Cycle Japan: The Noto Peninsula Sushi & Sake Tour

Cycle Japan: The Noto
Peninsula Sushi & Sake Tour
Sept 2 – 10, 2017
AMC Adventure Travel
Prospectus Trip #
This 9 day, 8 night bicycle trip combines daily moderate cycling (approximately 30 – 40 miles a day) through
Japan’s Noto Peninsula with total immersion in the Japanese culture, including traditional onsen lodges/royokans
and local cuisines of this incredible coastal area . The Noto peninsula, 200 miles Northwest of Tokyo juts out into
the Sea of Japan providing gorgeous cycling on quiet roads that allow for breathtaking views of the rugged sea
coast. The Noto peninsula encompasses three regions: Kuchi Noto, Naka Noto and Oku Noto and we will spend
time in each! The area is known for incredible markets, locally harvested sea salt, uzu-style pottery, and iwanori
seaweed, as well as 1000 year old traditions and shrines.
Our trip starts in the Unseco World Heritage site of Wijama, the largest city in the Okunoto region (Northern
half of the Noto Peninsula). The city is centered around a protected harbor on the Sea of Japan coast and is most
famous for its morning market and lacquerware. Wajima's Morning Market (Asaichi in Japanese) is the city's
most famous attraction, believed to date back over a thousand years. One morning we visit the market with a local
chef, select our ingredients and then prepare them in a cooking class following the day’s ride. After three nights in
Wijima we move up the coast to Suzu before reaching our destination near Mitsukejima island. We’ll enjoy the
natural onsen bath at our inn before a wonderful dinner! After two nights and a day trip out of Suzu, we move to
Wakura Onsen, directly across from Noto Bay and enjoy this pastoral coastal village for the next three nights
before heading to Kanizawa on Sept 9 for our final evening.
This trip is suitable for participants who can comfortably cycle 30 miles a day of moderate to hilly terrain. (11- 13
mph on gentle terrain and slower on the hills) We are self-sufficient and carry our lunch/snacks with us each day
so sag support during the ride is not needed. Our luggage is transported between our hotels. Participants are
encouraged to know/learn basic bike maintenance skills such as how to change a flat however it is not a prerequisite
to participate on the trip. Leader Al is an expert bike mechanic and is very happy to help participants learn skills
while on the trip. Participants are also invited to a bike maintenance clinic that Al instructs annually at our home in
Our relaxed pace allows ample time for photo stops and sight-seeing. September is usually one of the most pleasant
months of the year to be in the Noto Peninsula. It is still warm, with summer-like weather but not hot. The
average temperature is a high of 72 and night time low of 59.
A day by day look at our Japan’s Noto Peninsula cycling adventure...
Saturday, September 2 Our trip starts in Wijima which is a
UNESCO world heritage site due to the ancient market that has
been in operation for over 1000 years! We’ll meet in the mid
afternoon, size up our bikes and go for a spin to ensure everyone’s
bike is ready! To get to Wijama, simply fly into Tokyo’s Hanada
airport and then fly to Wijima. For the next three days we’ll base
out of Wajima and cycle the wonderful coast. We’ll visit the
market each day for our lunches and eat in local restaurants or at
our inn.
Each morning at breakfast we look at the map and preview the day's ride and excursions. Daily mileage is 30 to 35
miles. Leaders Lisa and Al guide our cycling. Both are avid cyclists and have spent the last two winters traveling in
Japan. The schedule and ride lengths are subject to change due to weather conditions as well as participants’
abilities and desires.
Sunday, September 3 Today's loop ride is south from Wijima
to Hakui and then looping north thru Nanao Nishi Bay before
heading back to Wijima. The area is rich with coastal fishing
villages, gorgeous vistas and ancient shrines and we’ll stop
along the way for sightseeing and photos.
Monday, September 4 We’ll start in the Market in
preparation for our cooking course. We’ll meet our chefs at
the market and select everything for dinner that evening (and
our lunch snacks for later). Then we’ll go out riding and come
back to prepare a sumptuous local feast complete with
traditional recipes as taught from local chefs.
Tuesday, September 5
Today’s ride is North to Suzu, established in 718. We’ll
pack up in the morning and our gear will be transported to
our next inn near the town of Suzu on the far north
eastern part of the Noto Peninsula. We’ll spend two nights
here exploring the quiet coastal roads, villages and islands.
Wednesday, September 6
Today we ride south exploring along the rugged coastline visiting the Hiyoshi and Tsurumachi Shrines before
returning to Suzu for exploring and dinner.
Thursday, September 7
We ride south along the
stunning protected shores of Noto Bay making our
way to Wakura Onsen sitting on Nanoa Nishi Bay.
We’ll once again stay in a wonderful local beach
hotel complete with hot springs and incredible ocean
views for the next three nights.
Friday, September 8 Today's loop ride is out onto
Noto Island. We’ll circumnavigate the island taking
in lunch along the way. The island is known for
exotic sea salt and seaweed and we’ll sample both as
we ride.
Saturday, Sept 9
After our seaside breakfast we will cycle to Kanazawa, famous for its castle from the 1400’s. Following our inland
ride to the opposite coast, we’ll check into our hotel and tour the castle and gardens before a final group dinner!
