Oct 13-27, 2016
AT# 16
Join us as we explore a section of Australia that is one of
the most beautiful in the entire country! Just 3 hours’
drive south of Perth and only 110 km from end to end, The
Margaret River Region is one of Australia’s most compact,
yet strikingly diverse holiday destinations. It’s an exciting
mosaic of pristine natural wonders, premium wineries,
world class restaurants, spectacular beaches, towering
forests, inspirational artisans, warm and friendly locals
and a laid-back persona all of its own.
From the tranquil waters of Geographe Bay in the north,
down the ancient cave-carved Leeuwin-Naturaliste Ridge,
through picturesque vineyards and karri forest of the
heartland, to the desolate beauty of Cape Leewin in the
south, this is a place of astounding natural contrasts.
From June to December thousands of humpback and
Southern Right whales can be seen migrating along the
coast. Conditions permitting we will take a whale watching cruise to see these magnificent
mammals and their calves in Geographe Bay. If we are lucky we may even catch a glimpse of a
rare blue whale!
The Margaret River Region is one of only 34 internationally recognized biodiversity “hotspots”
in the world, and the only one in Australia. Biodiversity hotspots are the richest and most
threatened reservoirs of plant and animal life on earth. Botanical enthusiasts delight in the
2500 wildflower species, including rare orchids and Kangaroo Paws which are indigenous to the
area. The surrounding environment is a haven for wildlife lovers. Brilliantly colored parrots,
sapphire-like splendid wrens and native wildlife including kangaroo, emu, chuditch and ringtail
possum make the forest their home. It is one of the most visually stunning regions in the world.
Tremendous rugged cliffs reach down into wild, electric blue seas, while bright green expanses
of grape vines contrast with the towering majesty of the forests. Nature lovers revel in the
dazzling display of native flora, birds and animals which call this part of the world home and
provide some of the best photographic opportunities you could ask for.
The Cape to Cape Track is rated one of the Top 10 Walks in Australia and fringes the region
from north to south, giving you the perfect mix of ocean, forest and everything in between.
We’ll day hike the Track in sections, staying in 3 star accommodations at night with our luggage
transferred from location to location by a shuttle service. We’ll stay multiple nights in some
locations so that people can take a “day off” from walking if they wish. There will also be a
“built in” rest day in Margaret River, a locale rich with wineries and places to explore.
We’ll fly into Perth and transfer to Dunsborough for a few days of exploration before moving on
south to Augusta to begin the Cape to Cape Track. While in Dunsborough we will look for
whales, walk to Eagle Bay, rent bikes and travel on the non-motorized Dunsborough to
Busselton Cycle Path, a 23km flat ride alongside pristine beach and through tranquil
peppermint groves.
Day 1 & 2- Oct 13-14, 2016
Leave USA for Australia
Day 3- Oct 15, 2016 (D)
Arrive in Perth, Australia and transfer to
Dunsborough. Overnight accommodations at
Dunsborough Inn
Day 4- Oct 16,2016
Conditions permitting go on a whale watch
from Dunsborough to Geographe Bay to look
for humpback and right whales. Walking tour of the town with time to rest and relax from our
travels. Overnight at Dunsborough Inn
Day 5- Oct 17,2016
Rent bikes and travel on the Dunsborough-Busselton Cycle Path to Bussselton. Visit the
Busselton pier and area before cycling back to Dunsborough. Overnight at Dunsborough Inn
Day 6- Oct 18, 2016 (D)
Transfer to Augusta for the start of the Cape to Cape Track. En route we will stop to visit the
Jewel cave, the largest cave in Western Australia with four massive chambers. If time allows
participants can take a local taxi (not included in trip cost) to visit cape Leeuwin to explore the
area and the lighthouse. Overnight in Augusta
Day 7- Oct 19, 2016 (B, D)
The walking starts at the historic water-wheel, and heads northwards, leaving Cape Leeuwin
behind. The first walk section follows the top of Augusta Cliffs. This is followed by the long and
remote Deepdene Beach. One of the highlights today is Cape Hamelin, where there is a
beautiful bay surrounded by granite boulders and a kiosk where you can buy a beverage.
Another highlight are the unusual solution holes in the limestone rocks.
WALKING SUMMARY: 20.5km (13miles), approx. 5.5-6.5 hours of walking. A mix of beaches,
interesting rocky platforms, quiet vehicle tracks and elevated walking tracks.
