Something Different: Hiking In Romania
Carl Lohmann/Eva Borsody Das
June 10-23, 2007
(Use the F1 key to summon help for most fields)
(Forms and General Information: )
A) Trip Title:
Something Different: Hiking In Romania
Carl Lohmann
Eva Borsody Das
June 10-23, 2007
Type of Trip:
Total # of days:
F) Participants: (not counting leaders) Minimum: 10
Maximum: 14
Advertised Cost: Est. $4,000 (may change, depending on exchange rate and airline costs)
A) Executive Summary: Brief outline of trip and trip activities.
This two week trip to little visited Romania will combine classic hiking in the Carpathian
Mountains with visits to cultural highlights in the capital Bucharest and the towns and countryside
of Translyvania. We will contract with u.S. based Pure Adventures, an experienced adventrure
tour operator with trips throughout Europe. Pue Adventures will provide English speaking local
guides with mountaineering skills and in-depth knowledge of Romanian culture, history and
current conservation/environmental policies. We will have seven days of hiking (three of 3-6 hrs
and four of 7-9 hrs) with elevation gain o 1,000 to 3,000 ft. We will have four and one-half days
for visiting cultural historical sites such as museums, churches, castles and well preserved
medieval cities.
B) Accommodations: Please describe your plans for accommodation(s).
Accomodations will be in hotels, bed and breakfasts and lodges.
C) Meals: Please describe your plans for meals.
All breakfasts and all lunches on hiking days will be provided by Pure Adventures. The
leaders will purchase the dinners on the first and last evenings. Lunches on non-hiking days (3)
and all other dinners (9) will be at participants own expense. Guides will accompany and/or
recommend restaurants.
D) Permits: Does the trip require special permits (required on all U.S. federal lands
Pure Adventures wiil arrange for any permits that may be required.
E) Equipment: Does the trip require special/technical equipment?
No special or technical equipment is required. Participants should have sturdy hiking boots
and day packs.
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Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion
Application Submitted 07/15/16
Something Different: Hiking In Romania
Carl Lohmann/Eva Borsody Das
June 10-23, 2007
F) Pre-trip activities: Do you plan to get your group together before the major excursion for
an activity or social event?
No. However, we will send participants background information on Romania and the roster
of all participants.
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Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion
Application Submitted 07/15/16
Something Different: Hiking In Romania
Carl Lohmann/Eva Borsody Das
June 10-23, 2007
G) Conservation/Education/Recreation:: Given that the AMC Mission Statement is as follows
Founded in 1876, the Appalachian Mountain Club is America's oldest conservation and recreation
organization. We promote the protection, enjoyment, and wise use of the mountains, rivers, and trails
of the Appalachian region. We believe that the mountains and rivers have an intrinsic worth and also
provide recreational opportunity, spiritual renewal, and ecological and economic health for the
region. We encourage people to enjoy and appreciate the natural world because we believe that
successful conservation depends on this experience. We fulfill our mission through the three
interconnecting pillars of the AMC: conservation, education, and recreation
How will this major excursion meet this mission of conservation, education, and recreation?
For examples, please see <>
While most western European countries have highly developed environmental and natural
park systems, Romania only recently emerged from commusim and has a legacy of widespread
industrial pollution and neglect of natural areas. We will request that the Pure Adventure guides
be prepared to brief the group on current conservation policies and efforts in Romania. We will
be hiking in areas that have been variously designated as natural areas and national parks. We
will seek to learn the significance of the different categories for wildlife, habitat protection and
recreation. We also will ask about the role of different levels of government in Romania for
conseervation and environmental protections, and the extent to which private non-profits and
commercial tourism companies influence Romanian conservation policies and programs.
H) Outfitters: Will this trip require an outfitter?
Name: Yes.
Pure Adventures
Safety record: Pure Adventures have been in business for 12 years and currently serves more
than 3,000 persons a year on walking, hiking, and cycling trips of moderate to challenging
difficulty. They began operations in France and subsequently expanded to several other
countries in both western and eastern Europe. They have an outstanding safety record, with
only minor abrasions and lacerations, occasional joint problems, and no major injuries or
Liability insurance: Insured by Berkely Agency/AIG for claims up to $1 million.
