Hike Glacier National Park for Its Centennial Joan Chambers/Cliff Chambers August 19 - 27, 2010 Major Excursions Trip Proposal Form The following pages contain the application to lead an AMC Major Excursion. Please complete the form with as much detail as possible, and attach additional sheets if necessary. Also include a detailed budget/costing sheet that clearly shows all costs associated with your planned excursion. The trip proposal form and budget are due two weeks prior to the MEC meeting in which it will be reviewed. Deadlines will be posted on the MEC leader website (http://snebulos.mit.edu/orgs/amc/) and sent to you on the MEC leader listserv well in advance of the meeting. The MEC will not accept late proposals unless the chair is notified in advance with a compelling reason. Incomplete applications will be returned to you and not reviewed until complete, so please make sure to fill in all applicable sections. The application was created in a Microsoft Word protected document. To fill in each section click on the check box and/or on the grey text box and start typing. The boxes will automatically get larger as you fill in text. If you find that you need a lot of space to explain a section, please say “see additional attachment” and attach a separate page. In addition, the following are helpful during the review process, but need only be submitted after your proposal is accepted: 50 and 150 word notices for the AMC Outdoors and www.outdoors.org. Please see the current rules http://snebulos.mit.edu/orgs/amc/listings/ and schedule for submitting notices for the AMC Outdoors. Trip prospectus – without the application forms attached – in Microsoft Word or PDF format Finally, we need to have on file at Joy Street, the following documents: A completed confidential medical form for the leader and co-leader (after approval is given) Copies of first aid and CPR certifications for leader and co-leader (before or after approval is given) A completed application to be a co-leader if the co-leader is new (before proposal is submitted) We will accept snail mail applications, but electronic forms are preferred. Please save and forward your electronic document with the following naming convention: Leader’s last name, trip destination, year of trip and what type of document it is (application, budget, Outdoors listing or prospectus) For example, Smith-New Zealand-2007-Application.doc or Smith-New Zealand-2007-Budget.xls Revised 7/15/2016 Major Excursions Trip Proposal Form, page 1 of 7 Hike Glacier National Park for Its Centennial Joan Chambers/Cliff Chambers August 19 - 27, 2010 Applications should be sent electronically to the MEC Chair, Stacia Zukroff, at mecchair@amcboston.org and to dturner@outdoors.org. They can be mailed to: Travel Programs Coordinator, 5 Joy Street, Boston, MA 02108. If you have any questions, please contact Stacia at: 781-648-5503 or mecchair@amcboston.org. Revised 7/15/2016 Major Excursions Trip Proposal Form, page 2 of 7 Hike Glacier National Park for Its Centennial Joan Chambers/Cliff Chambers August 19 - 27, 2010 SUMMARY OF TRIP INFORMATION Hike Glacier National Park for Its Centennial Leader Joan Chambers Co-leader Cliff Chambers Glacier National Park, Montana August 19 - 27, 2010 Total # of days 9 Hiking Downhill skiing Kayaking Title of trip Leadership Location(s) Dates Type of trip check all that apply Backpacking Cultural Road biking Nordic ski Mountain biking Snorkeling Other – please describe Educational with a naturalist and an employee of Glacier Institute. Max 12 Min 10 $ 1580 Does it include airfare? Yes No $ 630-800 Is this proposal for a small group trip – i.e., less than 14 participants and 2 leaders or 7 participants and 1 leader? Yes No If yes, why is a small group proposed? Glacier National Park does not want more than 15 people on a hike, two of those people will be Glacier educators. Glacier Institute said that they would allow 12 participants, two leaders and two educators, which would be over the 15 person maximum for Glacier National Park. That would only take place for 5 of the days because 2 of the days we will have only one educator, thus 15 people. If a participant fee increase of more than 15% is proposed, please explain why? This year Glacier National Park has established a specific regulation that no more than 15 people can be in a group at one time. This puts a limit on the number of people we can have on our trip unless we schedule another naturalist and another Glacier Institute specialist. This would increase the cost of the trip considerably. The AMC leaders are very willing to take 14 participants on the trip, but the restrictions of Glacier National Park are not allowing them to do this. Number of participants Advertised cost Airfare range if not included Smaller trips and leader subsidization LEADER AND CO-LEADER INFORMATION Leader name Leader address Leader email Leader phone Wilderness first aid training CPR training Prior leading experience Trip one Joan Chambers 16 Harcourt St. #5H ,Boston, MA 02116 wu.chambers@gmail.com Home 617-680-6717 Work WFA AWFA WFR Expiration: Will recertify before the trip CPR BLS Expiration: Will recertify before the trip Please list the last three longer (5+ day) trips you have led for the AMC including destination, type of trip, dates and number of participants. Feel free to list additional trips you have led, particularly if they demonstrate experience related to the trip you are proposing. Wild Wyoming Backpack 8/8 to 8/16 2009, 7 participants To lead a major excursion you must have current CPR and WFA at the time of your trip (or AWFA for all backcountry trips). If