Major Excursions October 14, 2007

Major Excursions
Meeting Minutes
October 14, 2007
Attendees: Ralph Blumenthal, Erika Bloom, Trish Niece T.Walley Williams, Stacia
Zukroff, Darcy Turner (AMC Staff) and Sue Lach (Author).
Guests: Heather Stephenson (AMC Staff), Sam Jamke, John Lisker, Marianne Page, Ron
Janowitz, Alex DeLucia (AMC Staff), Jennie Blumenthal, Mike Barry.
 Introductions
 Approval of Minutes from Summer Meeting (7/22/07)
 Action Item Review from Summer Meeting (7/22/07)
 Update on 2007 and 2008 Trips
 Marketing Update
 Database Update
 Putting Participant Evaluations Online
 Trail Projects
 Approval of Trips
The meeting was called to order by Stacia Zukroff at 8:08am.
 Introductions
The AMC Annual Meeting is scheduled for 1/26/08. There are schedule conflicts with a
number of committee members and we will probably have to move the deadline for
proposals back to allow time for people to review them before they go.
Heather Stephenson introduced herself as the new Publisher. She has been in the role for
2.5 months. Heather oversees “Outdoors” and also book publications. She passed out
“AMC Outdoors: How You Can Contribute”. They are always looking for people to
share stories and photos and contribute to the content of the magazines. All ideas and
stories are welcome!
Stacia stressed that ME has been trying for years to have more presence in the
“Outdoors”. There was an entire page devoted to volunteers and they featured an
upcoming trip or a trip that just happened with a picture. This went away and was a huge
loss to the committee. Stacia would like to see something such as a picture and/or small
article to regain presence in the magazine. The photo in the “Backcountry” section was
supposed to rotate and this has not been occurring. Ralph pointed out a trip
advertisement for a competitor that appeared in the Outdoors right next to the
backcountry section. Heather explained that there was a swap of advertisements that did
not involve money and that the AMC was featured in the competitor’s magazine. The
committee is disappointed that ME is not getting highlighted and supported more.
AMC ME Meeting Minutes – 10/14/07
 Approval of Minutes from Summer Meeting
There were no comments on the minutes.
Ralph motioned to approve /Erika seconded - Unanimous.
 Action Item Review from Summer Meeting (7/22/07)
The “Action Item Log” was reviewed and updated accordingly. Please refer to the
“Action Item Log” for current updates and new task additions.
 Update on 2007and 2008 Trips
Most of 2007 trips have finished. Bhutan trip is currently in progress. There are three
trips in December that are all full. China trip ended up being a one leader trip because
Jan had to drop out at the last minute for person reasons.
Ralph distributed the “Projected Major Excursions Revenue and Expenses – 10/11/07”
document and reviewed it in detail.
2007 - There are 19 trips for 2007 that Ralph has completed the reports and there are
a number in progress. Bottom line for calendar year expected net surplus estimated at
$21,000. This money will go into reserve.
2008 – There are 21 approved trips with 15 in review and 2 more expected to be
submitted. The surplus for 2008 is conservatively estimated at $16,000.
 Marketing Update
Web Site – There has been no work on the web site since Mary has been pulled to handle
other ME work due to Sarah’s absence. Mary is currently only doing 10 hours a week.
Her primary goal is for marketing tasks. The web site task needs to be escalated in
priority. Stacia stated that she will have more time in December to assist.
Advertising – Budgeted $800 for running one or two additional ads in the “Outdoors”.
Stacia recommended two full page ads with one in Jan/Feb and Sept issues and then a ½
page in July. An ad calendar will be developed and reviewed with the Marketing Task
 Database Update
Darcy provided an online demo of the Access database that has been developed. The
goal has been to keep all trip information in one place with links and reporting capability.
Everyone on the ME Committee will have access to the database. The target date is to
have the database available to the committee in the next month with read only access.
