Major Excursions Update September 2003

Major Excursions Update
September 2003
Welcome to the latest Major Excursions Update! This is a new format; please feel free to
offer feedback, suggestions or ideas on updates you’d like to hear.
Fall Gathering
The next Major Excursions Committee (MEC) Meeting is scheduled for Saturday,
October 25, 2003 in the Berkshires. Please mark it on your calendar and plan to attend.
For registration information visit:
Trip Proposals to be reviewed at Fall MEC Meeting
Deadline for proposals to be reviewed at the next MEC meeting is October
10, 2003. By submitting prior to October 10, you will make it easier for the
committee to review your proposal prior to discussing it at Fall Gathering.
Submit to for distribution to the MEC members.
Major Excursions Social at Fall Gathering
Several Leaders have requested the MEC provide an opportunity for Leaders to
meet one another in a social setting at Fall Gathering. We have also noticed that
many Leaders are eager to find Co-Leaders but rarely have opportunity meet one
another due to conflicts during scheduled MEC meetings. Stay tuned for more
details…at the very least, Major Excursions will arrange a time and place at the
Fall Gathering for Leaders to meet, share stories of their latest adventures and
discuss future trips.
Major Excursions Training
As you know, to become a ME Leader this weekend course is required. If you know
AMC Leaders interested in leading Major Excursions please let them know of the
upcoming training November 21-23, 2003 in Litchfield, CT. Refer those interested to
the September & October issues of AMC Outdoors for more information.
Wilderness First Aid (WFA) Reimbursements & Scholarships:
WFA or the equivalent is required to maintain eligibility as an ME
Leader. You can be reimbursed for up to $150 in a two-year period?
Additional scholarships are also now available for ME Leaders planning
to take advanced first aid training such as Wilderness First Responder.
For specifics on obtaining reimbursement or applying for advanced training scholarships
refer to the First Aid Certifications and Maintenance section in the Handbook.
Highlights from the Major Excursions Website:
Check it out if you are leading or planning a trip!
The ME Handbook is online if you need a quick reference.
All pages have a revision date so you can compare to your hard copy.
Highlights from the Major Excursions Website: (continued…)
The most current version of the Release and Confidential
Medical Forms will always be available on the front page of the
site as well as in the Appendices of the Handbook.
Links to sites of organizations offering Wilderness First Aid courses.
Trip Notices – if you have an approved trip refer to this section to verify that the
notice scheduled to appear in AMC Outdoors is correct.
Trip Planning Reminders:
 15 Passenger vans are no longer allowed; please adjust your budget accordingly. You
may find SUVs, Cars, Smaller Vans or hired transportation to meet your needs
depending on where you are traveling.
 10% Overhead is the standard to be budgeted when planning a trip.
 Working with Tour Operators: If you are considering contracting services to a third
party, please check in with the Travel Coordinator, Heidi Reilly, at the onset of your
research. She can provide assistance in how to negotiate and provide you with tools
to verify that the contractor will meet AMC minimum requirements. Since any
contract you sign or agree to with a Tour Operator and/or guide service is a contract
with AMC, the Travel Coordinator must approve all contracts.
 Negotiate international trip services in US Dollars (USD) to protect your trip from
costly increases if the exchange rate fluctuates.
 Major Excursion leaders planning to travel on public lands (National Parks, National
Forrest & BLM) need to inquire about commercial permits as ME groups are not
considered individual visitors and in some situations may need to pay additional
permit fees. Travel Coordinator, Heidi Reilly, can assist you in planning these visits.
Major Excursions Yahoo Email Group
45 Leaders are now registered on the Major Excursions email group. If you
are not signed up we encourage you to join! The email group is a great
opportunity for Leaders and Co-Leaders to share information, get trip planning
assistance and connect with one another.
The site is monitored so you should not receive multiple messages and replies that do
not pertain to the group at large. Registration is by invitation only. We have attempted
to invite you all, so if for some reason you missed getting the invitation or need
assistance getting registered, please contact Heidi Reilly.
We have been working out the kinks and it is beginning to get more use. However,
success depends on your participation and use. Several have commented on how
helpful it was to post a message and get so much positive and helpful response from
fellow leaders.
As part of Major Excursion’s ongoing effort to assist new Leaders, more trip planning
meetings will be scheduled. But don’t wait to get involved! If you want to Lead a trip and
need assistance planning a trip, finding a Co-Leader or simply need some
encouragement…talk to other Major Excursions Leaders, contact a MEC member or
post a message for the Major Excursions Yahoo email group.
Happy fall! Wishing you safe, enjoyable, crisp, cool hiking & paddling days!