you do not have the required level of certification at the time you submit your proposal or it will expire before the date of your trip, you will need to make arrangements to recertify in a timely manner. Revised 7/15/2016 Major Excursions Trip Proposal Form, page 3 of 7 Hike Glacier National Park for Its Centennial Joan Chambers/Cliff Chambers August 19 - 27, 2010 Trip two Trip three Other related trip experience California Sierras (co-leader) 8/9 to 8/23 2008, 10 participants White Mountains Pemi Traverse 8/19 to 8/25 2007, 8 participants Hut to Hut Presidential Traverse 2006, Aug. 21-26. Hut to Hut Presidential Traverse in NH White Mountains, 10 participants; Co-leader name Co-leader address Co-leader email Co-leader phone Wilderness first aid training* CPR training* Prior leading experience Cliff Chambers 16 Harcourt St., #5H, Boston, MA 02116 wu.chambers@gmail.com Home 617-938-4589 Work WFA AWFA WFR Expiration: Will recertify before the trip CPR BLS Expiration: Will recertify before the trip Considerable backpacking and wilderness experience. Co-led with Joan in all of her experience. Co-led the Wild Wyoming trip with Joan 8/8-8/19, 2009 Trip one Trip two Trip three Scouting Have either of you led this trip before or traveled to this area? Languages Does either the co-leader or leader speak the local language? Couples Do the leader and co-leader have a significant personal relationship? Private trips Do either of you lead trips that are private - not sponsored by the AMC? Yes No If yes, please describe below: Executive summary Please provide a brief description of the trip and the activities planned. This trip will involve hiking inside Glacier National Park (GNP), Glacier Institute (GI), www.glacierinstitute.org, it offers hands-on, field based experiences in colaboration with GNP. Trip includes 7 day-long courses in Glacier that are led by Glacier instructor and accompanied by a Glacier Institute staff member, while hiking on Glacier's Trails. Two of the 7, we will not have a Glacier instructor, but only a Glacier Institute staff member. GI works with the leaders to ensure a balance that allows learning while hiking. We will stay at West Glacier, GI's Glacier Park Field Camp (GPFC) all eight nights. GPFC is located just inside Glacier National Park, overlooking the Middle Fork of the Flathead River. As of this summer there are 5 new, basic plywood cabins; each has 5 hostel-type twin beds with nightstands and lamps. There is a separate bathhouse with 4 individual showers and 5 individual toilets. Other buildings house the library/office, kitchen/dining area, a tipee, and classroom. Although spartan, it is a beautiful location. The lodging is four or five to a cabin in the Glacier Field Camp. GI is providing all meals and they are included in the price. That is dinner on 8/19, and breakfast and lunch on 8/27. All lunches, including 8/27, are provided as a buffet for the participants to make themselves. Yes No Co-leader: Yes No Leader: Yes No Not applicable: Yes No If yes, please list who has agreed to be your back-up in case one or both of you need to drop out. This is required for approval! Yes No If yes, please note that you cannot advertise AMC and private trips together unless there is a clear distinction between the two in any marketing materials you send out. LOGISTICAL DETAILS OF TRIP Accommodations Please describe your plan for accommodation(s) Meals Please describe your plan for providing meals Permits or permissions Does the trip require special Revised 7/15/2016 Major Excursions Trip Proposal Form, page 4 of 7 Hike Glacier National Park for Its Centennial Joan Chambers/Cliff Chambers August 19 - 27, 2010 permits or permissions? (required on many U.S. federal lands and national parks) If yes, please describe below what you will need to do to obtain them: The Glacier Institute provides all the permits for all the persons on the trip. If no, please describe the process you went through to find out that they were not required: Special equipment Does the trip require special equipment? Special experience Does the trip require special skills on the part of the participant? Pre-trip activities Do you plan to get your group together before the trip for an activity or social event? Conservation, education and recreation How will this major excursion meet the mission of the AMC? www.outdoors.org/about/ mission.cfm Yes No If yes, please describe below what type of equipment and how you will ensure that people know how to use it: Just basic hiking equipment and rain gear. Yes No If yes, please describe below what type of experience? Also describe how you will ensure that the participant has this experience? Participants will be screened to make sure they will be able to hike and that they have hiked in the past and will be able to do 5 hours/day of moderate hiking. Yes No If yes, please describe below what you will do: The educational component is the highlight of the trip, an important selling point. It offers field based programs unmatched on most major excurisons. By working with the Glacier Institute, AMC can offer an approved trip that fits within Glacier National Park's regulation. We will have a specific topic with an educator on all days, and a naturalist for 5 of the days. This is the best of two worlds, hiking and learning on the trail. TOUR OPERATOR AND GUIDE SERVICE INFORMATION Will this trip require a tour operator or guide service during part, or the entire trip? Name of tour operator/guide service Tour operator website Safety record Please provide information about their safety record. Insurance Do they have liability insurance? Emergency