Accommodation: in Augusta
Day 8- Oct 20, 2016 (B, D)
Today’s walking is along a fairly remote stretch of coastline. About 6km is along Boranup Beach,
which is usually firm, but be prepared for a slog if it happens to be soft after stormy weather.
The remainder is easy walking through coastal heath lands, eucalyptus and peppermint
woodlands. There is also a section with masses of grass trees and the first of the tall karri
WALKING SUMMARY: About 23.5 km (15miles), approx. 5.5-6.5 hours of walking. Some sandy
beach, mostly walking tracks.
Accommodation: in Augusta
Day 9- Oct 21, 2016 (B, D)
It’s one of the most spectacular sections of coastline today, including a very interesting section
beside Boodjidup Brook, a meandering stream connecting Devil Pool with the ocean. Plus more
delightful karri forest.
WALKING SUMMARY: About 22.5 km (14 miles), approx. 6.5-7 hours of walking. About half the
walk is through inland forest, followed by mainly an undulating walking track through coastal
heath lands.
Accommodation: in Prevelly
Day 10- Oct 22, 2016 (B, D)
An easier day today with a nice mix of walking along the coast and through inland forest. This
area has numerous wildflowers. Todays’ walk also crosses the mouth of Margaret River.
WALKING SUMMARY: About 15km (9.75milles), 4.5-5 hours of walking. Mostly on tracks with a
short section of sandy beach.
Accommodation: Margaret River area
Day 11- Oct 23, 2016 (B, D)
The walk continues past Ellensbrook Homestead, a National Trust property where the original
owners also built an operational waterwheel. A highlight today is Meekadarabee Falls. There’s
also North Point where you’ll see attractive lichen-covered granite, pink fairy orchids and a
lovely stream.
WALKING SUMMARY: About 21.5km (14 miles), Approx 6.5-7 hours of walking. About 5km soft
sand, the rest on tracks.
Accommodation: in Margaret River area
Day 12- Oct 24, 2016 (B)
Rest Day!!
Accommodation; in Margaret River area
Day 13- Oct 25, 2016 (B, D)
Today has the longest distance to cover, but it’s
very scenic all the way. Wilyabrup cliffs are popular
with rock climbers, and these cliffs are the walk’s
starting point for the day. There are spectacular
granite outcrops and two superb capes at Cape
Clairault and Canal Rocks. The beach names along
here indicate it’s popularity with surfers- The
Window, Wildcat and Honeycombs.
WALKING SUMMARY: About 25 km (16 miles),
approx. 7-8 hours of walking. Sea views, stony
sections of track. Mostly wanders through low
vegetation set back from the ocean edge.
Accommodation: in Yallingup
Day 14- Oct 26, 2016 (B, D)
This is the final section of track. Walk from Yallingup to cape Naturaliste, then to Bunker Bay
and transfer back to Dunsborough. You’ll pass Sugarloaf Rock, summer home to red-tailed
tropic birds. Much of the coast here is limestone cliff, with short beaches and low rocky areas.
Along the way there are striking views of Sugarloaf Rock.
WALKING SUMMARY: About 17km (11 miles), approx. 4.5-5 hours of walking. Beaches are
mostly firm sand, sections of soft sand inland, some sections of stony track, a couple of rocky
headlands to go over.
Accommodation: Dunsborough Inn
Day 15- Oct 27, 2016
Transfer to Perth Airport for flights back to USA (or New Zealand for your next AMC
12 nights’ accommodation at double occupancy
Meals as indicated on itinerary by B, D above
Daily guided excursions except on “free day”
All local transportation for trip excursions
Whale watching excursion on Geographe Bay
Bike/Helmet Rental for ride from Dunsborough to/from Busselton
Jewel Cave Tour
Luggage Transfer while on Cape to Cape Track
Airport/hotel transfers
AMC overhead expense fee
2 AMC Adventure Travel trip leaders
Snacks and meals as listed on itinerary above
International Airfare to/from USA and Perth, Australia
Gratuities for guides/luggage transfer drivers
Trip Cancellation Insurance
Items of a personal nature
Optional activities during free times
As participant safety is a high priority for any activity, procedures and policies have been
developed to attempt to limit participant risk. Participants are expected to work with the
leaders to reduce risks and make the experience successful for all. Participants should be
aware that there are risks associated with outdoor adventure activities, including but not
limited to adverse weather and environmental conditions, remote locations of our trips, and
transportation in vehicles, on foot, or by boat. Aside from any personal medical problems,
participants should be aware of the possibilities of hypothermia, dehydration, sun burn and
other cold related problems. You should regularly use sun screen, take care to be adequately
hydrated and bring water on all day trips as well as wind/rain gear, warm hat and gloves.
