broadford, Isle of Skye, IV49 9AA, 01471
and list names and telephone 822298
numbers for these facilities.
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Scotland 2014 section 2 – Jamke/Janowitz
Currently the exchange rate is $1.62 to £1. Martell used the rate of $1.65 to £1 in
Foreign currencies
For int’l trips list each foreign original proposal. Make Tracks is paid in pounds. A review of the historical rate
currency, the current $US
of the pound indicates that this is the worst rate back to 2009. The Jamke budget
dollar exchange rate and what was calculated using $1.75/GBP.
contingencies you have if that
rate changes. If a tour operator A contingency of 5%, on the low range, was used for the first trip since the vast
or agent is being used, what
majority of the trip expenses is the outfitter fee and Martell thought they were
currency is the agent to be paid using a conservative exchange rate. Current budget upped the % to 8%. But we
are locked into the advertised price and leaders will pay if needed to offset any
shortfall, should all contingency funds be used.
From Make Tracks: “We are pretty flexible over deposits and final payments.
Group Trip Deposits
What deposits will be required However, we are likely to need to pay some deposits to the Hotel by the end of
from you by airlines, hotels, tour this year. We normally work with £50.00 per person, so £800.00 should cover
operators, etc., and when?
that. I expect that you will also ask for a deposit when people book. So as soon as
you can cover the £800.00 would be fine. We would like to receive final payment
6 weeks before the start of the trip (sooner if possible). This will allow us to pay a
lot of people who will require payment in advance (some of the accommodation,
guides, and the transport companies).”Note on section 2 – Dougie said he could
probably wait until March, but once we are sure the trip is going, we will
send the deposit.
From Make Tracks: “Cancellation must be notified in writing. The deposit will
Group Trip Refunds
What is the latest date you can be forfeited in all cancellations. Where cancellation is received 7 days or less
cancel and still receive a full
before the start of the holiday, the full cost of the holiday will be charged and
refund of any deposits?
there will be no refund. 25% of the total cost will be refunded for cancellations
received between 21 days and 7 days before the start of the holiday.”
$500 deposit is due with the application, it will only be cashed upon acceptance.
Participant deposits
What are the initial deposit and Balance due is payable by March 31, 2014 (either $1625 for members or $1725
your schedule of payments by for non-members). Non-members will be encouraged to consider joining the
participants to you?
Up until when funds in full are required by the tour operator, up to a full refund
Cancellation policy
What will be your cancellation minus $100 and any increase in costs to the trip or other participants for reasons
policy for the participants?
such as single supplements, etc. This date is projected to be approximately
5/30/2014, but will verify with tour operator. Cancellations after this date will be
per tour operator cancellation policy. If a participant replacement is found up a
full refund minus $100 and any increase in costs to the trip or other participants
for reasons such as single supplements, etc. will be refunded.
Minimum numbers
No, but… If yes, please describe conditions:
Will you still run the trip if you But Sam is willing to run a one-leader trip with 7 or 9 participants.
do not get the minimum
Reference web links:
AMC-ATC Home Page:
E-Mail Addresses:
Club House:
AMC-ATC Chair:
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