Sunday Sept 10,
Final sumptuous breakfast at our hotel in Kanazawa and then everyone will head to the airport to fly back to Tokyo
and either home or other points in the land of the rising sun!
The trip cost is $2560. per person. Airfare is not included.
The trip is limited to 16 persons including the 2 leaders.
The trip fee includes the following:
8 nights lodging in 3 Star hotels. Double Occupancy.
8 breakfasts
8 dinners
Bike rental
Cooking class and market tour
Baggage transport between hotels
Emergency medical and evacuation insurance
Not included:
- Airfare (Estimate $1400 to Wijama Japan from major East coast cities. Leaders will provide guidance for
air travel.)
- Ground transportation to the hotel in Wijama and travel to airport in Kanazawa. The leaders will provide detailed
information for all travel.
- Lunches
- Alcoholic beverages. Sake/beer at dinner is not included except at our dinner cooking class.
Trip Leaders:
Lisa Graves: Lisa regularly cycles, hikes, climbs and kayaks in Maine and New Hampshire.
She has adventure travelled extensively including a six month cycle tour
from Athens to Amsterdam, trekking in Nepal and rock climbing in the US and Europe.
Al Mandell: Al has been an avid cyclist for his entire life on both road & mountain bikes. As a master bicycle
mechanic, he can fix any problem that arises. Besides his love of cycling, Al loves to cook and explore regional
cuisines, and libations. When not riding his bike, he can be found backcountry skiing across North America, Europe
and Japan, sea kayaking the Maine coast and frequenting farmer’s markets to fuel his love of cooking. In his spare
time, Al works as an Engineer for Procter & Gamble.
Lisa and Al, have two grown children and live in Maine.
This is a non-profit excursion conducted by the leaders on a volunteer basis. Any unforeseen increases in costs will
be shared by all participants. Any funds remaining after all expenses are paid will be divided among the participants
in accordance with AMC Adventure Travel rules.
Application and Registration
A registration deposit of $500. is due with your application. You must submit the completed and signed Application
Form, the AMC Confidential Health Questionnaire, AMC Optional Confidential Supplemental Medical Questionnaire,
and the signed AMC Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk and Release.
A second payment of $1000 is due upon acceptance.
The balance of $1000. is due by May 1, 2017
Please make checks payable to “Appalachian Mountain Club” and mail with your completed application to:
Lisa Graves 177 Hersey Hill Rd Minot, ME 04258
Single Applicants: Single applicants will be paired with a roommate of the same gender. The price of the trip is
based on double occupancy of the rooms.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
All cancellations must be in writing. Participants receive a full refund if they cancel by January 1, 2017 AND a
replacement is found. The replacement must be accepted by the trip leaders and all deposits/ payments received
from the replacement prior to the refund of the original participant's monies.
A full refund is given if the trip does not run.
Once the trip has been confirmed to run with a sufficient number of participants, no refund will
be available after January 1, 2017 unless another suitable participant can be confirmed. Once that
participant is confirmed and monies deposited, a refund will be issued. Refunds will only be refunded to the extent
that the cost of the trip for other participants and leaders is not affected. Participants are responsible for their
own airline tickets and cancellation or change penalties. Trip cancellation insurance is advised; policy information
will be supplied to all participants. Late cancellations are likely to result in no refund.
Trip Requisites:
A) Health and fitness: Participants must be in good health and able to cycle up to 30 miles daily of moderate to
hilly terrain.
B) Adaptability: An important criterion for this trip is the ability to be flexible. Please note that the itinerary may
be modified due to weather. Safety will always take priority in the leaders’ decisions.
C) Understanding of Trip Purpose: This trip is designed for everyone to experience, learn about, and appreciate the
natural world each day by: cycling through the spectacular seascapes; learning about ancient culture and first
peoples; learning about fishing and food production; experiencing / enjoying the local foods in our cooking classes
to learn how to prepare Japanese cuisine and experiencing centuries old shrines, temples and castles.
D) Being a Team Player: AMC trip participants are known for their cooperative efforts, and expectations are that
all participants be considerate of others sharing this AMC Adventure Travel experience. We will be more than just
a group; we will be a team. As a member of our team, you will be responsible for yourself as being a part of the
group. Being a team player also means proper communication as to your whereabouts and your personal health.
Although we are all adults, the trip leaders have a responsibility for the overall safety of the group and part of
that is knowing where everyone is. You should tell one of the leaders if you become ill or do not feel you are
physically capable of safely participating in any of the activities.
F) Safety, Risks and Hazards: As participant safety is a high priority for all AMC-sponsored events, procedures
and policies have been developed to attempt to limit participant risk. Participants are expected to work with the
leaders to reduce risks and make the experience successful for all. Participants should be aware that there are
risks associated with outdoor adventure activities, including but not limited to adverse weather and environmental
Trip Extensions: The official trip dates are September 2 to 10, 2017. Be aware that the AMC-included medical
and evacuation insurance coverage is only valid while you are participating on the AMC trip. You should consider
purchasing additional insurance if you will be extending your trip.
We look forward to our Japan cycling adventure and hope that you can join us!
Lisa Graves and Al Mandell
610 999-7080 or 207 402 1089