Organizations may be added to their policy but only for a fee. The guide service,and the
vehicles and transfer services, are contracted and have their own insurance policies.
Emergency response: Pure Adventure guides all have first aid training and carry phones for
emergency communications. The guides are with the group 24 hrs per day. They speak
English and the local languages. Access to hospitals and professional medical care will vary
during the trip but normally will be available within 1-2 hrs and no more than 4 hrs even on
the longer hikes.The guides are aware of emergency assistance available in the specific areas
and are able to contact the necessary authorities and resolve emergencies in a timely manner.
In the event of serious problems, they are expected to contact the U.S. office of Pure
Adventures at any time.
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Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion
Application Submitted 07/15/16
Something Different: Hiking In Romania
Carl Lohmann/Eva Borsody Das
June 10-23, 2007
A) Contact Information:
Carl J. Lohmann
8414 Crown Place
Alexanderia, VA
(home) 703-799-7996
(work) none
Eva Borsody Das
59 Gosnold Street
Hull, MA 02045
(home) 781-925-9733
(work) none
B) First Aid Training
To lead a Major Excursion, you must have current CPR and Wilderness First Aid (WFA) or
its equivalent at the time of your trip.
CPR: July 2007
WFA: Nov. 2006
Other: EMT May 2009
CPR: n/a
WFA: April 2007
Other: n/a
If CPR and/or WFA certifications will expire before your trip starts, describe your plans
for re-certification:
L will recert WFA in fall of 2006. Cl will certify CPR in 2006 and WFA in apring 2007.
C) Leader Experience and Training
New Leaders: If you are a new leader or co-leader, you must have submitted the form
“Application to Become a Major Excursions Leader”.
Experienced Major Excursions Leaders: Please list below the last three trips you have led for
the AMC including destination, type of trip (backpacking, skiing, etc.), dates, and number of
participants. Feel free to list additional trips you have led, particularly if they demonstrate
experience related to the trip you are proposing.
1. 2006 New Zealand Co-Leader 18 day Major Excursion Hking, snorkeling, kayaking. 18
participants L Jan Taylor
2. 2004 and 2005 St Johns, V.I. Co-Leader 9 day Major Excursion Hiking, snorkeling. 38
participants. L Pam Madigan
3. 2003 Hawaii Co-Leader 14 day Major Excursion. Hiking, snorkeling. 20 participants.
L Marri Fox
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Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion
Application Submitted 07/15/16
Something Different: Hiking In Romania
Carl Lohmann/Eva Borsody Das
June 10-23, 2007
Others: 2001-2005 AMC August Camp. 2 weeks. Hiking and canoeing leader.
2001 ADK Trip to Austria. 8 days. Inn-to-inn hiking. AMC Mountain Leadership School.
D) Scouting:
Have you or your co-leader led this trip before or traveled in the area?
Leader traveled in Romania for two weeks in July 2003. Visited Bucharest and many of the
same towns and mountain areas that the trip will visit. Engaged in tourism and occasional
moderate hiking. Gathered materials and maps and spoke with possible outfitters. Co-leader
will spend 2 weeks in June 2006 in Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia scouting opportunities for
future trips.
E) Special Experience:
Are any special skills or experience on the part of the participants required? No
The hikes are rated by the outfitter as moderate to challlenging. We will take day hikes only
on developed trails. There is no mountaineering per se and no special expertise, skills or
equipment are required.
F) Couples:
Do the Leader and Co-leader have a significant personal relationship?
Please assess the risks/hazards of your trip. Carefully consider each area of risk and how it
may affect your trip with specific potential hazards. Then, devise a plan to attempt to prevent
each hazard and to respond to it if it becomes necessary.
A) Climate/Terrain
Potential Hazards: While hikes are all on established trails, some may be relatively rough.
Several hikes will be above tree line at elevations of up to 8,000 ft. Weather is typical for
temperate zone summer, variable and including possible thunderstorms and drops in temperature.
Particpants will be required to have sturdy hiking boots, wool and fleece
sweaters or vests, polyester shirts and trousers, good rain jacket and pants. Leaders will carry
emergency extra clothing and first aid kits, including ace bandages and splints. Hiking poles will
be encouraged. We will avoid exposed terrain in the event of possible electrical storms.
