Union County 4-H & FFA Scholarship Application

Union County 4-H & FFA Scholarship Application
Due: On or Before March 1
Union County Friends of 4-H Endowment Board offers scholarships for achievement in the
areas of citizenship, leadership and livestock project work. Scholarships are a maximum
of $1,000 and are given dependent on revenue to the Endowment Board. All current Union
County 4-H members in good standing are eligible to apply. All FFA Union County auction
participants of the current year are eligible to apply for the livestock scholarships.
Applications will be received no later than March 1 of the current year, will be reviewed by
the Board, and selection made at the regularly scheduled March meeting with
announcement to be made at the school awards program or graduation ceremonies as
deemed appropriate by the Board and school officials.
The following items are required for completion of the Scholarship Application:
1. Completed general information page, academic information, financial information and
experiences page(s) with a 4 page limit as indicated on the form.
2. Two letters of recommendation, one from academic advisor or teacher and one from adult 4-H
staff, Extension staff or adult volunteer attesting to scholastic ability, 4-H or school participation
and leadership, financial need, and character of applicant.
General Information
Name____________________________________ Years in 4-H________________________
Home Address__________________________________________ Phone________________
Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s)____________________________________________________
I plan to attend a ___Trade School ___Two-Year College ___Four-Year College
Name and Address of School or College you are applying to attend:
What will be your major area of study? (If not determined, include all areas being considered)
We agree to allow the Union County Friends of 4-H Endowment Board and the Iowa State
University Extension office in Union County to publish quotes and excerpts from this application
to further the efforts of 4-H Youth Development in our county or in Iowa. We certify all information
given in this application is true and correct.
Applicant Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
(This page will be detached from the rest of the application so that the review process may
be as objective as possible.)
Academic Information:
Name of High School Attending ____________________________________________________
SAT ____________ ____________ _____________ Date Tested _______________________
ACT ________ Date Tested_____________ ASSET __________ Date Tested ____________
High School GPA ___________________
Describe why you are interested in pursuing further education, including where you plan
to attend.
Outline your reasons for choosing field of study.
Financial Information:
List anticipated college costs for the next year.
Tuition $_________ Room & Board $_________ Books $__________ Clothing $____________
Transportation $___________ Personal Expenses $__________________
Your best estimate of $ you have to contribute $____________, your parents $______________
Experiences in 4-H (no smaller than 10 point font, no more than one page)
Highlight your 4-H accomplishments and contributions that help to qualify you for a 4-H
scholarship. Summarize citizenship, leadership, and communication 4-H experiences, projects,
offices, recognitions, etc. Bulleted items and abbreviations are acceptable once identified.
Experiences other than 4-H (Limit 1 page for FFA, church, school, community, etc.)
Career Pathway Write a brief summary of how your decision to apply for this particular
scholarship was (1) influenced by your 4-H experiences and (2) impact of 4-H participation on
your choice of a career. Include your future educational and career goals. (Limit ½ page)