 Putting Participant Evaluations Online
The goal is to move to having trip evaluations online. Survey Monkey has been selected
to manage surveys. The cost is minimal ($200 per year) and provides extensive reporting
and customization capabilities. If there are participants that do not have online access
they will be offered a paper survey. This will be sent to ME Staff for review and if there
are critical comments they will be addressed. Trish asked for a question to address the
outfitters capabilities. It was unanimous that we move to an online questionnaire. This
AMC ME Meeting Minutes – 10/14/07
will be sent out by ME Staff and leaders will need to provide email address of
 Trail Projects
Alex DeLucia, AMC North Country Trails Volunteer Programs Supervisor has been
working with trails since 2001. He attended to talk about the possibility of integrating
Service Based Trips. Volunteer Vacations are offered M-F in Baxter and Acadia. Last
year he managed a staff exchange with Washington Trails Association starting with youth
and adult programs. Alex thought that it would be a good idea to get AMC group to
exchange with Washington. He feels that we have the trip planning skills that would
benefit his program. He already has a database of 3000 potential people that he could tap
into. Stacia raised the question if there would be an issue to add some free time for
participants? – Washington Trails has that built into the program with 4 work days and
one day off in the field. There is a cap on participants at 12. Ralph commented that we
would need to be careful that a service trip would not be in competition with existing
trips. Stacia suggested running with Washington Service Trip to see how the interest
level is. Local leaders will be assigned to manage our group and all gear and meals
provided. This will help to promote off-season work. Sam Jamke has a contact with the
Patagonia Commission that she will share for volunteer trips.
 Mike Barry will join MEC.
Mike Barry, who was just liberated from the chair position of the Boston Chapter, has
agreed to join the Major Excursions committee effective at Annual meeting. He may be
taped for another position within the AMC, so his tenure may only be one year.
 Approval of Trips
The following trips were reviewed and action taken:
Wrangell/St. Elias – Conditionally Approved (0822) – 6/12/08-6/22/08 Paulette
Bourdot (L) and None (CL). One leader backpack with outfitter providing all logistical
support. Stacia talk with her and Ralph worked with her on budget. Darcy reviewed the
outfitter and felt that they were competent. Darcy will need to address insurance issues
and Ralph is awaiting a check.
Erika motioned to conditionally approve/Trish second – Unanimous
Magnificent Canadian Rockies Day Hikes - Approved (0823) – 7/6-14/08 Jack
Schempp (L) and Sam Jamke (CL). No issues.
Ralph motioned to approve/Erika second - Unanimous.
Best of Northern California, Hiking, Biking – Approved (0824) – 7/12-20/08 Wyatt
Biel (L) and Stacia Zukroff (CL). Stacia confirmed that 14 is max and minimum is 10
T. Walley motioned to approve/Erika second - Unanimous.
AMC ME Meeting Minutes – 10/14/07
Moderate Hikes in Scenic Glacier National Park - Approved (0825) – 7/12-20/08 Carl
Lohmann (L) and Marianne Page (CL) – Erika worked closely with Carl and Marianne
on trip and Ralph worked on budget. There are two Glacier trips and the committee feels
that there needs to be a title distinction.
Erika motioned to approve/Ralph second - Unanimous
Olympic National Park: Pacific Coast Rainforest – Deferred Pending Follow-up 7/16
- 26/08 Erik Madsen (L) and Len Weiss (CL) – The committee had confusion with the 5
day overlap. Ralph requested a brief itinerary but Erik declined to send one unless he
really needed it. The itinerary can not be figured out by the proposal. Ralph is concerned
with the overlap and how this effects the cost for those participants. There was group
equipment in the budget for $60/person that was questioned and declined. Stacia sent
email that this is not the committee’s policy but tarps, fuel and coolers were acceptable.
Darcy will follow-up via phone to obtain more detail.
Olympic National Park: Mt Olympus Wilderness – Deferred Pending Follow-up
7/22/08 – 8/4/08 Erik Madsen (L) and Joan Wu (CL) – This prospectus stated that for
those participating in both they could deduct $400. Second co-leader would do the
overlap. Permit requests need to be addressed. Darcy will follow-up via phone to obtain
more detail.