B) Foreign Countries
Potential Hazards: Romania is a former communist coutry in transition to full democracy, a
market economy and memberhip in the European Union.. The country enjoys political stability
and economic growth. Both the government and people are largely pro-American.
We will take normal precautiions to avoid petty crime and theft, but the
threat, even in cities, is not considered serious. Our guides will be fluent in Romaina and
Hungarian (spoken widely in Transylvania) and will accompany the group and provide translation
at all times, including meals.
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Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion
Application Submitted 07/15/16
Something Different: Hiking In Romania
Carl Lohmann/Eva Borsody Das
June 10-23, 2007
C) Transportation
Potential Hazards: Transportation is via vans or buses, depending on the size of the gourp .
Pure Adventures contracts highly responsible transportation services but traffic in cities is heavy
and driving on highways is often hectic, creating the potential for accidents.
We will check to be sure the vehicles are in proper repair and will insist
that the drivers operate safely and obey the rules of the road. In the event that equipment or
drivers do not meet adequate standards we will demand intervention by our guides and/or contact
Pure Adventures U.S.
D) Participants
Potential Hazards: While participants will not face any special risks in Romania they
potentially could experience problems on the hikes if they have not prepared physically or if they
have health problems that flare up on the trip. Also, conditions in Romania will not be more
stressful than most other foreign settings but the need to be flexiible and adjust to changing
circumstances could upset some individuals and cause disagreement within the group.
We will screen applicants carefuly to ensure that they have the hiking
experience and physical conditioning necessary to undertake challenging hikes on several days in
succession. We will be aware of any special medical or dietary issues and be prepared for
possible emergencies. We will eencourage all participants to have patience and understanding for
their leaders and colleagues and be prepared to adjust to circumstances. We will be prepared to
deal with any individual whose behavior is adversely affecting the others enjoyment of the trip,
initially for example by altering roommates or seating in the bus but in the extreme by
considering terminating that person's participation and sending them home.
E) Other
Potential Hazards: The difficulty of the local languages and the fact English is not widely
spoken pose a challenge if participants become separated from the group. Some participants also
may be confused by the use of foreign currencies. Finally, participants may feel threatened by
reports of avian flu in Romania and neighboring countries.
We will ensure that all participants carry the names of our hotels, our
guides and transportation services, and related telephone numbers, so they may restore contact
and return to the group. We will advise participants on the best and safest ways to acquire local
currency and suggest that they carry at least a small amount of local currency with them at all
times. We will keep abreast of the situtation with regard to avian flu and take the recommended
public health precautions to avoid possibly infected areas.
Please describe your plans for dealing with emergencies. Please use as much detail as
possible and attach additional sheets if necessary.
A) Emergency Communication
To contact the group, one may always call Pure Adventures: From within the U.S. - 800-9602221; from outside the U.S. - 480-905-`1235 Once the trip is booked, we will receive
telephone numbers for contact within Romania. International calls may be placed at any hotel
or lodging. The guides will have cell phones so that leaders and participants may call AMC
or others in the U.S. in an emergency even while on the road or hiking in an area covered for
reception. We my be out of range on selected hikes but never for more than 4 hrs.
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Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion
Application Submitted 07/15/16
Something Different: Hiking In Romania
Carl Lohmann/Eva Borsody Das
June 10-23, 2007
B) Evacuation
Romania has emergency medical servies and mountain rescue, albeit probably not as
sophisticated or as well trained and responsive as in most of the U.S. However, the guides are
fully capable of contacting available sevices and summoning back country evacuation if
necessary. Air evacuation to the U.S. can be undertaken from Bucharest or Cluj (in
C) Medical Care
Large cities have major hospitals with modern medical equipment and qualified medical
personnel. Even small towns and villages have clinics and outpatient care facilities. With our
own transportation we should be able to reach medical assistance fairly qiuickly. (During an
incident while traveling in Romania in 2003, a member of our group - an M.D - accompanied a
participant with symtoms of heart failure to a clinic in a small town. She reported that the quality
of diagnosis and care was outstanding and that the local doctor even spoke English.)
Before you leave for you trip, you will need to provide a list of participants and their
emergency contacts in case something happens to someone in the field as well as an itinerary
with phone numbers (where available) in case something happens at home.