response Please describe the outfitters’ response plan in the case of an emergency. Yes No Please describe their services. If you are using a tour operator for the entire trip, please describe why you will be using them rather than doing this trip on your own: An employee of the Glacier Institute will accompany us on all hikes and a naturalist will accompany us for five days covering topics such as wildlife and geography. Glacier Institute. www.glacierinstitute.org Glacier Institute is an approved educational partner of Glacier National Park with an excellent safety record. Liability? Yes No Maximum amt: $ $ 1 million/per person/per claim, maximum $3 million per incident Yes No Are they willing to list AMC as an additional insured? Glacier Institute's emergency response protocols will be followed. Also, Glacier Institute is a collaborator of Glacier National Park we will notify Glacier National Park rangers of any emergencies within Glacier National Park. Glacier Institue staff members are WFA trained. RISK ASSESSMENT Please assess the risks and hazards of your trip. Carefully consider each area of risk and how it may affect your trip. Devise a plan to prevent each hazard and to respond to it if it becomes necessary. Please be very specific for each section if applicable. Trail conditions, river crossings, weather, wildlife (bears, snakes, etc.) Climate/terrain Potential hazards Moderate trails, bad weather, wildlife. Temperature 60 - 70 degrees F in July, night time temperatures average in the 40's. The rain in July is about 2" to 3" during the month. Response The Glacier employee will have Bearspray and all will be bear prepared prior to hikes. Revised 7/15/2016 Major Excursions Trip Proposal Form, page 5 of 7 Hike Glacier National Park for Its Centennial Joan Chambers/Cliff Chambers Foreign Country Potential hazards Response Transportation Potential hazards Response Participants Potential hazards Response Other Potential hazards Response August 19 - 27, 2010 We will make sure everyone prepares for a variety of conditions and packs accordingly. We may start the day in a T-shirt and shorts, and need a parka by evening. We will dress in layers and always bring raingear. Political concerns, crime, language translation, terrorism N/A Road conditions, drivers, insurance Windy mountain roads. The AMC leaders and another person will drive the van to transport participants to the hiking trails. Level of fitness, screening concerns, experience with equipment or activity We may encounter rocks and elevation gain. Particpants will be screened to make sure they can hike for 4-5 hours/day and have appropriate geer. Conditions unique to this type of trip N/A EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN Please describe your plans for dealing with emergencies. Use as much detail as possible, and list any special communications equipment you may need to ensure the safety of your participants. DO NOT LEAVE THIS SECTION BLANK Kalispell Regional Medical Center the closest hospital to Glacier National Park that Emergency communication Phone contacts, language, offers air ambulance services. KRMC maintains both a rotor as well as fixed wing documentation, distance from aircraft to help its patients receive the most appropriate medical care. Many of the more emergency services seriously injured patients are transferred to Seattle’s Harborview Hospital for more advanced care following their stabilization at KRMC. Leaders will have a first-aid kit and a cell phone. Emergency equipment What sort of emergency first aid or communication equipment (satellite phone, two-way radios) do you plan to use, if any? First-aid services are available at all visitor centers, and ranger and warden stations. In Evacuation Please describe your plan for Glacier, we call 911 for immediate help regarding all emergencies.. evacuation from the backcountry location if applicable? Kalispell Regional Medical Center Medical care Please describe the medical 310 Sunnyview Lane care available in the area(s) Kalispell, MT 59901-3129 where you will be traveling (406) 751-6930 and list names and telephone numbers for these facilities. COST AND BUDGET DETAILS Deposits What deposits will be required by airlines, hotels, tour operators, etc., and when? Refunds What is the latest date you can cancel and still receive a full refund? Revised 7/15/2016 Being due upon trip minimum met. GI programs - we will not pay GI until the trip is full. Major Excursions Trip Proposal Form, page 6 of 7 Hike Glacier National Park for Its Centennial Joan Chambers/Cliff Chambers Participant deposit What are the initial deposit and your schedule of payments? Cancellation policy What will your cancellation policy be for the participants? Minimum numbers Will you still run the trip if you do not get the minimum number? August 19 - 27, 2010 $500 Refunds will be given to the extent that it will not raise the cost to the other participants. If the person's spot can be filled, that person may be intitled to up to a full refund of costs paid. Yes No If yes, please describe conditions: Preferably not, the trip is budgeted for 12 participants and 2 leaders and would like to stick to that. If the trip was run with 10 participants, the cost would be $1544-$1636. Reference web links: MEC Home Page: Forms: Deadlines: Club House: http://snebulos.mit.edu/orgs/amc/ http://snebulos.mit.edu/orgs/amc/application/ http://snebulos.mit.edu/orgs/amc/listings amcexcursions@outdoors.org E-Mail Addresses: Club House: MEC Chair: amcexcursions@outdoors.org mecchair@amcboston.org Revised 7/15/2016 Major Excursions Trip Proposal Form, page 7 of 7