The Sawtooth Wilderness – Day Hikes – Approved (0826) 7/19 - 27/08 Jack Schempp
(L) and Jerry Bernadini (CL) – Jerry’s email needs to be updated. Trish stated that you
need to be prepared for flat tires in the Sawtooth’s.
Ralph motioned to approve/T. Walley second - Unanimous.
Tour du Mont Blanc– Approved (0827) 7/25/08 – 8/9/08 Spencer Meyer (L) and John
Lisker (CL) – Ralph requested confirmation on allowing for foreign exchange rate.
Spencer and John have been very conservative. This is good but you don’t want to price
yourself out of the market. Spencer replied that they would rather give money back.
John was present and questioned how much lower they can go. He is worried about the
currency. Stacia recommended that land and air fare be broken out separately due to the
fluctuation with air fare. John confirmed that airfare has been negotiated with Air France
and is set. T. Walley stated to list it that $1000 is air fare and also commented that price
per day was attractive.
Erika motioned to approve/Ralph second - Unanimous.
Advanced Hiking in Glacier National Park – Approved (0828) 8/2 - 10/08 Reji James
(L) and Rob Ricchi (CL) – CL mailing address needs to be updated. This trip is the more
strenuous and faster paced than the first.
Ralph motioned to approve/Erika second - Unanimous.
Mountains in the Mediterranean – Approved (0829) 8/15-30/08 Andrea Deaton (L)
and Kevin Perry (CL) – Andrea sent update that was posted to the web site. Ralph stated
that the price went up due to the Euro. Cost of the trip is now $3100 ground. Trish had
AMC ME Meeting Minutes – 10/14/07
question on safety record of the outfitter. Stacia confirmed that they are hiking unguided.
Leaders are leading on the trail and outfitter is provider of services.
T. Walley motioned to approve/Ralph second - Unanimous.
Best of the American Southwest– Approved (0830) 9/6-20/08 Dave Mihalek (L) and
Carl Rosenthal (CL) – No issues.
T. Walley motioned to approve/Stacia second - Unanimous.
Bike Prague and the Best of Bohemia– Approved (0831) 9/11 - 21/08 Mike Berry (L)
and Phil Mecagni (CL) – Mike filled out application form on the old app and there are
not substantial changes. Mike and Phil just came back from a scouting trip. This is a
road biking trip going point to point. Leaders are prepared to pick up additional costs to
have smaller group size and pay their own air fare. This trip does not include air fare in
the budget.
T. Walley motioned to approve/Erika second - Unanimous.
Yosemite Day Hikes ‘08– Approved (0832) 9/13 - 21/08 Jack Schempp (L) and Roger
Scholl (CL) – No Issues. Darcy pointed out that they need to pin down where they are
staying due to availability.
Erika motioned to approve/Trish second - Unanimous.
Trekking in Bhutan– Deferred Pending Follow-up 10/8 - ?/08 Paulette Boudrot (L) and
None (CL) – Repeat trip of those currently going. She is waiting on itinerary to get
feedback from Paul. She is leaning toward itinerary with longer acclimatization. One
leader trip is contingent on feedback from current trip to determine if this is appropriate.
There is a concern with the lack of medical training of the outfitter. Darcy concerned
with altitude and foreign guide service not having American presence like Kilimanjaro.
There is a concern if there is an emergency there would only be one person to tend to the
injured and the group and how do you decide. This is a risk unless this outfitter meets
our comfort level and standard. A co-leader would totally change the budget. Erika is
recommending increasing the maximum to 14 and minimum to 11 and adding a coleader. If there are 10 participants a co-leader could be subsidized. Committee agrees on
second leader.
An African Dream: Mt Kilimanjaro Climb – Contingently Approved (0833) 12/26/08
– 1/6/09 David Langley (L) and None (CL) – New proposal was posted on 10/9/07. This
is the climb only. Ralph questioned pricing. Erika recommending changing range from
10 – 13 participants. Advertise the price for the minimum or the range.
Ralph motioned to approve with 10 or high price/Erika second - Unanimous.
AMC ME Meeting Minutes – 10/14/07