A) What deposits are will be required from airlines, hotels, outfitters, etc. (and when):
Airlines - No deposits, no refunds. Some airlines will allow changes in schedule for
additional fee.
Outfitter - Pure Adventures requires deposit of $250 per person at time of booking and full
payment 60 days prior to departure.
B) What is the latest date for you to cancel and get a full refund? :
Airlines - Some
airlines may credit passenger for future flights if they cancel well in advance of departure.
Outfitter - For cancellation made after $250 deposit but before 60 days prior todeparture, there
is 50% or $125 refund. For cancellations between 60 and 45 days prior to departure the $250
deposit is not refunded but the additional funds paid are refunded. Cancellation after 45 days
may result in additional penalities, perhaps up to 100 % of total payments. Pure Adventure
will accept wait listed substitutes in the event of cancellations with total refund to person
C) What is the value of the deposit you will require of the participants?
$ 250
D) What will be your cancellation policy for the participants?
Deposit will be required 180 days in advance and full payment 120 days in advance. All
payments minus air fare will be refunded up to 60 days if substitute is available and up to
departure if Pure Adventures can accommodate the substitute. If substitute is not available,
all payments minus air fare and $125 will be refunded up to 75 days, all payments minus air
fare and $250 will refunded between 75 and 60 days and no refunds after 60 days.
E) Will trip run if minimum participant count not met?
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Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion
Application Submitted 07/15/16
Something Different: Hiking In Romania
Carl Lohmann/Eva Borsody Das
June 10-23, 2007
Are you currently (up to and including the time frame of this proposed trip) leading trips that
are “private,” i.e. not sponsored by the AMC?
Please see <> for the current rules
and schedule for submitting notices for AMC Outdoors. E-mail both the long (150 words
maximum) and short form (50 word maximum) trip announcements to ,
preferably in plain text format, at the same time you submit the trip application. Although the trip
notices travel a different route to the Committee, it helps to have the notices on the web site when
the trip is reviewed.
It your trip notice is somewhat preliminary at this time, that’s OK. You have plenty of
opportunity to change it before the publication deadline. If you don’t want to have the first (long)
notice appear at the normal time – see the above referenced rules – include your special request
in the body of the e-mail containing the trip notices.
After you trip is approved, please check your trip announcements as posted on the Major
Excursions web site: ; we cut-and-paste directly from this site
to AMC Outdoors !
Trips cannot come before the Major Excursions Committee for approval unless the application is
completed and received two weeks prior to MEC meetings for review. The ME Leader’s web site
has the Handbook and all required forms: . As a
minimum we need:
 This application form
 A detailed trip budget/costing form
In addition the following are helpful during the review process, but need only be submitted after
your proposal is accepted:
 50 and 150 word notices for AMC Outdoors
 Trip prospectus – without application forms
Finally, we need to have on file at Joy Street (again, after proposal acceptance)
 A filled out Confidential Medical Form for leader and co-leader
 Copies of first aid certifications for leader and co-leader
We will accept snail mail applications, but electronic forms are preferred. Please save and
forward your electronic documents with the following naming convention:
Leader’s Last Name, Trip destination, Trip Activity (if applicable), Trip Start date.
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Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion
Application Submitted 07/15/16
Something Different: Hiking In Romania
Carl Lohmann/Eva Borsody Das
June 10-23, 2007
For example: Zukroff-New-Zealand-Hiking-12-03-Application.doc
Email should be sent to both of the following two addresses:
Stacia Zukroff, Major Excursions Committee Chair at
Heidi Reilly, AMC Travel Programs Coordinator at
Or, if you unable to send electronically, please mail a single hard copy to:
Heidi Reilly, Appalachian Mountain Club
Five Joy Street, Boston, MA 02108
617-523-0655, x356 (voice) 617-367-8878 (FAX)
By turning in this proposal, you are agreeing to the following:
I have read the Major Excursions Leader Handbook and I agree to follow all policies and
procedures of the Major Excursions Committee and the Appalachian Mountain Club in
preparing for and conducting my major excursion.
Questions? Contact Stacia Zukroff at or 781-648-5503. She can put
you in touch with an experienced MEC mentor who can help you with trip planning.
Revised 06/29/05
Pg. 9 of 9
Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion
Application Submitted 07/15/16