Please carefully read and sign the leaders and the Adventure Life’s Participant
Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risks and Release and Indemnity Agreement and contact
us if you have any questions. Participants’ understanding of these risks and adherence to our
policies and procedures can contribute to making this experience rewarding.
The land cost of the trip is $3955, plus estimated airfare of $2,000-2200 to Perth, Australia.
To reserve your place, please contact the trip leader or co leader for an application, the Medical
Form and the Acknowledgment & Assumption of Risks & Release and Indemnity Agreement
forms. You will also be required to send the Leader your deposit of $1,000.00. Once we receive
your application and other forms and have approved you for the trip, we’ll send you additional
information on the trip, including planned hikes, equipment lists, and travel tips, recommended
insurance company for Trip cancelation Insurance. The maximum number of participants is 18,
so apply early to reserve your place. The minimum number of participants is 12.
Deposit due with application: $1,000
Second payment due by January 1st, 2016: $1955
Balance due by June 1st, 2016: $1000
If you cancel after being accepted for the trip, $100 is non-refundable. But if you cancel after
Jan 1st, 2016, minimally $200 is nonrefundable; if (and only if) another person takes your place.
We will establish a waiting list. Should another person replace you, you will be charged only the
$200 cancellation fee. However, your cancellation shall not raise the cost of the trip to any of
the participants or trip leaders. Thus if you cancel and are not replaced, you will forfeit the $200
plus the per capita expenses already incurred and any other unpaid expenses for which the trip
cannot obtain a refund. You may forfeit the entire trip fee. Flight tickets once purchased
become your property and are generally non-refundable. We strongly recommend that you
purchase travel insurance. Information on a company recommended by the AMC will be sent to
the participants. Please note: The price of this Adventure Travel trip is given in good faith based
on current tariffs and rates and is subject to change. Any tariff/rate increases will be passed on
to participants.
AIR COSTS (ESTIMATED $2,000-2,200):
Leaders will explore the best possible options for air travel – most likely on American or LAN,
since they usually offer good connections. You will receive notification when we are aware of a
full trip. For this trip we estimate a range of $2,000-2,200. We will assist you in any way to
make your reservations, but you should not make any booking on your own without consulting
the leaders. We will notify you with a list of acceptable flights once we know that we have a
confirmed trip. Once you purchase tickets, they are wholly owned by you.
We recommend that you reserve flights on Cathay Pacific , from Boston, JFK or Newark.
Flights should leave the USA on Oct 14, 2016 (or earlier) for arrival in Perth on Oct 15, 2016.
The return flights should leave Perth no sooner than 2 PM on October 27th for return to the
USA. For those participants choosing to participate in the AMC New Zealand trip which is
scheduled to begin on Oct 30th (date participants leave the USA), you should plan to travel to
Wellington, New Zealand in order to meet the group for that trip.
Ginette has been a member of the AMC since 1988 and has led several day and weekend trips
in the White Mountains of NH, as well as various parts of Maine. She has led adventure trip in
July 2014, July of 2011, August 2012 and July/August to Austrian Alps. She has also lead
Adventure travel trips to Yosemite National Park, Azores Archipelago, Tuscany and Superior
Hiking Trail in Minnesota for the AMC. She has participated in numerous AMC Major Excursions
to Switzerland and Austria, involving hiking and cross country skiing. She has hiked in the Stubai
valley as part of a 2006 Major Excursion and hiked to 26 of the high Alpine Huts throughout
Austria, Germany and Switzerland. She has hiked all of the NH 4000 footers. Her interests
include hiking, photography, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, travel, information volunteer
for AMC and introducing others to outdoor activities.
66 Graham Street, Biddeford, Maine 04005
(207) 294-6302, (207) 590-4431
Anna is a Boston Chapter INTRO (AMC) Leader. Anna has co lead AMC Adventure Travel trips to
Austria, Azores, Yosemite National Park, Minnesota and Morocco. Anna leads hiking trips in the
White Mountains and most recently led an excursion to Waterville Valley and Craftsbury
Vermont for snowshoeing and cross country skiing. She has also co led the Claybrook ski trip on
previous years. During the summer of 2014, she and the trip leader backpacked the Haute
Route from Chamonix France to Zermatt Switzerland. This is in addition to trips that she takes
to all corners of the world! Anna has completed SOLO Advanced Wilderness First Aid course as
well as CPR training.
22 Alfred Rd, Arlington, MA 02474
(781)-648-2492; (617)-429-2175